今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 8日

2024-04-09 | Weblog



Do stretch before exercising.
The purpose of stretching is to
1Stretch the muscles
2Relieve tension
3Increase the range of motion of joints.
Stretching is considered part of aerobic exercise in modern sports science, and softening the body increases metabolism and makes it easier  to burn your fat.

Olive Boxing Club has many members in their 40s, and everyone seems to be improving. Mass boxing is an easy way to get a feel for practical, and since many of the members here are able to work out according to their level, I think that experience has helped them improve.  The Olive Boxing Club is mainly for adult and female members. We do not use vulgar and abusive language and to be considerate of women and children in the community. What kind of words are used in the gym is important. If the staff uses poor or abusive words, the balance of the community itself will be affected. If the quality of the community is poor, there will be incidents that would be unthinkable in a sports club, so we really take care with our words. We choose our words as adults, expand our vocabulary, and don't use discriminatory or abusive words. These are obvious things, I believe it is important in order to lead the community in safe and peaceful.

when a university assignment was given, we would first look it up in a dictionary, then go to the library to find a book related to the assignment, and try to understand it in our own way by researching various things from the documents given to us. But now information technology has progressed. But nowadays, with the progress of information technology, if you search the Internet, you can find a lot of information about the subject you want to know. When I teach English, I find that some people lack the ability to solve problems on their own and leave 100% of their understanding to others. It seems that the number of such people is increasing as information becomes more readily available with the advancement of information technology. Perhaps these types of people are deceived into buying expensive educational materials such as English conversation. In my opinion, researching something is a steady effort. reading a lot of books, kooking into a dictionary If there is an original book on the subject, read it in the original. I believe that continuing such a steady efforts cultivates the ability to think.


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