Let's enjoy English !


First trial

2007-02-27 | food
Yesterday my relative brought us lots of fresh tiny shrimp called 'A-mi' in Japanese.
It weighed as much as 2kg.
In spite of presenting some of them to my neighbors, lots of them was left.
So I asked the way of cooking it to the woman who gave it to me and made a dish called 'Ku-gi-ni'.

First I mixed some sugar, sa-ke and mi-ri-n with soy sauce.
Next I put the shrimp little by little into the boiling seasoned soup.
I also put some ginger.
And I boiled it until there is no soup in the pot.

Though it was my first try, I made it !

I made a dish called 'A-mi da-i-ko-n', boiling radish with this shrimp too.
It was also very delicious !

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