

☆Eu bebo um cafe sem leite e acucar. ( Journal )

2011-06-20 12:20:05 | social
That sound is sometimes the wake-up call for me.

My wife turns on the coffee machine which is the third machine in my house, so we could use each the coffee machine for about 7 or 8years
And it starts grinding the coffee beans and then makes sounds noisy.

When I often talk about the coffee, it tells to ask where someone is.

It was my sophomore year in university when I met the coffee for real.
After I enjoyed tennis with my friends in ARIAKE tennis coat, we went to Shibuya with my friend’s red sports car made by Matsuda Motors.
And we went into the coffee shop, named Café VESTA at UDAGAWA-CHO in Shibuya.

When I was a university student, there were Colorado , Coffee-KAN and so on well known as coffee shop and were no Starbucks and no Tarry‘s in those days.
The atmosphere in coffee shops is suit for tobacco and that smoke then.

There was Café VESTA in the first basement of Oak village building at UDAGAWA-CHO in Shibuya. And it made me relax and gave me quiet world in Tokyo such as babel city. 
There was also a master likes mountain hermits and his name was MR.IMAMURA, and I has a little tense feeling for him.  

“What do you drink? “ Master said.
I looked at the drink menu , but I didn’t know “Mild” and “French”written in menu.
Off course those were coffee menu, for example French was strong coffee.
But there was only a black tea remorsefully, and I thought the shop said “this is coffee shop! And drink without something” That is self assertiveness of the coffee shop.

“How about bitter one?”
The mater asked to me who did not know the menu and what I had to drink.
“Oh I don’t like bitter one .but“  I said.
“Ok! You may drink Mild” the master decided the coffee I should drink.

Then the master brought the coffee named Mild to my table.
The coffee looked pure and dark brown which I had never seen before.
It was very high quality and expensive, because it cost 450yen then when it was 20years ago.

I drank the coffee “mild” but it was too bitter for me to drink without milk and sugar (with “black” is the same meaning?)

When I finished drinking the coffee, suddenly the master said that you should not drink it with black and you could drink as you liked.

I asked master why he knew that I did not like coffee with black.
Off course I did not say anything about my way of drinking coffee.

But why it is?

“Because when you finished drinking coffee, you swang the coffee cup as if there were some sugar at the bottom of the cup. That is why I think that you always drink a coffee with sugar and milk.”
The master said.

“You bet!” was my reply.

“But Coffee is rich in fiber, so it is sometimes good for you to drink with milk or sugar.” The master said.

From then!
I have drunk the coffee with black, without milk and sugar for 20 years.

And there is not café VESTA in Shibuya now, and I don’t know where the mater is.
I sometimes remember the scene above and want to meet him.

☆Quanto os pedagios de motorway estao no Brasil?

2011-06-20 08:44:06 | social
いわゆる高速道路無料化実験 というのが終わりました。







かつて私がよく訪れていた 神戸六甲山頂付近には保養所がたくさん立ち並んでいましたけれども、いまは相当な過疎化状態なのでしょうね
六甲山で狸出現! とかの話は私が小学生だの中学生だののころにはあまり聞いたことがなかったですものね。

やはりタイミング・・・はきびしいですね・・・ 無料化停止

私のようにほとんど高速道路無料化の恩恵なんか受けていなくても、 無料!がなくなる!となると、そのフィーリングだけで消費抑制か? となりそうです

・ ・・それじゃだめじゃん・・・
お店の単価は下がっているような気がするわ・・・ と言い訳

最近、知り合いで飲食関係の経営 をサイドビジネスだったり、メインでやりはじめたりするひとが増えてきていますが、やはり慎重なうえにも慎重にね。

でも昨日のお昼に再放送されていた、NHKテレビ 鶴瓶の家族に乾杯の松本市編で、お客が結構入っているレストランを経営する、
おかあさんが登場されていましたが、素人?さんでも やりたいことを一所懸命やる! というその熱意が最後はものを言うのですね?



2011-06-20 02:36:39 | social
07:10 from foursquare
これだけの人々が整然とラジオ体操やってるんだからなぁ~ 日本はちからあるはずょ~ 5km jogging in 28min and greet 23people. とラジオ体操~ ミストサウナのような気候のなか、大汗 http://4sq.com/jZ22wZ
09:35 from Twitter for iPhone
かみさんがアムロみたいな歌いかた~っていった Fight together @安室奈美恵 結構好きかも~
11:49 from foursquare
ほんと助かるわ~このスーパー 昼はかき揚げど~んやな 私は~ といいながら、家族から頼まれた一押しレトルトカレーを購入! (@ サミットストア 代沢十字路店) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mcDQOC
14:33 from foursquare
コンマスか~すごいなぁ~とわが子の友人のコンサートへ、またアッシ~くん (@ 目黒パーシモンホール) http://4sq.com/lsQRd0
17:24 from goo
☆Eu bebo um cafe sem leite e acucar. (Journal ) #goo_chappu2004 http://goo.gl/Egz66
18:15 from foursquare
いつものように、1.5km のターニングポイントはここ! 今日二回目のラン。 5km jogging in 29min. さぁ~肉食うで~ (@ 圓乗院) http://4sq.com/k553HJ
19:09 from foursquare
うまみダシに火鍋だし~ さぁ、食うで~ 牛豚~ (@ 温野菜 三宿店) http://4sq.com/k7pUdA
21:25 from foursquare
ここはいつも混んでるなぁ~ (@ 板蕎麦 山灯香) http://4sq.com/jqGCmX
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