文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Females Are Stronger in the Animal World 

2021年05月01日 16時24分05秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read not only for the Japanese but also for people worldwide.
I have been letting people around the world know as much as I can through this column.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning along with the United States. Japan is a country that has to lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what makes today's world so unstable and extremely dangerous.
I did not know until August seven years ago that there are many leftist pedophiles with a masochistic view of history among those who graduated from Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
They are the most foolish people who have diminished Japan's national power and, as a result, have contributed to the evil of China.
Why are people like them being mass-produced? 
Most of them are children of middle to wealthy upper-middle-class families.
Both parents are well-educated, they are subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun, and they watch NHK news programs in their living rooms.
Since they were children, they have only taken courses to go on to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Most of them must have attended cram schools from a young age.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer. In other words, most of them did not play around with their childhood friends.
In this chapter, I would like to share with the Japanese people and the rest of the world the thesis of Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi, a real scholar (animal behavior researcher) who deserves to have studied at Kyoto University.
I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August seven years ago, and I had never even heard of her. It is a terrible story.
I have already mentioned that I have a great deal of respect for her.

Women who do not understand their place compete with armpit hair
The end of "Women who do not understand their place" who link even the most minor thing to "gender discrimination
When She grew armpit hair 
A woman who doesn't know what she's doing.
After Mr. Yoshiro Mori's comment, "You're so discerning," posts with this hashtag have been spreading on Twitter.
Many of the posts were to the effect of "oppose discrimination against women" or "don't force femininity on me" and were probably posted mainly by feminists and liberals.
The March 19 issue of "Shukan Friday" ran a feature article titled "Let's go with 'who do not understand their place,'" and a street demonstration held on March 8, International Women's Day, featured the slogan "I don't care!  I don't care! I don't care! I don't care! At a street demonstration held on March 8 to coincide with International Women's Day, voices rang out, "Wakimaenai!
The Japanese word "wakimaeru" is often ambiguous, and the foreign media translated Mori's statement as "understands their place.
A woman who does not understand her place is, in a word, a woman who cannot read the atmosphere.
Recently, the voices of women who can't read the atmosphere - assertive women who believe that only they are right - are getting louder.
Feminist Yumi Ishikawa wrote on Instagram, "I'm trying to stop treating all my body hair now," and posted a photo of her fluffy armpit hair.
She also posted a photo of her fuzzy armpit hair. She complained about gender discrimination, saying that men can grow armpit hair, but only women have to shave.
While the same feminists voiced their support for this post, many other women and men commented that it was up to them to do what they wanted. From the perspective of a woman, I think that even men shave their beards every day.
One of the most famous women who grew armpit hair is Ms. Kaori Kuroki, a "sexy armpit hair actress" in the late 1980s.
She dubbed armpit hair as pubic hair, which led to sexual arousal for many men.
The reason why armpit hair and pubic hair are coarse is that apocrine sweat glands, which produce smelly sweat, are concentrated in the armpit and pubic area, filling them with odor and tempting males.
Ms. Kuroki strategically grew armpit hair to seduce men, but I recommend that you should remove it.
Ms. Ishikawa is the one who initially led the #KUTOO movement to protest against the fact that women are required to wear pumps and heels in the Japanese workplace.
As a woman, I strongly support this movement.
When I wear pointed pumps, my toes get cramped and painful, and I can't walk long distances.
Even now, pumps are sometimes required as "formal wear" for women in sales positions.
I want Ms. Ishikawa to make "#KUTOO" a health issue for the world's women rather than a gender issue.
There are many more unthinkable episodes of women who don't know any better.
Ms. Saori Ikeuchi, a former member of the House of Representatives of the Communist Party, claims that being hit by a man on a station platform is "discrimination against women.
When Ms. Ikeuchi got on the train, she collided with a man who was getting off the train simultaneously.
She followed him, saying that the man had intentionally hit her, and said, "It hurts, you should apologize.
Even without the common sense that the person getting off the train has priority, would it discriminate against women just because a man bumped into a woman?
I also bump into people on station platforms, but I have never felt discriminated against.
Ms. Ikeuchi's words and actions have been questioned on the Internet.
In addition, singer Masashi Sada's "domineering husband declaration" was again highlighted as being discriminatory against women (if you read the lyrics carefully, it says that he tried to be a domineering husband, but in the end, he can't win over women), and the "News Station" (TV Asahi) web commercial saying that "gender equality is outdated" was criticized as being feminist. 
Feminists tend to criticize even "trivial things" by linking them to discrimination against women.
If you want to eliminate discrimination against women, you should direct your energy to women discriminated against in Muslim areas.
If they cannot do so, they may be said to be in "lukewarm water" and calling for the elimination of discrimination. 
Females Are Stronger in the Animal World 
In recent years, there have been calls for a "gender-free" society, one that is not bound by the division of roles based on gender.
Recently, FamilyMart's private brand of side dishes, "Mom's Restaurant," has been bearing the brunt of the gender-free movement.
