
Zazen 法話のページ

Zen and calligraphy lecture.

2014-05-14 | 

I will give zen lectures,will go on a business trip.

Zen lecture

In Moscow 2013 Oct.29th

If they are lazy in the Olympic Games, we have no interest in them. We will have interest in them, because gathering players from all nations and playing game with all their might. Pepple seem to be refined enough to if playing game with all their might.

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺 初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350 ●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。 費用はご希望に応じます。宿泊はありません。出張講座もいたします。
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Zen lecture