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海兵隊魂 現場で発揮されるリーダーシップ

2011-06-15 | ニュース翻訳
'Hell Of A Leader': Marines Remember Sgt. Garrison
by Tom Bowman
June 14, 2011

David Gilkey/NPR
Sgt. Joseph Garrison with Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, runs through the desert near Camp Leatherneck during a drill in June 2009. Garrison was killed while on his fourth combat deployment to Afghanistan in June 2011, when he was struck by a homemade bomb in Marjah.
June 14, 2011
On Friday, Marines will gather to remember Sgt. Joseph Garrison at a small combat outpost in Afghanistan's Helmand province.
Garrison, 27, was killed earlier this month by a roadside bomb.
NPR talked with Garrison on an earlier deployment, when he was busy training Marines for an operation against Taliban forces in the Helmand River valley.
"We're brothers. We eat together, train together, sleep together," Garrison said two years ago. "And we'll die for each other."
'Hell Of A Leader'  素晴らしいリーダー
When he was killed, Garrison was on his fourth combat tour in Afghanistan.
He planned on one day becoming a drill instructor, or maybe a Marine guard at an embassy. But that would have to wait. He was in Afghanistan. And he wanted to make sure his Marines were always ready for war.
"Our first firefight was with him and as soon as we started taking rounds, you couldn't tell he was nervous or anything," says Sgt. Dan Clift, who served under Garrison.
"He just snapped. He said, 'Hey, you guys need to get over there now.' And everyone did everything that we were supposed to and everything was fine," Clift says. "And he talked to us about it before — you know, 'Hey, this is what you guys can kind of expect, this is what might happen. This is what I need you guys to do, just follow my orders and you guys will be fine. And that's what we did. Like I said, he was a hell of a leader."
“彼はスカッとしていた。‘ヘイ!若いの、今からお前たちはそこへ今から向かう。’と彼は言った。そして各人なすべきこと全てした、すべて良かった。”とクリフトは言った。 “彼は以前、我々にそのことについて話した。 いいか、これが、お前たちが心掛けておくことで、起こるかもしれないことだ。これがお前たちにして欲しいことだ、俺の命令に従え、そうしたら大丈夫だ。そして俺の言ったようにお前たちはできた。”彼は本当のリーダーだった。
We're brothers. We eat together, train together, sleep together. And we'll die for each other.
- Sgt. Joseph Garrison, in an interview with NPR two years ago
This was a guy who made himself a leader. Garrison grew up near Pittsburgh — a big hockey and football fan. He overcame a speech impediment.
"I always ragged on him about it, so I always called him like Joey G. Because he was always like, 'I'm Joey Garrison.' So I was always said, 'Aw, Joey G.,' " says Cpl. Sean Martin, who was in Garrison's squad.
His parents got divorced. In high school, his wrestling coach became something of a father figure.
Garrison was built for wrestling — short and stocky.
ギャリソンの両親は離婚した。高校時代に彼のレスリングコーチは彼の父親役となった。 ギャリソンはレスリングの体型に体を鍛えたーーそう、チビでがっしりした体型に。
"It was always funny, though, because I'm 6 feet 4 inches and he was maybe 5 feet 3 inches, 5 feet 4 inches," Clift says. "He's pretty short. I would always tower over him, but I would follow him anywhere."
“俺が6フィート4インチあって、彼が5フィート3インチか4インチてとこだから、いつもおかしかったよ。 彼はチビで俺はいつも凄く上から見下ろしていたよ。 でも、どこでも彼に従ってついていったけどね。”とクリフとは話す。
Garrison heard about the Marines and decided that was the only life for him. And it was in Afghanistan that he teamed up with Clift and Martin. Garrison always told his men to keep their cool and not become callous toward all Afghans.海兵隊のことを聞いたギャリソンは、海兵隊こそが彼の人生と決心した。そしてクリフとマーチンと分隊を組んだのはアフガニスタンであった。ギャリソンはいつも部下の彼らに冷静を保て、そしてアフガニスタン人に対して無神経な振る舞いをするなと説いた。
"I just tell them, you know, everybody here is not bad," Garrison said two years ago. "You've got people that want us here that are good. You got the Taliban here that don't obviously want us here. And like I tell them, I said, 'As long as you do your job, and you do what you're supposed to do and what's right, we won't have a problem with anything.'"
