Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;自民9候補が共同記者会見へ 政治改革、解雇規制で論戦

2024-09-13 05:41:46 | Translation

Ref.>"【話題】日本じゃありえない… ハンガリーの少子化対策"


>"【議論終了】スリランカ出身男性「イスラム教では 死んだら火葬は絶対してはいけない」→ 「日本では死んだら、土葬は絶対してはいけない」"

>"<東京新聞> 立民代表選の候補者が「現実路線」と声をそろえる危うさ 原発も安全保障も継続性重視、支持層離れ大丈夫? ⇒ ネットの反応「我らサヨクを見捨てるな! と言いたいの?w」「もう政党支持率4%だから心配すんな」"


Translation; Debate over political reforms & dismissal regulations = nine LDP candidates will hold a joint press conference

>"自民9候補が共同記者会見へ 政治改革、解雇規制で論戦"

> 自民党は13日午後、党総裁選候補者による共同記者会見を党本部で開く。
> 過去最多9人の候補者が派閥裏金事件を受けた政治改革や労働市場の流動化に向けた解雇規制緩和、物価高対策を含む経済政策などについて論戦を交わす。
> 12日の告示を受け、各候補は政策発信を強め、活動を活発化させた。

On Sept. 13 afternoon, the LDP will hold a joint press conference at party headquarters by candidates for the party's presidential election.
A record largest nine candidates will debate topics such as "political reform in response to the factional slush fund scandal," "relaxing dismissal regulations to make the labor market more fluid" and "economic policies including counter-measures to high prices."
Following the election-announcement on Sept. 12, the candidates have stepped up their policy dissemination and intensified their activities.

> 総裁選に出馬したのは高市早苗経済安全保障担当相(63)、小林鷹之前経済安保相(49)、林芳正官房長官(63)、小泉進次郎元環境相(43)、上川陽子外相(71)、加藤勝信元官房長官(68)、河野太郎デジタル相(61)、石破茂元幹事長(67)、茂木敏充幹事長(68)の9人。
Nine candidates have ran in the LDP presidential election: Minister of State for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi (63), former Minister of Economic and Security Takayuki Kobayashi (49), Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi (63), former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi (43), Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa (71), former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato (68), Minister of Digital Affairs Taro Kono (61), former Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba (67) and Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi (68).

> 会見に先立ち、小林氏は地元の千葉県習志野市で街頭演説。
> 林、小泉、加藤各氏は全国知事会から政策要望を個別に受ける。
> 石破氏は支援議員との会合を国会内で開く。
> 党内情勢などを巡り意見交換するとみられる。
> 午前の閣議後、林氏は官房長官記者会見、上川氏は外相会見に臨む。
> 午後には候補者のテレビ討論会なども予定されている。

In prior to the press conference, Kobayashi will make a street speech in his hometown, Narashino City in Chiba Pref.
Hayashi, Koizumi and Kato will each receive policy requests from the National Governors' Association.
Ishiba will hold a meeting with supporting lawmakers in the Diet.
They are forecasted to exchange opinions on the intra-party situation, etc.
After the morning Cabinet meeting, Hayashi will hold a CCS press briefing, and Kamikawa will hold a FM press briefing.
A TV debate among the candidates is also scheduled in the afternoon.

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