Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 1/27)

2024-01-27 22:34:21 | Translation


>"経団連トップら中国到着「協力関係のいっそうの拡大と進化をはかってまいりたい」→ 井川意高さん「中国美女は 美味しかったかい?」"

>"茂木「安倍派幹部らに自発的な離党や議員辞職を求める」⇒ 安倍派「議員辞職?ふざけるな!岸田首相にも言えるのか!」⇒ ネットの反応「そりゃそうなるわな」「茂木も人徳ないのにそんな強気で大丈夫か?」"

> スパイ防止法に反対する人って、スパイ?小野田紀美 議員 目力で勝つ【まつりごとCH】【小野田紀美】【スパイ防止法】【護る会】【防衛】【安全保障】【外交】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/27)


> 参院の外交防衛委員会の委員長に抜擢された小野田紀美議員は "直球"政治家。
> スパイ防止法に対して「スパイ防止法に反対するのはスパイじゃないんですか?」とド真ん中の疑問。
> スパイ防止法どころかスパイ罪も存在しない日本で彼の国はやり放題。
> 今や国家存亡の問題なのに平和と命を守る抑止力さえ構築できない日本。
> 小野田氏や高市早苗氏ら日本を守り抜いてくれる女性に "次"を託したい

UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP), who is appointed as the chairperson of the UH Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, is a "straightforward" politician.
Regarding an anti-espionage act, she questioned that candidly that "Are those who oppose an anti-espionage act are spies, aren't they?"
In Japan without an anti-espionage law or even espionage charges, that country (* China & N. Korea!?) can do whatever it wants.
Even though it is a matter of national survival in nowadays, Japan is unable to even build a "deterrent force" to defend peace and lives.
I want to entrust the next role to females who will thoroughly defend Japan, such as Onoda and LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP).



> 次々と明かされる自衛隊の待遇の悪さ。
> 装備品がボロボロのまま被災地支援をさせ、極寒の中での激しい任務に特勤手当は日額わずか1620円。
> そして防衛省の会計課長は未だ財務省の出向者で予算支出を渋っている…
> この状態で国が危機に陥ったら "命を張れ"と?
> 冗談も大概にせよ
> #正義のミカタ

The poor treatment of the SDF members is revealed one after another.
Despite having to support disaster-stricken areas with worn-out equipment and intense work in the freezing cold, the special duty allowance was only \1,620 per day.
Even worse, the head of the Ministry of Defense's accounting section chief is still a seconded one from the Ministry of Finance who is still reluctant to make budgetary expenditures...
If the country is in crisis even though in such conditions, will you order them to "risk your life"?
No kidding anymore.
# Knight in shining armour.



> 低賃金で働く外国人移民を促進する岸田政権。
> 欧州の失敗も我、関せず。
> 財界や中国に要求されたら何でもハイ、ハイと聞いてしまう国家観なき領袖を戴く日本国民の悲哀。
> 遂に "特定技能"対象に自動車運送業や林業など4分野追加。
> 政治資金問題でも分るように "その場しのぎ"しかない首相。
> 日本が溶けていく

The Kishida administration that promotes foreign immigration who work for low wages.
He takes stance of "I have nothing to do with it" in response to the failures in Europe.
It is the sorrow of the Japanese nationals to have a leader with no sense of state ideology, who accepts the demands of the business cirle and China while saying "OK, OK."
Finally, four fields, including automobile transportation and forestry, are added to the range of "specific skills."
The PM who has only "stopgap" as we can seen in the political funding issue.


>"外国人材特定技能、運転手など4分野追加へ 駅員も検討"


> 麻生派は一部に離脱の動きがあっても動揺が少ない。
> だが派閥領袖に人望も見識もない茂木派は空中分解の様相を呈し始めた。
> 党内でも清和会幹部への離党勧告問題で求心力低下の茂木幹事長。
>"大笑い"から一転 "奈落の底"へ?

Even though some show their will to leave the faction, the Aso faction remains relatively unperturbed.
Taro Aso said that "The faction needs to further study as a policy group."
However, the Motegi faction, whose leader has neither popularity nor insight, has begun to show indications of disintegrating in the air.
Even within the party, Secretary General Motegi's centripetal force has declined due to the issue of recommending Seiwakai executives to leave the party.
A sudden change from "loud laughter" to "the abyss"?


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