Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 7/7)

2024-07-07 18:03:02 | Translation




> 都知事選 午後2時の推定投票率 23.10% 前回比 2.4ポイントアップ(2024年7月7日)

Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 7/7)


> 本日は東京都知事選の投開票日🗳️
> 最後の最後まで投票を呼びかけ、応援している候補を押し上げたい気持ちはよくわかります。
> しかし投票日当日の特定候補への投票呼びかけは公職選挙法では禁止されているんです🙅‍♀️
> 前回の都知事選では共産党や立憲が応援する候補が宇都宮さんという人でした。
> 投票日当日唐突に「宇都宮餃子が食べたい🥟」と投稿した国家議員がいました。
> 投票の呼びかけでないと言いますが、言い訳がましく、下らない、内輪ノリにしかならず票も伸びません。
> すでに街角には Rと書いたステッカーなどが貼られているようですが、軽犯罪法違反、場合によっては器物損壊罪になる場合も(T_T)
> 投票箱が閉まる 20:00までは特定候補の投稿はしない方が良いですね🐬🌸
> 投票日当日は住まいのエリアの決められた投票所でしか投票することができません。
> 投票日和のいいお天気☀️🤍
> ぜひみんな投票に行きましょう!
> 私は既に期日前投票で投票を済ませました(👍🏻' ')👍🏻 ̖́-

Today is the day of vote casting and counting in the Tokyo gubernatorial election🗳️
I understand your intention well enough to call for vote casting until the very end and to push the candidate you support.
However, calling for vote casting for a specific candidate on the day of the election is prohibited by the Public Offices Election Act🙅‍♀️
In the last Tokyo gubernatorial election, the candidate supported by the JCP and the CDPJ was a male named "(* Kenji) Utsunomiya."
On the day of the election, there was a national lawmaker suddenly tweeted (* now X) that "I want to eat Utsunomiya gyoza🥟."
He explained that it's not an appeal for vote casting. However, it's just an excuse, worthless, nothing more than an inside joke, an even couldn't increase the vote number.
It seems that stickers and so on with a letter R are already posted on street corners. However, it's a minor offense, and in some cases it may be considered "criminal damage"(T_T)
You had better not to post about a specific candidate until the ballot box will be closes at 20:00 pm🐬🌸
On the day of the election, you can only vote at a designated polling station in your area of ​​residence.
The weather is fine and suitable for vote casting☀️🤍
Everybody, please go and vote!
I've already voted in advance(👍🏻' ')👍🏻 ̖́-

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