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Cactus flower

2006-07-04 | plant

These cactus flowers bloom only one day.
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What's this ?

2006-07-04 | plant
Please put your mouse on the picture !

The picture of the flower was taken on May 4 and the seed on June 27.
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2006-07-01 | plant
Please put your mouse on the picture of the seed.

The picture of flowers were taken on May 28 and 29.
And the its seed on June 6.
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Rice planting

2006-07-01 | rice field (farming)
Please put your mouse on each small pictures !

Rice planting and rice field
Buds of rice plant
Buds of rice plant 5/24Rice plants 6/4Rice planting 6/9Rice field on 6/24Rice field on 7/1

I'm glad I could upload five pictures like this !
Thanks to this site named パセリ倶楽部 ブログの小技集, I could succeed in uploading this page.
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