Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:[チャンネル正論]. 自民・川松都議 都知事選めぐるデマに答えます

2024-06-25 05:31:13 | Translation

Ref.>"「NHK党」選挙ポスター19枚破かれる 新宿・歌舞伎町"





↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Shinichiro Kawamatsu (LDP) answers on the false rumors over the Tokyo gubernatorial election

>"[チャンネル正論]. 自民・川松都議 都知事選めぐるデマに答えます"

> 東京都知事選(7月7日投開票)で、蓮舫候補が「争点」と明言しているのが神宮外苑の再開発問題だ。
> この問題をめぐり「X」上で共産党都議から絡まれている自民党の川松真一朗都議が「何が正しく何がデマかをハッキリさせたい」と、チャンネル「正論」で説明する。
> 聞き手は月刊「正論」発行人有元隆志。

In the Tokyo gubernatorial election (vote casting and counting on July 7), what candidate Renho has stated that the "main issue" is the redevelopment of Jingu Gaien.
Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Shinichiro Kawamatsu (LDP), who has been harassed by the JCP member(s) on "X" over this issue, explaines that in the following footage of channel "Seiron," saying that "I want to make it clear what is correct and what is false rumor."
The interviewer is Takashi Arimoto, publisher of the monthly "Seiron" (who is a former director of the political dept. of The Sankei Shimbun).

> 自民・川松都議 都知事選めぐるデマに答えます

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