
Zazen 法話のページ

坐禅会 Zazen Meeting

2015-08-30 | 

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:30~8:00 初心者むけ


Zazen meeting. 6:30 to 8:00 every Saturday morning For beginners And training new employees will also travel teaching. And dining etiquette, etiquette, and living discourse. Are available upon your request. Please contact us by telephone. Entsuji yoshitomi 0942-34-0350

Ten virtues of incense sticks

1. The incense will deepen our minds and help us to recall our origins.

2. We will purify our minds and bodies by immersing ourselves in the scent.

3. The incense will rid our minds of dirt and cleanse our spirits

4. The incense wakes us up.

5. It envelopes us in tranquility.

6. Even while busy, it quietens the mind.

7. The scent keeps our minds strong during periods of intensity.

8. It does not take very much incense to make us happy.

9. Incense lasts for a very long time and does not deteriorate.

10. By the reminder of incense and the scent, we stay close to non-harm.

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Kwannon's preaching

2015-08-11 | 

Kwannon (Avalokiteshvara) has a lotus flower in his left hand.

It expresses the Kwannon preaching that "you were born with wonderful pure heart like a lotus flower.

So please be alive to keep this pure heart in your mind." This is able to encourage us.

Lotus flower blooms in the mud field. The mud field is compared to our worldly desires.

If you fall into the mud field, it would be very dangerous . 

This is the Kannon's preaching that "if you are not concerned much about a wordily desire, you'll be able to feel happy.

「観音さまの説法」 観音さまは左手に蓮華をもっています。これは「みなさんはこの蓮華のように素晴らしい清らかな心をもって生まれてきたのです。これを見つめて生きていきましょう」という観音さまの説法です。これは私たち人生への励ましです。  蓮華は泥田に咲きます。泥田は煩悩の譬えです。煩悩、これに足をとらわれると命取りになります。「煩悩にとらわれないように修めていけば幸せになりますよ」という説法です。 (観音像)吉富大箴和尚画(1900~1988)
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Zen lecture