
Zazen 法話のページ

Booklet ” What is Zen? --- Physical practicing ---”

2015-06-07 | 

     I wrote this booklet for foreigners who want to take part in Zen meetings. Due to my moderate English skills, my vocabulary is inadequate and therefore the contents may be interpreted differently in Japanese.
     Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that young people are no longer concerned with religion in Japan. There is a similar situation with Christianity in western countries. However, Zen is very popular in western countries. In Moscow, since Zen meetings began last year, eighteen people have participated in the meetings each time.

     Recently, I invited my two Russian friends to the International Zen Center in Kameoka city, Kyoto. They had Zen training for a few weeks and then returned to Russia. One of them is a teacher at a University, and the other is learning the ‘way of tea’ in order to become a tea ceremony teacher. They can speak Japanese and English, and furthermore, they can read classical Chinese. They will act as the bridge between Russia and Japan for Zen and the way of tea.

     I want to provide young people who are interested in Zen with some materials to study, so I wrote this booklet following my previous one, ‘Preaching On The Street’.

I hope it is helpful and encourages them to explore Zen further.     Sincerely yours, Giken Yoshitomi, Spring 2015.


PROFILE ・ Giken Yoshitomi

Giken Yoshitomi

7th July, 1956.  Born in Saga City. Entered the Buddhist temple as a Buddhist disciple aged 15 years old under Daishin Osho tuition. Trained in Zen at Entuu-ji speciality monks hall in Imari City.

1983. Took up the post of Entuu-ji priest (Kurume city) belonging to the Rinzai Zen sect, part of Nanzen-ji Temples group. 

1994. Passed the exam of the high missionary lecture class in Rinzai Zen sect.

1995. Took up the post of the Rinzai Zen sect missionary teacher

1577-1 Ooto, Miyanojin-town, Kurume-city, Japan 839-0803

Tel +81-(0)942-34-0350 Eentuu-ji

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350 納骨堂加入者募集中
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