Salad- Apple, pumpkin, American meal, Maki Maki party サラダ特集、アメリカン、まきまきパーティー

2011-01-28 | My work of art

NOTE: This is not from the same day.

I cooked these dishes in the past couple of weeks :)


And sorry for the photo size, some photos were taken on my mobile so its hard to see....

  りんご入りグリーンサラダ  "Gargen salad with apple"

I just put a bunch of fresh veggies- at least 3 different kind of Green leaf(regular ball lettuce, spinich, sunny Lettuce, Shiso leaf) two different kind of citrus (yuzu and Lemon) and more.. I love love love Fresh veggies and while staying in America thats what I missed the most! "A varieties of veggies and the change throughout the season" In America, Ready to go salad was so useful and i often bought that- but as long as im in Japan, im going to make my own choice what veggies will go with what, and which season, what about the color, the looks, and the nutrients? its the fun part of cooking in Japan!

アメリカにいるときは、もうバッグに入ってて洗わなくてもきらなくてもいい、ready to go salad をよく買っていました。この季節にはこの果物!とかそういう概念はあまりなく、季節の野菜をつかってサラダ、などの料理があまりみられなかった気がします。日本にいる間は私は思い切りたくさんの食材を使って



 Pumpkin Salad and Chicken Donburi

Pumplin salad- microwave 1/4 pumpkin for 10min. smash it and add 1 cup of milk, and table spoon of butter, salt and pepper! its great for kids too cause its sweet!

Chicken Donburi- i just made it my own way so i dont know if this will work for any of you- !!! sorry, no warranty! hehe  

Daikon, chicken, green onion - you cut them into small pieces (2cm) pour sesami oil or regular veg oil in a pan, fry chicken and daikon for about 5 min. flavor with soy sauce, Mirin or honey or sugar, and sake. I crached an fresh egg yolk on top. (Ive only done this in JAPAN because i know that japanese eggs are meant to use to raw too, but i dont know about other places, so please check if your eggs are fesh and ok to eat uncooked!!! i dont wanna kill anyone!  lol)


 "まきまきパーティー” Maki Maki party! roll roll party! plus あら汁 Ara Jiru (soup with Fish head!) haha

This is just basically a lot of Lettuce, and the rest of the igridience that go in the lettuce.

I prepared Maroni- (rice noodle. i think) some kind of meat ( i did beef and shrimp)

Satumaage (fish paste fry? in Taiwan they call i TEMPUrA which i think its totally wrong haha)   Nira (no idea what you call it in Eng.) its the thin long green veggies from China haha

Now, I loooooooooooooooooooove to make this soup because

1. Fish head is normally a part you through awayso its sooooooooooooooo cheap. I got 鯛 tai, which if you buy one fish of tai it will cost you easy over 1000yen or 3000yen or something. but only head was like 200yen. and it was half price 30 min. before the store closed. thats the best time since almost every fresh stfuff is marked down.

 cause there isnt any meat in it but

actually when you get soup out of it, its ohhhh you dont need any seasoning, really, its the taste of ocean :) wich i think some people hate, but i love. it IS a popular and typica menu in SUSHI restaurant. some expert critiques say "you will be able to judge the sushi when you have a bown of arajiru" which i totally believe!

2. Pretty Easy, but pro TASTE!

You boil fish head with salt. then drain all the water- this is important to keep the fishhy smell away for the soup.

Add fresh water, then pour in Soy sauce , dried seaweed,  and a little bit of Yuzu skin! and done!


What I call "American Meal"

Cambell Clam Chowder(Loved by me and mama)

Toast, fried eggs, and Garden salad!

This was so easy and light!!! so it took me only about 10 min. for the whole thing.

Well, but we all agreed that this was more like !lunch! than dinner so later on we were hungry and shared Curry udon. hahahaha what a eater...... ><;

If i could add one more to this "American Meal", what would you cook?

Chicken? potatos? hmmm pretty difficult!


2 コメント

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arajiru sounds interesting (chuchuchie)
2011-01-28 22:34:42
the fish head soup sounds really good! i wonder if you could use salmon head with it. that way, you could also eat the cheeks! the yummiest part in my opinion :)

i think you can safely say that satsumaage is fried fish paste. if Nira is 韭菜, then i've heard it translated as "Chinese Leeks". i love them in dumplings even if you get really bad breath after you eat them! ^_^;;

if i were to add one more item to your American Meal, i'd add some good old fashioned mashed potatoes(! nothing says American like mashed potatoes! XD
@ Austina (Dazu)
2011-01-28 23:17:41
Thanks!!!! Yah, I wil check the link and make some gooood mashed potatos. I want my kids in the future to experience different kind of food:) Not just japanese, or junk. Of course junk food always taste so good!! thanks for the translation help, sometimes its hard to guess. and i will here put a link about arajiru options!!! enjoy!!
Its in jP but has very good photos!!
Basically you can use any fish!! but the point is to use the head :) most of the times I cannot find salmon head in the supermarket, so i used TAI (sea Bream).
just make sure you boil the fish head with salt first!!!! then you cannot really mess up after that!! high in nutrience, and delicious!