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2011-06-10 | ニュース翻訳
Sure, It's Sleazy. But Is It Illegal?
by Alan Greenblatt
June 8, 2011
Politicians caught up in sex scandals have something more to look forward to than embarrassment and potential loss of office. They may face legal scrutiny as well.
セックススキャンダルを暴露された政治家達は恥辱や彼らの事務所の潜在的な損失以上のものを覚悟している。 さらに、彼らは法的な精査を受けるかもしれない。

Enlarge Gerry Broome/AP
Former presidential candidate John Edwards leaves federal court in North Carolina last week.
"The partisans on both sides no longer seem satisfied to have a scandalized opponent brought to the public square for a tar-and-feather session," says Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. "The public, or some of it, wants to pursue legal charges against certified political sleazebags."
Rep. Anthony Weiner, the New York Democrat whose inappropriate self-portraits have dominated news coverage over the past couple of weeks, will now be the subject of an official House investigation. The ethics committee will look into questions of whether he used office equipment to send out pictures of himself or directed staff to coach women on their statements.
The Weiner inquiry comes in the wake of last Friday's indictment of former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards for alleged campaign finance violations regarding payments to his mistress. Last month, Nevada Republican John Ensign resigned his Senate seat in the face of investigations by the Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee into payments made to his mistress.
ウィーナー氏の調査は、前ノースカロライナ上院議員で民主党の大統領候補でもあるジョン・エドワード氏が選挙キャンペーン資金を違法に愛人に支払ったとした先週の金曜日の告訴に続くものである。 また、先月にはネバダ州の共和党議員であるジョン・エンスンが愛人への支払問題で法務省と上院倫理委員会による調査を受けて上院議員を辞職した。
Though the real offense may be sex, the investigations often center on tangential misdeeds like financial improprieties. "The pattern makes a pretty strong case that people are more willing than in the past to think about sex scandals in terms of the criminal laws that may have been violated," says Benjamin Wittes, senior fellow and research director in public law at the Brookings Institution. "We have a string — a rather long string — of cases in which the nonsexual misconduct associated with extramarital affairs does seem to be at least considered in the rubric of possible criminal, professional and ethical violations."
本当の罪状はセックススキャンダルであるが、調査は往々にして財務上の不正など法的逸脱行為に重点がおかれている。 このパターンは人々がこれまでよりも、より好んでセックススキャンダルを、その案件が抵触している刑事法の観点で考えていることを強く表している。 我々は一連の、それも寧ろかなり長い一連の事件を経験している。それらのケースではセックス絡みでない不倫でも、少なくとも刑事上、職務上そして倫理上の違法性があるという見出しのもとで取り扱われているようだ、とブルックリン研究所の公法リサーチ部長でシニアフェローでもあるベンジャミン・ウィッツ氏は語っている。
Dating Back To Clinton  クリントンに遡る
It wasn't always so. Politicians used to be able to count on a good deal of discretion from what is now known as the mainstream media. News of their affairs wasn't likely to emerge unless some editors decided they had somehow violated the public trust or broken the law.
しかし、それはいつでもそうではなかった。 政治家はかって、メディアの主流として知られているものから、かなりの自主裁量権を発揮することができた。彼らのスキャンダルのニュースは、メディアの編集長が、それらがともかく公的な信用を損なっているか或いは法を侵していると決定しない限り扱われることはなかった。
Crime And Punishment 罪と罰
Mark Sanford: After his affair with an Argentine woman was exposed in 2009, the Republican governor of South Carolina reimbursed the state for travel expenses. An impeachment resolution was blocked but the state House voted to censure him in 2010. Sanford was term-limited out of office as of January.
マーク・サンフォード: 2009年にアルゼンチンの女性との関係が暴露された後、このサウスカロライナの共和党知事は旅費を国庫に返納した。彼に対する弾劾決議は阻止されたが、州議会は2010年に投票で知事を非難し、彼は1月時点で期限付きの休職となった。
Eliot Spitzer: In 2008, a U.S. attorney's office announced it had found no evidence of misuse of public funds and therefore would not pursue criminal charges against the former New York governor. The Democrat had resigned eight months earlier when it was revealed he had used the services of a prostitution ring.
