
Zazen 法話のページ

Zen Scriptures of daily routine

2015-09-21 | 



無上甚深微妙法 百千万劫難遭遇 我今見聞得受持 願解如来真実義

“Beginning of the Scriptures”

You will rarely encounter such a deep and incomparable Buddha-Dharma.

Now we can see, hear, and be receptive.

Pray that we may master the true teachings of Buddha.



我昔所造諸悪業 皆由無始貪瞋痴 従身口意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔

“Confession and repentance “

I have made errors in the infinite past-lust (hunger), anger, and stupidity, caused by my mouth, by my body and by my mind.

I confess to all of that from now on.



諸悪莫作 衆善奉行 自浄其意 是諸仏教

“We learn from the verses of ( Seven) Buddha’s religious precepts”

Do not commit misdeeds, do good, and purify your mind.

These are the teachings of ( various) Buddha(s).



南無帰依仏 南無帰依法 南無帰依僧 帰依仏無上尊 帰依法離欲尊

帰依仏竟 帰依法竟 帰依僧竟

“The Three Instructions for Following”

Namu Buddha. (I follow you, Buddha.)

Namu Dahma. ( I follow Dharma.)

Namu Shanga. ( I follow Shanga.)

I follow Buddha who is the most holy being.

I follow Dharma which is the holy way of the unselfish.

I follow Shanga which is the holy way of harmony.

Following Buddha, I am now complete.

Following Dharma, I am now complete.

Following Shanga, I am now complete.

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