
Zazen 法話のページ

How to do Zazen・1

2018-03-07 | zen

* If one side is large, other side is small. If you like one side, dislike other side. If one side is good, other side is bad. If one side is beautiful, other side is dirty. If one side is not tasty, other side is good. Like that is household of an average man.

l  But in zazen of Buddha and Zen masters, it is not what moving or not. Namely, never have to involve between both sides.


* It is hopeless, to do zazen like an imitation is a poor way. Or again, should not sit with unreasonable method.

*Merely, the sun illuminate us. For what, it is nothing. It is only illuminating. What merely illuminating is the great virtue.


* Here our power of concentration is the key point of our effort as Buddhist training.

As that meaning if do not so, the man will be completely insignificant life.

*  A worthwhile life is not what to be rising in social status, to eat something tasty, succeeding in the world, or to be a doorkeeper of money.

*  We rarely get a time to practice Zazen. In short, we will need to make efforts much harder if we are going to get practicing for Zazen.

*  If we take a step forward, will be raised one step.

If we take two steps forward, will open out our prospect only two steps.

If we take three steps forward, it become clear to the bending mountain path only three steps.

But still by discard the basis and pursue the trifles, you cannot achieve it till long time.


* Those who have glasses like a pipe cannot watch their own step and are interested in a lot about others side.

At the very least, someone who is going to practice Zazen should be for himself.


* There are those who ask me the result after practicing Zazen immediately.

I answer that all your practicing Zazen come to nothing.

Then they turn to be non-participation of Zazen so they are in the wrong what the subject of Zazen.  


* I cannot obtain their consent that I compel them to practice with lying down.

When I achieve peace of mind, others will do it at the same time. There is subtle reason in it.


●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺 

初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350


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