

☆Comment to my younger friend ’s journal (the second one)

2011-06-15 12:44:24 | social
●about working in the UN Refugee Agency

That is a very nice plan, I think.
In the world the gap in income between rich and poor has been winding.

I went to Phnom Pen in Cambodia on business last year.
There are many poor people in Cambodia.

Did you know the news that hundreds feared dead in Cambodian Water Festival last November?
I am very sad to hear the news, because there may be people whom I met before.

By the way when I went to the Phnom Pen, I took the high-rider car.
Do you know the reason why?

When the car we take stops at the signal, someone who seems poor people come closer.
There are children or adults.
Some children try to sell something to us and some adults draw a gun on us to hold up.
So it is very dangerous and we should use the high-rider car.

But I think that many Cambodian are differ from that and are very diligent and the other countries are the same situation.

In fact many Asian countries have promoted economic development in recent years.

As above it is very significant that you will work at the poor countries.
In any case, I am convinced that you will pass the exam and be shine with their country.


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