Martin smiles when he's reminded of what Garrison had said.
"He told us that all the time," he says. "That these people, some of them are good. We just have to weed out the bad ones."
'A Standup Guy' 
Garrison knew more than most that there were bad ones out there. And he knew about roadside bombs, the biggest killer of Americans. When a minesweeper detected a bomb beneath a dirt road, Garrison would run ahead to check things out. "He would tell him to back up, and he would get pretty much on all fours and wipe away the dirt," Martin says.
That's not what happened the day he died. Garrison didn't run forward that day to help clear the roadside bomb. In the end, it was just fate. He was part of a patrol walking alongside a high mud wall. The bomb just happened to detonate next to him.
Martin heard the explosion — and saw the plume of smoke that meant one more roadside bomb. He was part of the quick reaction force that rushed to help.
"I knew inside, something — I felt like I thought it was him. I didn't want it to be," Martin says. "Then whenever my squad leader came back from doing the linkup, he came over and told me it was Sgt. Garrison. And it hit pretty good. I'm going to miss him. He was just a standup guy who would help his Marines before himself any day of the week."
“俺は心の中で何かを感じた—ギャリソンじゃないかと感じた。そうは思いたくなかった。” とマーチンは話す。”で俺の分隊長がリンクアップ作戦から戻るといつものように、来て言った。死んだのはギャリソン軍曹だったと・・彼を失ってとても寂しい。ギャリソン軍曹は四六時中自分のことよりも海兵隊を助けることを優先させる勇敢な軍人だった。
Clift was at the scene of the blast that day, too. He remembers a squad leader holding the bandanna that Garrison always wore.
"It put me on my knees," Clift says. "I couldn't believe he was gone."
クリフトもまた、爆発の現場にいた。彼はギャリソン軍曹がいつも身に着けていたバンダナを持っていたのを思い出す。 “彼が逝ってしまったなんで、信じられない。”とクリフトは話す。
Garrison described himself as a solitary man. When he talked with NPR back in 2009, he said he had no girlfriend back home, no fiancee.
"Growing up and everything, I was more like a loner," he says. "I worked on my own, did a lot of stuff on my own. I just kind of stayed that way."
But he didn't stay that way. Since that interview, Garrison had met Brittney Stephens, who worked at an on-base store at Camp Lejeune, N.C. They had planned to get married when he returned home.
R.I.P. Sgt.    (レスト イン ピース :安らかに眠りたまえ)
Sergeant Garrison's leadership has saved and will continue to raise the probability of survival for his Marines throughout the years to come. Semper Fi Marine...
ギャリソン軍曹のリーダーシップは海兵隊を救い、これから何年にもわたって海兵隊員の生存率を高めるであろう。 いつも忠実な海兵隊・・・
A truly tragic event, I hope his friends and family know that his sacrifice will always be remember. I remember hearing his interview a few years ago, it struck me because I've always been of a similar nature, which makes his loss all the more poignant.
本当に悲劇的な話だ、彼の友人ご家族は彼の犠牲を銘記するだろう。私は二年前のインタビューを記憶している。 それは衝撃的だった、なぜなら私もいつも彼と似たように考えてきたから・・・彼の死は私の心に突き刺さる。
We will all miss you Joey. The whole town grieves for you but we are all proud to call you one of our own. You are a true American hero. RIP
我々はジョイを悼む。町全体が君の死を悲しんでいる、しかし同時に君が我々の町の一員であったことを誇りに思う。君は本当のアメリカンヒーローだ。 安らかに。
Thank you, Tom Bowman and NPR, for honoring this soldier.

