将人とともに together with Masato

For the parents in the world, whose children have autism.

冬休み、一段落した我が家の人生. New year holidays. Hill-top of our family life.

2017年01月12日 | 施設


Our new year week has finished. Owing to my work change, I have had enough time to be with Masato for whole of the 2 weeks, which I could not have for 6 years. We have visited many places that he wanted to go to, reflecting upon his patience at the staying facilities on ordinary weekdays. However I did not get controlled by him especially about the starting time. He did have the patience for that. On average we enjoyed the stay at home in the morning, starting about at 15:00. He did not make any particular panics or troubles on the visiting places. I am very happy he had good self-control. The firefly at Tokyo bay aqualine, Narita international airport, the family hot spring centers which are at Kasukabe or Koshigaya where we lived before.

自分にとってもいい子供帰りが出来た。将人は、先日の療育手帳再判定の際の知能検査では3歳児レベルなんだそうだ。子供を育てることで親も成長すると聞くが、うちの場合は2人揃って成長が止まっている? 他の親御さん方を見ていて本当にそう思う。よく言えば、ピュア、悪く言えば単純、素朴、愚直。

I enjoyed the infantile regression in a good meaning. At the revaluation of his rehabilitation certificate, he was diagnosed as 3 year-old boy in terms of Intellectual growth. I hear we grow as we raise our children. I think we are retarded, including me. I truly feel it, seeing other parents. Pure, and also simple, rough, foolishly honest.


I have got what I could get. About what I could not get, I have become ready to satisfy myself that they are beyond me. I can now convince myself that I will be able to get them in the next world if I could be born again. Masato has already grown enough for my satisfaction. He lives already at the facility where he can stay long even if I die. I don't have any worries about his marriage or how to communicate with our new relatives of daughter-in law, like the other fathers. Frankly speaking, I don't have to work anymore now after the retirement, although I work sometimes as a part-time job. I have some money before I get at the age when I can get pension. I feel that we have reached the hill-top of the life, where we can take a rest and make a plan for the future.


Now the most important thing is that I should survive or live long as long as I can for Masato. Health, freedom and communication are the keywords for us. I think I would like to do something for the world that we have been cherished by and supported by. It is a good volunteer working to pick up garbage on the road-sides, which we have done at his 1st junior high school student.
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