Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:日本発の虚構だった 『反日種族主義 「慰安婦問題」最終結論』朱益鍾著

2024-07-07 10:29:23 | Translation


>"Comfort Women Issue Focus of Tokyo Symposium With Views from 3 Countries"

>"INTERVIEW | Dr Ju Ik-jong on the Comfort Women History and His Challenge to Left-Leaning Scholars"


>【日本の窮状】帰化した議員は公表すべき 日本を守る10の方策

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; It’s a fiction originated in Japan = [Anti Japan Tribalism. Final Conclusion of "Comfort Women Issue"] authored by Dr. Ju Ik-jong

>"日本発の虚構だった 『反日種族主義 「慰安婦問題」最終結論』朱益鍾著"

>『>"反日種族主義 「慰安婦問題」最終結論"』 朱益鍾著(文芸春秋・2420円)
[Anti Japan Tribalism. Final Conclusion of "Comfort Women Issue"](correct title in English is unknown, Dr. Ju Ik-jong, Bungeishunju Ltd, \2,420)

> 本書は韓国で経済史を研究してきた著者が、膨大な資料を実証的に研究し、強制連行など慰安婦問題の大半が虚構と歪曲だと立証したものである。
> 索引も含め 480ページを超す大著だが、その行間からは「これでもか」というような著者の強い思いが感じられる。
> この問題で日本を批判してきた勢力の議論が極めてずさんなものだっただけに、ファクトに基づく本書はまさに「最終結論」となるだろう。

This book is the one, in which the author, who has studied economic history in S. Korea, empirically studied a vast amount of materials and proved that most of the comfort women issue, including forceful taking away, are fabrications and distortions.
Including the index, it is a massive work of over 480 pages, and between the lines, we can sense the author's strong feelings like "isn't it enough!?".
Given that the arguments made by those who have criticized Japan on this issue have been extremely sloppy, this fact-based book will truly be the "final conclusion."

> 慰安婦問題が1980年代から持ち出されてきたのは、私は偶然だと思っていたのだが、本書を読むと、軍人であれ官吏であれ業者であれ慰安婦と直接関わった経験のある人間が少なくなっていたことが、逆にプロパガンダの温床を作ったことが分かる。
> 本書にも度々引用されている西岡力氏が昔から言っていたことだが、慰安婦問題が日本側で作られたものだったことも再認識させられた。

I thought that it was a coincidence that CW issue only started to be brought up since the 1980s. However, by reading this book, I understand that the fact that the number of persons -- who were directly involved with CW, no matter they were military personnel, government officials or business people -- became fewer actually created a breeding ground for the propaganda.
This is what Tsutomu Nishioka, who is frequently quoted in this book, has said for a long time, I was also reminded that the CW issue is the one created in the Japanese side.

> これと「性奴隷」という言葉、吉田清治の「慰安婦狩り」証言、考えてみれば全てが日本発である。

I heard that the term "comfort women" was coined by the writer Kako Senda.
Although there was a term "CW," there wasn't a term "military CW."
In addition, the term "sex slaves" and "Seiji Yoshida's testimonies about "CW hunting" -- when I think about them, all are originated in Japan.

>"文科省の中学教科書検定結果に異論 識者が批判する従軍慰安婦の呼称復活"

> 韓国では、野党などが慰安婦問題について実証的研究すら封じる法律を制定しようとしていると聞く。
> 一般国民も大多数は慰安婦強制連行を真実だと思っている。
> その中で、本書のような主張をするのは大変だったと思うだけに、やり抜いた著者の努力は尊敬に値する。

I have heard that, in S. Korea, the opposition party(s) and so on have been trying to enact a law, that will block even any empirical research into CW issue.
The vast majority of ordinary nationals also think that the forceful taking away of CW was a truth.
In such situation, I think that it must be difficult to make the claims like made in this book. That is the reason why the author's efforts to have consistenly carried it out is worth to be respected.

> 一方で、私たちの「敵」がまた別のゴールポストを作ろうとしていることも、肝に銘じておくべきだと感じた。
> 日本と韓国の左派勢力にとって、日本を攻撃し、日韓関係を悪化させられるなら題材は何でもよいのだろう。
> 本書を読んで、改めて気を引き締めるべきだと痛感した。

Meanwhile, I felt that we should also bear in mind that our "enemies" have been attempting to create another goalpost.
It's "forced labor" theory, which emerged simoultaneously that "CW forceful taking away" was started to be doubted, over Hashima coal mine (* aka Battleship Island) and the "gold mines on Sado Island" whicn is aimed to be listed on UNESCO WCH.
For leftist forces in Japan and S. Korea, maybe any subject is acceptable as long as it can be used by them to attack Japan and deteriorate Japan-S. Korea relations.
After reading this book, I once again keenly felt that we should to be on alert.

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