エリオット・スピツァ: 2008年に米国の弁護士事務所は公的な資金の不正使用の証拠が見つからなかったとして前ニューヨーク知事に対する刑事訴追をしないことを発表した。当人はそれに先立つこと8か月、売春のサービスを利用したことが明るみにでて辞職した。
David Vitter: The Louisiana Republican senator faced an ethics complaint in 2007 after turning up in the phone records of a prostitution ring. The statute of limitations had passed, so he faced no criminal charges. He was re-elected in 2010.
デイビッド・ヴィッター: ルイジアナの共和党上院議員は2007年に売春組織の電話記録が明るみに出て倫理告訴されたが、公訴時効により刑事罰は課せられず、2010年に再選された。
Mark Foley: Both the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted investigations into the Florida Republican's sexually explicit emails. Neither found criminal wrongdoing, but FDLE complained that Foley and the House had kept them from examining computers and "critical data." Foley had resigned the day news of the emails broke, in 2006.
マーク・フォレィ:FBIとフロリダ州司法課の両方がフロリダの共和党議員の露骨な性的メールを調査を実施、いずれも犯罪行為は見つけることができなかったが、フロリダ州司法課はフォレィと議会はコンピュータと重要なデータを調査させなかったとして告発した。 フォレィ氏は2006年に、このEメールがニュースで出た日に辞職した。
— Alan Greenblatt
Even those whose affairs were exposed were not generally subject to official investigation. "Going back to Gary Hart, I don't think anyone suggested at any point that there be an investigation into his behavior for inappropriate conduct as a U.S. senator," says Tom Fiedler, dean of the College of Communication at Boston University.
As an editor at the Miami Herald, Fiedler helped break the story of Hart's affair with Donna Rice, which sank the Colorado Democrat's shot at the presidency in 1988.
A decade later, during the long investigation and eventual impeachment of President Bill Clinton for lying about sex with a White House intern, independent counsel Kenneth Starr was subject to considerable criticism in the popular media and even law review articles for his zealous pursuit of the matter, which grew out of an investigation that initially turned on a land deal.
独立系の顧問であるケニス・スターは、10年後に、クリントン大統領についての長期間にわたる調査とホワイトハウスのインターン生とのセックスについて嘘の証言をしたとして大統領に対する最終的弾劾の間中、その執拗な追及を大手メディアやローレビューの記事で厳しい批判に晒され続けてきた。 その事件は、もともとは土地取引の不正調査から出てきた副産物であった。
Starr was castigated as being partisan, vindictive and "gratuitously prurient," in the words of Joe Klein, now a columnist with Time. Many people thought that Starr had unfairly turned a personal failing into fodder for unnecessary investigation. In his autobiography, Clinton happily cites Starr's poor showing in polls at the time.
スター氏は狂信的でかつ悪意に満ち、そして根拠もなく猥褻(現在はタイムのコラムニストになっているジョー・クラインの表現)として厳しく批判された。多くの人々は、スター氏は不当に個人の弱点を不必要な調査ための止め処もない資料にしたと考えていた。 クリントンは、その自伝のなかで、スター氏の当時の低い世論調査結果を嬉々として引用している。
Setting The Precedent  前例をつくる
But despite the lambasting that he took, Starr helped change expectations about whether such matters are fit subjects for prosecution, says Wittes, author of a book about Starr's investigation.
"The legal precedent was set by the impeachment," says Fiedler, the Boston University dean. "What we are seeing are more aggressive efforts to link what previously might have been thought to be terrible judgment relating to somebody's sexual proclivities to legal wrongdoing."
There may also be political motivations involved in pressing for prosecution, suggests Sabato, the University of Virginia government professor. A politician's tearful news conference "doesn't last long enough," he says. A legal investigation — or even the threat of one — can keep a story that is damaging to a politician and his party in the news for days or weeks to come.
