「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

DeepAwareness -Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing - イザ!ブログから転載

2014-03-21 19:43:32 | 参考-イザ!ブログから
DeepAwareness -Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing 2012/04/11 02:45 - イザ!ブログから転載


 DeepAwareness -Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing






DeepAwareness is an organization that is dedicated for researching the unlimited potential of the human mind and the nature of reality and making this information available for everyone to learn, experience and to develop themselves.

We are here to expose higher functions of the mind such as Remote Viewing- The abilitiy to tap into into infinite intelligence of the mind and any information stored in it.

Remote Influencing - the ability to reprogram our subconscious mind and so alter and change our reality.

The nature of reality - understanding more deeply how everything is working together.


Reality is much more then what we've been raised to accept by our parents, education, political, TV and commercial systems.


We are offering a door to a new world full of possibilities, to have a high quality way of life filled with happiness,  wonder, excitement and joy.

Allen Douglas

The Founder of DeepAwareness





私たちは遠視のような心の高位機能を露出するためにここにいます。利用する能力 (abilitiy) は心の無限の知能および任意の情報へそれに格納しました。

(遠視 - 利用するabilitiyは心の無限の知能および任意の情報へそれに格納しました。)


現実の性質 - すべてがどのように共同作用かより深く理解します。














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