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Birds in the pond

2009-12-06 |  creature

Ducks in the pond

  Many ducks came back from the north to the pond called Oike near my house.
Today I found black birds whose name I don't know there.
I've never seen them till today.
I wonder what the name of this bird is !

Black bird

These female three ducks don't fly to the north even in summer but live this pond all year round.

Sleeping ducks


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4 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-12-08 09:06:09
I suppose black ducks are Aigamo (合鴨) in Japanese. My friend,living in Kawabe district, is a rice farmer. He grow rice with Aigamos.
Aigamos eat weeds ,insects and cultivate soil.
After harvest, my friend brought five or six Aigamos to Oike pond few
years ago.
Black duck you can see are their survivors.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-12-08 15:47:29
About black birds, my husband say they are cormorants(鵜)because their color is black and there used to be cormorants there.
So I wonder whether they are Aigamo or cormorant.
Unknown (se28)
2009-12-14 10:41:35
I think they are moorhens, though their figures in the photo are too small to judge. But it is quite common to see moorhens with ducks,
To se28 san (yayay)
2009-12-14 18:32:36
Thank you very much to show me the name of this bird.
It may be moorhen as you say.

