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Driver's license

2005-03-24 | diary
March 23, Wednesday

My husband drove me to 'Okayama-ken driver's license center' at Mitsu-gun to reissue and renew my driver's license.

I hadn't had the license since the end of February because of a burglary.
It was very inconvenient for me.

After about thirty minutes driving class, I was given a license which is available for five years.

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4 コメント

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3 minutes??!! (Minatsuki)
2005-03-24 19:25:30
How is 3 minutes driving lessons like?? It's really short, isnt't it??
Sorry!! (ya421)
2005-03-24 20:17:07
I'm sorry!!

I didn't have three minutes lesson but thirty minutes one.

Three minutes one is too short, isn't it?

Thank you very much!!
Oops! (Minatsuki)
2005-03-25 10:58:51
Oops! I really believed 'three minutes' actually, because you were only stolen your drivers license accidentaly, so I never thought you had to take such a long lesson. Hahaha
To Minatsuki san (ya421)
2005-03-25 13:46:44
In this March or April, after an interval of five years, I had to renew my license, so I reissued and renewed it simultaneously.

As a result I had to receive a thirty ninutes class.


