Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 5/16)

2024-05-16 19:58:17 | Translation

Ref.>"「永住資格取り消しの新制度に反対」 署名4万筆を法務省に提出"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/16)


> 永住外国人から、「安心して日本に住めなくなる」などの声が多数寄せられているという。
> 私は永住資格ないが、不安になることないけど?🙄
> 一体何を想定して暮らしてる?

"We oppose the new system for revoking permanent resident status."
A NPO submits signatures to the Ministry of Justice regarding the amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Many permanent foreign residents allegedly complaine that they will no longer be able to live in Japan with peace of mind.
Even though I don't have permanent resident status, I don't feel anxious!?🙄 On earth, what do you assume while living in Japan!?

>"「永住資格取り消しの新制度に反対」 入管難民法改正案をめぐり、NPO法人が署名4万筆を法務省に提出"

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