Crab cream sauce spaghetti かにクリームソーススパゲッティー 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

2011-04-10 | My work of art


what you need ★

★かにみそ、かにかま、きのこ、スパゲッティー、牛乳、バター、オリーブオイル、トマト缶  にんにく、塩 パセリか青じそ 白ワイン

Crab butter, crab meat (fake one is okay), any kind of mushroom, spaghetti, milk, butter, olive oil, garlic, salt    Canned chopped tomato percely or aojiso for topping white wine

1. Cook Spaghetti. If the estimated cook time says 7 min, boil only for 5min. always substract 2 min from the instructed time otherwise it will be overcooked. use a big pot to boil and add 3 table sp of slat when boiling

パスタは表示時間から2分ひいた分数ゆでる 大目の水で塩はおおさじ3くらいいれてもいい

2.Heat olive oil and gralic in a skillet, stir in canned tomatos and mushroom.


3.add butter, crab butter, 1cup of milk and stir -  add little bit of white wine and cook for less than one minute.check the taste and add salt or pepper if needed


4.add cooked pasta in and stir once, quickly decorate on a plate.


5.on top of the spaghetti, put crab meat and aojiso. it looks beautiful with the color contrast.





4 コメント

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crab butter? (chuchuchie)
2011-04-11 20:11:57
where can you get the "crab butter"? i've never seen it sold in stores before :/
@ Austina (Dazu)
2011-04-11 20:45:53
its actually かにみそ(kanimiso)、かにkani=crab
you can ask ur husband- when i saw some website kanimiso was translated as crab butter, it has nothing to do with butter- its the brown stuff u can get from the whole crab.( i dont know if its brain, or anything else.... its called kanimiso.)
also my friend in america said she cant get it over there, so i told her she could use the real crab that would give it a real flavor. when you make the sauce you really need the ocean flavor!!
ahh i see! (chuchuchie)
2011-04-16 16:50:49
i just looked it up and NOW i know what it is... ^_^;;

the American side of me is squirming since i was actually taught not to eat the innards of a crab, just the egg/roe, but i think i could try it if i ever have the chance since i actually like sucking out the innards in the head part of shrimp ^_^
yap! (dazu)
2011-04-17 11:40:16
Yap, and its cooked, so its not like its row.. i dont know, if you didnt grow up seeing adults eat things like this its not easy to accept its "yummy" stuff!! hehe visually its not...