Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/24)

2024-06-24 23:25:59 | Translation

Ref.>'23年度税収、70兆円超へ 企業好業績で2年連続大台突破'

>"日本政府、電気料金1キロワット時当たり 3.5円程度補助へ 毎月約1400円の負担軽減"

>'都知事選を控えた蓮舫氏が『マイナンバー法』について質問してブーメランを食らって ダンマリ"のシーンが再び話題に'

>【岸田&蓮舫の終わり方】高市早苗しか総理に向いていない!、立憲はずっと前から事前運動をやっている②【洋一の部屋】高橋洋一 ✕北村晴男(弁護士)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/24)


> プーチン & 金正恩会談の怖さをマッハ 20以上で迎撃不能のロシア新型核兵器 "アバンガルド"を例にとって解説した橋本琴絵氏。
> 中・露・北という独裁核保有国に囲まれながら命を守る為の核抑止議論さえ起こらない日本。
> ここまで来た理解不能の "平和ボケ"

Kotoe Hashimoto explains the fear of the Putin-Kim Jong-un meeting by using the example of Russia's new nuclear weapon "Avangard," which flies at over Mach 20 and inpossible to intercept.
There is a real possibility that this technology, which has "no way to shoot it down," could be passed on to N. Korea.
(* Japan) is surrounded by authoritarian nuclear powers of China, Russia and N. Korea, nevertheless there is no discussion of nuclear deterrence to protect lives.
The ununderstandable "peace at any cost mindset," that has brought us to this point.



> 27歳でひめゆり学徒隊を率い、後に "沖縄のナイチンゲール"と称された真玉橋ノブさんを産経が取り上げてくれた。
> 戦後、親友となった米人看護婦と共に沖縄復興と看護近代化を導いた。
> 島言葉で "使命"を意味する "すくぶん(職分)"を生涯貫いた壮絶人生。
> 是非多くの方に知ってほしい

The Sankei Shimbun featured Nobu Madanbashi -- who led the Himeyuri Student Corps at 27 years old, and was later described as "Florence Nightingale in Okinawa."
After the war, together with an American nurse who became her best friend, she led the reconstruction of Okinawa and the modernization of nursing.
She lived a spectacular life, remaining true to her "sukubun" (duty), which means "mission" in the island dialect.
I hope many persons to know about her by all means.



> 通常国会が終わり、いよいよ総裁選へ。
> 私は今、3年前のデイリーWiLLの高市早苗氏との対談動画を見直している。
> サイバー攻撃への防御を始め中国への対策を具体的に語っていた高市氏。
> あまりに惜しい3年。
> だが今からでも遅くない。
> 日本はもうこの3年の失敗をくり返してはならない

The regular Diet session was over, and the time has finally come for the LDP presidential election.
I'm now reviewing the Daily-WiLL's conversation-footage with Sanae Takaichi three years ago.
Takaichi spoke specifically about countermeasures against China, including defense against cyber attacks.
The latest Tthree years is really regrettable.
However, it's not too late.
Japan must not repeat the mistake during the past three years.



> 再び日本を国際社会の "センター"に持っていくリーダー。
> レベルが違いすぎる。
> 高須院長も「秀逸な返し技。総理になってほしい」と。
> ご尤も

In response to the Renho's question, "What is the purpose of the My Number system?", Minister Sanae Takaichi gave a perfect response -- "It was created by the Democratic Party administration. Therefore, lawmaker Renho probably knows more about that."
She is a leader, who will once again put Japan at the "center" of the international community.
The level is differenct too much.
Director Takasu also X-posted that "An excellent counter-attack. I hope she becomes prime minister."
He has a point.



> だが当の菅氏は石破氏?河野氏?加藤勝信氏?
> いずれも国家観なき岸田 "亜流"政治家ばかり推す?
> 自身が "思い通り動かせる人"だけですか。
> 岐路に立つ日本で平和ボケ蔓延。
> いい加減にせよ

Former PM Yoshihide Suga said that "A new leader should emerge. A major turning point will be whether or not he or she can bring a sense of renewal.
However, the very person Suga supports Ishiba? Kono? Kato Katsunobu?
Does he support all only Kishida "imitation" politicians without state ideology?
Does he intend to support the ones, who can be manipulated at his will by himself!?
Enough is enough.



> さすがに媚中派だらけの自民党でも「衆院選で勝つには高市早苗しかいない」との声を聞くようになった。
> 今ごろ何?という感じだが、史上初の国政選6連勝を果たした保守岩盤層が自民に愛想を尽かした今、保守岩盤層 "期待の星"高市氏しか「その票を戻せる人はいない」のは当然。
> 答えはとうに出ていますよ

Even in the LDP, which is full of pro-China factions, we are starting to hear voices to say that "Sanae Takaichi is the only one, with whom we will be able to win in the LH general election."
It's like "Now, what are you saying?" In nowadays, when the core conservative base, which achieved an unprecedented six consecutive victories in national elections, has lost patience with the LDP, it's as a matter of course that Takaichi, their "rising star," is the only one who can "win back their votes."
The answer is already clear.


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