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2005-03-26 |  creature
My neighbor showed me these goldfish yesterday.

He is keeping them in the pool in the yard.
It is covered with some nets to keep the fish from cats or birds and so on.

He said the large ones were about twenty years old.

It was so windy that there were waves on the surface of the water.
So I couldn't take clear pitures of the fish.

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Unknown (MND)
2005-03-26 21:13:43
The pinkish gold fish in the photo is lovely.

It is thought to be the kind called 'comet' but it looks too obese, doesn't it? I also keep two goldfish. One is the variety called "comet" and the other "wakin" (Japaneses goldfish). They are more slender. I have kept them for several years. They are now almost 20 cm long. Goldfish are said to grow very large only if you can supply plenty of oxygen, not food.
Hi ! (ya421)
2005-03-27 14:58:53
I didn't know that the pinkish one is 'comet'.

You also keep goldfish, don't you?

It must be a pleasure to take care of them.

See you!!