That may be why California Democrats, for instance, called for an investigation into questions of whether former GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had abused his office in any way regarding to the child he fathered out of wedlock, says Fiedler.
The public, or some of it, wants to pursue legal charges against certified political sleazebags.
- Larry Sabato, University of Virginia  ラリー・サボト ヴァージニア大学
"What's driving this particular issue is the desire to continue to keep these issues in front of the public," he says. "As long as the media is fixated right now on Weiner, in many ways that keeps the Democrats back on their heels. That's a good thing for Republicans."
これらの独特の問題追求を駆り立てているものは、これらの問題を公衆の面前で晒していたいという欲求なのです。 メディアが今ウィーナー氏の問題に異常に固執し続けている限り、いろんな方向から、この件は民主党を困らせ続けるし、それは共和党にとって都合のよいことでもあると、彼は述べている。
Zero Tolerance ゼロ トレランス 許容ゼロ
House Democrats sought to distance themselves from Weiner, with Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the caucus, quickly calling for the official House investigation. But Pelosi and other Democrats have wavered over the question of calling for Weiner to step down.
議会の民主党議員達は幹部会のリーダーであるナンシー・ペロシ議員と共にウィナー上院議員と距離を置き、早急な公的な議会の調査を要求している。 しかし、ペロシ議員及び民主党議員達は彼の辞職要求の問題については躊躇している。
That stands in some contrast to recent stances taken by House Republicans. Speaker John Boehner of Ohio remembers that House Republicans lost their majority in 2006 shortly after revelations that Florida Rep. Mark Foley had sent lewd instant messages to teenage pages. That helped fuel complaints that the GOP had fostered a "culture of corruption."
この曖昧な対応は議会の共和党が最近の事案に対してとったスタンスとある対比をなしている。 オハイオ州のジョン・ボーナー議長はフロリダ州のマーク・フォレィ議員が下品なメッセージを十代の議員付添に送ったことが暴露された直後の2006年に共和党は議会の過半数の優位を失ったのを覚えている。 あの事件は共和党が腐った文化を継承しているという悪評の火に油を注いだ。
As a result, Boehner has warned members of his caucus that they can count on zero support in the face of evidence about personal transgressions. Two Republican representatives have resigned over the past year immediately afterword of their sexual indiscretions emerged.
その結果、ボーナー議長は共和党の議員たちに個人的な不始末については、証拠があがれば情状の余地はないと幹部会に警告を発した。 その後一年で二人の共和党議員が彼らの性的な過ちが発覚した直後に辞任した。
Chris Lee of New York resigned in February after having sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman in response to a personal ad on Craigslist. Last year, Mark Souder of Indiana resigned after admitting to an affair with an aide in his district office.
"Pelosi does not take the same stand," says Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Paying Some Kind Of Price 幾ばくかの代価を支払う
Not every politician who is caught lying about some sort of sexual activity steps down. And Wittes, the Brookings Institution scholar, cautions against expecting official investigations in every case.
ある種の性的行為で嘘をついて俎上に上がった政治家が全て辞任しているわけではない。 ブルックリン研究所の研究員であるウィッテ氏は全ての事案で公的な調査を期待することに対して警告を発している。
Many politicians have resigned from office to avoid further scrutiny. Resigning might be part of deals cut with prosecutors or simply remove them from congressional oversight. "Weiner, if he would resign, it would be over," says Sloan.
But there does seem to be an increasing interest in subjecting more cheating politicians not just to public shaming but official investigation. Aside from providing fodder for partisan opponents, legal proceedings offer some reassurance that the transgressor won't get away scot-free, Sabato says.
Political sex scandals come and go so quickly that yesterday's scoundrels are often able to resurrect themselves and turn their saga into a story about revival. Sabato notes that Sen. David Vitter, the Louisiana Republican found to be the client of a Washington prostitution ring, was easily re-elected last year. And former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned amid a prostitution scandal, "got his own well-paid CNN show," Sabato says.
Bringing legal charges against philandering politicians, Sabato says, "may be the only way to get them to pay a serious price for their sins. It certainly increases their quota of suffering, if nothing else."

