今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 6日

2024-04-07 | Weblog


「僕嫁さんからよくマーモットって言われるんすよ。ウオンバットの小型のやつ」と言う新会員、確かに小太りの人はそういう体型をしているのでそういう類の動物に見える。彼は仕事上3時ぐらいに来るので夜の部には来れないが、マーモットと自称した地点でウオンバットの弟子決定。ユニークなボクシングクラブHP本日のブログは投資の基本 インデックス投資とはhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site/blog

On Saturday, quite a few people came for training from noon. Today a experienced member came after a long time. I am always impressed when trainer Akiyama asks members "if you had a good time" after the mitts training. Members actually seem to enjoy punching mitt, and he teach the techniques he has learned. He has been coming consistently on Saturdays and the atmosphere is really good at this time. We received an inquiry asking "if Hangeul could be learned in English", but Korean lessons are only available in Japanese.

Korean lesson had been held in a friendly atmosphere. Today's lesson was also a lesson in patjim. Strangely enough, People would alarm if I mentioned Hangeul about 30 years ago but times have really changed, and I realize that battle with my inner self is over. Korean grammar is almost the same as japanese and is easy to learn. One of our members in her 60s has been taking lessons, and I think he has become able to read Hangeul quite well. Hangeul is taught by a Japanese teacher. Thank you very much.

A new member says, "My wife often calls me a marmot, the small type of wombat." Indeed, a small fat person looks like that kind of animal because of his body shape. He cannot come to the evening because he comes around 3:00 p.m. for his work, but he is sure to be a studentof the wombat as far as  he calls himself a marmot.

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