Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/16)

2024-05-16 23:18:59 | Translation

Ref.>"【時事調査】内閣支持、微増の18.7% 裏金対応、7割超評価せず"

> 山口アイ【初ゲスト】門田隆将と安倍元総理の後継者高市早苗氏に託す未来を徹底討論!【山口インテリジェンスアイ】山口敬之×門田隆将

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/16)


> 埼玉県川口市でクルド人の "子供率"が 20%で突出しているそうだ。
> 家族帯同で難民申請をくり返し、出産で "事実上の移民化"に、と産経スクープ。
> 1位クルド人 20%、2位中国人 8.8%、3位日本人 7.1%…
> 全国より早く進む移民の街・川口は "未来の日本の縮図"。
> いかに警鐘を鳴らしても移民大国化を崩さない亡国政権

In Kawaguchi City, Saitama Pref., the Kurdish "child ratio" is allegedly outstanding at 20%.
According to the scoop by The Sankei Shimbun, they repeatedly apply for refugee status with their families and become "de facto immigrants" due to reproduction.
The 1st place is Kurdish 20%, 2nd place Chinese 8.8%, 3rd place Japanese 7.1%...
Kawaguchi, a town where immigrants are moving faster than the rest of the country, is a "microcosm of future Japan."
The country ruining administration, that refuses to change its policy aiming to be an immigrant powerhouse, no matter how much alarm bells are rung.



> 本日の衆院法務委で岸田首相は "育成就労制度"に「外国人材の獲得競争が激化する中でも日本が選ばれるよう受入れ制度の魅力を向上させる必要がある」と。
> は?
> ではメルケル時代のツケを払う今のドイツの惨状を見て下さい。
> 総人口約 8400万人で、イスラム教徒がうち 6.6%、約 550万人に到達。
> 日本をこんな国に?
> ツケを払うのは "未来の日本人"ですよ

At today's LH Judiciary Committee meeting, PM Kishida said about the "developmental employment system" (correct name in English is unknown) that "Even as competition for foreign human resources intensifies, we need to improve the attractiveness of our acceptance system so that Japan will be chosen."
If so, take a look at the current terrible situation in Germany, which is paying the price of the Merkel era.
The total population is about 84 million, of which Muslims reach 6.6%, or about 5.5 million.
Are you planning to make Japan into a country like this!?
It is the "Japanese in the future" who will pay the price.



> 本日の産経 阿比留瑠比氏の『>"極言御免"』に暗殺前夜の安倍元首相と阿比留氏との電話の中身が記されている。
> 長野県での演説予定が奈良に変更された理由だ。
> そしてこれらを放置し続けた警察の弱腰がいかに問題か。
> 改めて考えさせられる

In [Sorry for extreme wording by Rui Abiru] in The Sankei Shimbun today, the contents of the telephone talks between former PM Abe and Abiru on the eve of his assassination is noted.
It's the reason why the speech scheduled for Nagano Pref. was changed to Nara.
How sinful is it to interfere in elections under the imperial banner of "freedom of expression"?
And how problematic is the weakness of the police, who have continuously left those issues untauched.
It makes me think about that again.



> 夕刊フジが「保守層に人気が高い高市早苗氏に全国で講演する機会が増えている。作家でジャーナリストの門田隆将氏とのダブル講演会は盛況で、昨年12月の福岡市では約1000人、4月の大阪市では約 2000人、5月の高知市では約1000人を集めた。門田氏は "日本を救える唯一の政治家"と聴衆に訴えている」と。
> 有難い。
> 国政選6連勝を成し遂げた保守・現実層 "唯一の希望"を自民議員はいつ理解するのか

Evening Newspaper Fuji reported that 'Sanae Takaichi, who is popular among conservatives, is increasingly being given lectures across the country. Her double lectures with author doubling journalist Takamasa Kadota are fired up. Approx. 1,000 persons gathered in Fukuoka City last December, approx. 2,000 ones in Osaka City in April, and approx. 1,000 ones in Kochi City in May. Kadota appeals to the audience that "the only politician who can save Japan".'
It's grateful.
When will LDP members understand the "only hope" of the conservative & pragmatist class, who won six consecutive national elections?




> 6月2日の広島大会のあとは、6月16日唐津シーサイド Hで佐賀大会。
>「佐賀県の皆様。高市さん、門田さんの講演会聞いて見ませんか?私は大阪 2000人大会へ行って来ました。高市さん、門田さんのお話に涙を流す方も多くいらっしゃいました。高市さんの言葉は私達に勇気を与えました」と。
> 有難うございます!

After the Hiroshima rally on June 2nd, the Saga rally will be held at Karatsu Seaside H on June 16.
It's said that "Everyone in Saga Pref. How about listening to the lecture by LH lawmaker Takaichi (LDP) and Kadota!? I went to the Osaka 2,000 ones rally. Many persons shed tears when they heard Takaichi- and Kadota's talks. Takaichi's words encourage us."
Thank you very much!

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