
Zazen 法話のページ

“Zen master Hakuin“-4

2018-12-12 | zen lecture

 His economically poverty life

Though monks became gathering, Shyoinji was as poor as ever. One day there was a cold soup with the lunch cuisine. When Hakuin look at it, a worm being swam in it. So, Hakuin summoned Tenzo (the cook) and scolded him.

Tenzo said.

‘Some maggots had bred in the shoyu pot. Because pity them to kill, I considered it has still nothing poison, so I cooked it adding water to a soup.’

Hakuin reworded him.

‘In that case, do you have new shoyu?’

Tenzo replied.

‘We cannot buy new shoyu because of this temple being poverty. Then I went to a shoyu shop, there was a shoyu pot which goes rotten and will be throw out. So I was given it and went back this temple.’


On another occasion, one of asked monk found a pot which an offensive smell like a scorched rice at the kitchen.

He asked another monk.

‘He said that is master’s pot. When furtively open it, there was a black scorched rice in it.’

The monk asked Hakuin.

‘What is it?’

Hakuin reworded him.

‘This is your eaten remaining rice. Because it is wasteful, so, I will boil it again and eat it.’


◯”Hokke sutra"

When Hakuin had sat all-night reading ‘Hokke sutra’ at his forty two years old, was impressed by profound teaching in ‘Hiyubon’, so, he reached a depth thought than until that time.

He said.

‘In my youth I could not understand Hiyubon’s profound teaching. However, after practicing Zen for long while I was impressed with it.’

It is the reason why Zen has a family tradition to respect practicing, so, the Zen training hall nothing explain in detail about ‘Hokke sutra’. Zen have adopted a policy that after practicing Zen he who learn a sutra can be awakening like Hakuin.


◯ Hakuin’s distinguished achievements can classify like this.

*  He was an eminent teacher.

*  He taught Zen for ordinary people than until that time.

*  He educated many prominent disciples.

*  Those who around loved him.

*  He had the power to see into the future.

The power to see into the future means that to have considerable insight as for future. That means what nowadays Zen become a popular culture and to be widely praised in the world. For example it is Zen picture like a Dharma drawing. And Kana Dharma lecture is in it. The world of today, ‘Zazen wasan is translated in English or German language. And they chant it in Japanese at Zen training hall all over the world. So, the global Rinzai Zen give well done achievement due to sowing by Hakuin.
















➀ すぐれた教育者であった

➁ 禅をそれまでよりも庶民のものにした

③  勝れた弟子がたくさんあった

④  周囲の人たちから人格的に慕われた

⑤  先見の明があった


●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 


初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350


●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。出張も致します。



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“Zen master Hakuin“-3

2018-12-05 | zen lecture






A stone engraver whose name was Heishyro lived in Ambara, One day, he setting up the stone image of Jizo by neighboring the pool of a waterfall in the forest. When watching the bubbles in the pool like a dancing drop water, one of them disappeared by going 30 centimeters, or another one do by going 60~90 centimeters or 2 ~4 meters. When imagining as uncertainty of this world like these dropped water, he was too anxious to sit doing nothing. The other day, he remembered the Zen words gave to read by a monk. ‘A brave monk will get awakening soon but he who live in idleness have to spend long while so far until getting awakening.’ 

 So that, he went back his home and shut the door of bath room, and had practiced Zazen with his whole heart. At the beginning he had a wild fancy and struggled them. Then, he reached the point of awakening. When the sun rise, he heard Sparrows were fluttering and chirping around his house. He was nothing sensitive and looked at his eyes falling on the ground. At the next moment, he felt a pain in his fingernail’s edge and his eyes got back to normal, and his sensitives came back. Like that, he had practiced Zazen while three days.

 Three days later after that, in the morning when washing face and looking at the planted trees, he felt to be completely different from until then. He asked about it to the neighboring temple monk. However he said mothing. Therefore he became to wish meeting Hakuin. And he saw the location of Oura town when crossing the ridge riding on a palanquin. He awaked for the first time that all circumstances in this world are Buddha’s figure. Then he met Zen master Hakuin and done Zen dialogue. So he could pass several Koans:paradoxical questions for Zen.

“Rohhatsu Ji Shyu” the fifth night by Zen master Hakuin  



坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 


初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350


●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。出張も致します。


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“Zen master Hakuin“-2

2018-12-02 | zen lecture

Thanks to Dokyo's guide, Hakuin got genuine enlightenment and got the chief priest of Shyoinji at his thirty three age. He taught neighboring children reading and writing. It is said a ‘Temple school’. During that period, a temple had combined serving a primary school. Hakuin taught a lumber dealer’s child how to make an entry in the account book and taught an innkeeper’s daughter how to register at an inn. Therefore the parents rejoiced from the bottom of their heart because of useful learning for their family business. Fortunately it became gathering a lot of people. Hakuin taught children in the temple school or leaded the neighboring old woman, that was connected to write ‘Zazen Wasan’ and another writing Kana Dharma Songs. At that time, Zen became for ordinary people in five hundred years passed since conveyed from the continent. 

Hakuin had great disciple whose name is Gasan(1727~1797)and Gasan had excellent disciples whose name were Inzan and takuzyu. Present Linzai sect is under their tuition. Forty-one specialty training hall of present Linzai sect have come to the present time according to make training arrangements by them. We wrestle with Zen training like staking life, so Zen might be said stoic religion. However it is nothing.

 There is a Hakuin’s episode regarding much human nature. At that time Hakuin taught children reading and writing at the temple school. The certain neighboring daughter and young carpenter loved each other. Then the daughter got pregnant. At that period in Japan, it could not marry without their father’s permission. So giving birth a baby, of course, is out of the question. Now this is serious. Her father was red with anger and asked her. ‘Who is your baby’s father?’ 

Her father carried the baby in his hand and came to say complaint to Hakuin.

‘My daughter said this baby’s father is Hakuin oshyo. So, you have to take care of this baby.’    

 Hakuin said nothing and held the baby in his arms. Of course he was not the baby’s father. It was serious. Naturally, he had nothing experience to raise a child. However, he gave the baby piggyback silently and visited to give a mother’s breast for the baby at another house in a snowfall. Of course because there was nothing milk powder at that period, to raise an orphan baby have to visit a woman who has a baby and give her breast for a baby. Hakuin had cared the baby without speaking.

After a while, the baby’s mother said to her father.

‘Father, I told a lie, sorry. My baby’s father isn’t Hakuin oshyo and is this young carpenter.’ 

Her father forgave her telling a lie and approved their marriage. Then he apologized to Hakuin oshyo and took back the baby.









坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 


初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350


学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。出張も致します。



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Zen lecture