Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;ローマ教皇、シンガポールでミサ 多民族国家、調和を呼びかけ

2024-09-13 07:02:24 | Translation






* It's the Rising Sun Flag, Pope Francis is therefore neto-uyo (* online rightst)!!!
Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk, it's now therefore your turn!!!

Translation; Pope Francis held a mass in multi-ethnic state Singapore, and will call for harmony

>"ローマ教皇、シンガポールでミサ 多民族国家、調和を呼びかけ"

> ローマ教皇フランシスコ(87)は12日、アジア・オセアニア4カ国歴訪の最後の訪問地シンガポールで約5万人を集めてミサを執り行った。
> シンガポールの高度な経済発展を挙げ「お金や技術が大切だと思うかもしれないが、本当に大切なものは愛だ」と述べた。
> 3日間の滞在中、多民族国家のシンガポールで、さまざまな宗教を信仰する若者を集めた対話も行い、調和を呼びかける。

On Sept. 12, Pope Francis (87) held a mass in Singapore, the final stop on his 4-country tour in Asia & Oceania regions, in which he gathered some 50,000 persons.
Citing Singapore's sophisticated economic development, he said that "You may think that what does matter is money and technology, but what really does matter is love."
During his 3-day stay, he will hold a dialogue with youngsters of various religions in the multi-ethnic state of Singapore, and call for harmony.

> 教皇はミサで、発展の陰には「地域社会で団結した人々や国に貢献した市民らの知られざる愛の物語がある」と話した。
> 教皇のシンガポール訪問は1986年の故ヨハネ・パウロ2世以来。

The pope said at the mass that there was "untold stories of love of persons who united in communities and citizens who contributed to their state" behind Singapore's development.
This is the 1st papal visit to Singapore since the late Pope John Paul II in 1986.

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