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Repayment 3 (Mrs. Yetunde)

2009-12-02 | Kiva

Sasanqua (山茶花)

  Mrs. Yetunde is the third person I lent money through Kiva.
I loaned $25 to Mrs. Yetunde who is running a shop of soft drink and wine in Lagos State, Nigeria in August.
The other day I received an e-mail from Kiva staff that says another $3.12 had been repaid by her.
She borrowed  $450 from 14 persons and is planning to repay all the money in ten months.
She repaid more than one third of the money now, and her repayment is faster than the schedule.

This is my page.

I wish her business also work well  and the money repaid through Kiva !

*Please read this.

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-12-03 10:43:06
When did you travel in Africa ? I feel that you are gererous and rich.
Your story of this time are very much so long that I could not read exactly all your essays.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-12-04 16:40:13
Kiva is a group that lend money to persons who need money for their business.
The money is collected from all over the world.
It is called micro loan.

Please click this URL.


By the way, I'm sorry but I've never been to Africa.

