Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;慰安婦国際シンポで日米韓の研究者らが議論 李栄薫氏「性奴隷説の実証的根拠確認できず」

2024-07-11 06:53:30 | Translation


>"日本発の虚構だった 『反日種族主義 「慰安婦問題」最終結論』朱益鍾著"

>【ライブ】第三回 慰安婦問題を巡る国際問題シンポジウム 2024 ラムザイヤー教授他 令和6年7月10日 10:30~

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "No empirical evidence for the sex slavery theory could be found," Lee Yong-hoon expressed so = Researchers and so on from the U.S., Japan and S. Korea discussed at an international symposium abou CW issue

>"慰安婦国際シンポで日米韓の研究者らが議論 李栄薫氏「性奴隷説の実証的根拠確認できず」"

> 慰安婦問題を巡る国際シンポジウム(>"国際歴史論戦研究所"主催)が10日、東京都内で開かれ、日米韓の研究者らが、日韓関係や両国の社会、教育に慰安婦問題が及ぼした影響などを議論した。
On July 10, an international symposium on comfort women issue (hosted by iRICH (International Research Institute of Controversial Histories)) was held in Tokyo. Researchers and so on from the U.S., Japan and S. Korea discussed the impact of CW issue on Japan-S. Korea relations and on society and education in both countries, etc.

> 韓国の李承晩学堂校長で、日韓でベストセラーになった『反日種族主義』の編著者の李栄薫氏が基調講演し、同書収録の慰安婦に関する論文の作成過程で「既存の研究者たちが主張してきた強制連行説や性奴隷説にふさわしい、いかなる実証的根拠も確認できなかった」と述べた。
Lee Yong-hoon (* former Prof. emeritus at Seoul National University) -- President of the "Rhee Syngman school" in S. Korea, who is editor & author of the bestseller in both Japan and S. Korea [Anti-Japan Tribalism] -- made a keynote lecture. He said that "No empirical evidences could be found to support the theories of forceful taking away and sexual slavery, that existing researchers have asserted" in the making process of reportes about CW included in the book.

> 李氏はその上で、慰安婦は民間の娼妓と同様、「貧賤階層の親権者が、周旋業者から相当金額の前借金を受けて娘の慰安婦就業を承認した年季労働契約の結果、売春業に進出した女性だった」と指摘。

After that, Lee Yong-hoon pointed out that, like prostitutes in private sector, "comfort women were females who entered the prostitution industry as a result of indentured labor contracts, which parents in poor and low class with authority approved their daughters' employment as comfort women after receiving a substantial loan in advance from brokers."
He explained that "Most of the females left the comfort stations and started new lives, either after paying off their loans or when their contracts expired."

> 慰安婦は「性奴隷」ではなく前借金と労働期間をセットにした年季奉公契約を慰安所側と結んでいたことを学術論文で示した米ハーバード大のマーク・ラムザイヤー教授も講演。
> 同氏は、論文の撤回を求め個人攻撃をしてきた米国の日本史研究者らについて「彼らは日本の文献を読んでいない。これが米国の日本研究の状態だと考えていただきたい」と指摘し、「学者というより人間としての責任として、真実しか言わない、真実しか書かない、攻撃されても絶対謝らないことだ」と語った。

Prof. John Mark Ramseyer at Harvard Law School -- in his academic paper, who showed that CW were not "sex slaves," but they had indentured servitude contracts with the comfort stations side, in which money in advance and period of work were setted -- also lectured.
Concerning U.S. researchers of Japanese history, who have called for the paper to be retracted and attacked him personally, he pointed out that "They have not read Japanese literature. I would like you to think that this is the state of study about Japan in the U.S." And he said that "As responsibility of human beings, rather than as scholars, what does matter is only saying and writing the truth, and never apologize even if we are attacked."

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