It all started when three high school students who participated in a program to think about gender equality started a signature campaign asking Famima to change the brand name, saying, "If we don't change the name, we will instill in society the sense that it is natural for 'mothers' to prepare meals.
Although the signature drive failed, it was a glimpse of the world becoming gender-free.
It sounds politically correct at first glance, but biologically it is impossible because the logic is entirely different between males and females.
The main principle of animals is that the female chooses the male. 
Once a mammalian female becomes pregnant, there is a gestation and lactation period. While the child is suckling frequently, she does not come into estrus or ovulate, so she cannot have another child.
Only after the lactation period question is over does ovulation begin, and the next child is obtained.
It means that females are in a yearly cycle.
Males, on the other hand, ejaculate once and get another chance soon after.
He may or may not be able to have children, but he has plenty of chances.
If a male has many chances and a female does not have many chances, the female will want to leave as many "good quality children" as possible if she is going to have the same number of children.
Therefore, they choose their mates very strictly.
On the other hand, Males think that they can just hit a few and hope that one day they will be lucky.
In other words, in the animal world, females choose males, and females can't be oppressed.
It would be a big mistake, then, to lump the roles of females and males together. 
In the first place, ideas such as feminism and gender freedom were introduced from the West.
In Europe and the United States, women's rights are low from a religious point of view. There is a strong tendency for homosexuals to turn cold shoulders, and movements for discrimination against women and gender-free have begun to occur. 
To give an example between Japanese and American couples, husbands in American couples do not share their wives an allowance in many cases.
As a result, women are forced to work.
On the other hand, Japanese wives often manage their husbands' savings, and some of them even buy houses and cars with their husbands' money without permission.
In the end, Japanese feminists are nothing more than "Western-obsessed" women who admire the West.
"Living longer" is discrimination. 
The World Economic Forum has released its Gender Gap Index 2021, which quantifies the disparity between men and women by country, and Japan ranks 120th.
In response to the fact that Japan was ranked 120th out of 156 countries globally in terms of gender equality, the Asahi Shimbun (April 1) ran a major feature article on pages 1, 3, 7, and 33, criticizing the government.
*I wonder how stupid the Asahi Shimbun is. Those who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun for purposes other than checking it out and those who believe their editorials should be ashamed of themselves.*
The top five countries are, from top to bottom, Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden.
Except for New Zealand, these are all Scandinavian countries that claim to be "welfare states."
The rankings are determined in four areas: political participation, economic participation, education, and health and survival.
The last item that surprises me every time and makes me wonder if they are still doing it is the ratio of males to females at birth and the percentage of healthy life expectancy.
In biology, it is a given that males are born slightly more often than females at birth and that females have a longer healthy life expectancy than males, but even this is a gender disparity.
There are slightly more males than females at birth because biologically, males are more likely to die during their lifetime, meaning that they are born a little more than females so that when they reach reproductive age, the sex ratio is to one.
There are three main reasons why women live longer. 
The first is that testosterone, a typically male hormone, suppresses the immune system, making men more vulnerable to diseases in general and more prone to diseases such as cancer.
The second reason is that women have XX sex chromosomes, and men have XY sex chromosomes. There are many vital genes related to immunity on the X. Women with two Xs can compensate for mutations in the immunity gene on one X by using the corresponding gene on the other.
The third reason is that estrogen, a female hormone, softens blood vessels, making them less susceptible to myocardial infarction, and estrogen also suppresses the death of cells that are difficult to regenerate, such as nerve cells and heart muscle cells.
However, liberals are ignoring these biological facts and trying to correct the lifespan gap. It is insanity.
When it comes to the statistics of the gender gap, judging only by the numbers can lead to misunderstanding the true nature of the problem.
If we look at the example of Sweden, the percentage of women in the parliament is about 40‰. Still, it is not because the number of women members has naturally increased, but a quota system called "quota system" has been used to set quotas for women.
In this way, Sweden has promoted the advancement of women in society. In Sweden, however, the adverse effects of this system are occurring.
According to "The Struggle for the Welfare State: Lessons from Sweden" (Chuko Shinsho) by Tatsuo Takeda, an expert on Sweden's domestic situation, Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s was a safe country where wallets left behind in the evening would be returned to their destination in the morning. According to data from the end of the 1990s, the overall incidence of criminal crimes was 17 times higher than that of Japan during the same period, rape was more than 20 times higher, and robbery was seven times higher an unbelievable figure.
American scholars and others have pointed out that women are the cause of the increase in crime.
Today's Swedish women are struck by "egalitarianism" in addition to the "individualism" and "rationality" that the original Swedes have, and the desire for independence becomes more assertive and emotionally turbulent. Women's liberation and improving status are now more critical than "marital love."
Men instinctively seek tenderness and homely warmth, so the relationship between men and women does not work. They are caught in a whirlpool of human mistrust and loneliness, resulting in more crime.
In this way, we can see that the reality of a welfare state where men and women are equal is not a prosperous society at all, as the truth is dismal even though it claims equality in numerical terms.
Equality includes substantive equality (equality of results), formal equality (equality of opportunity), and equality under the law, but liberals seek substantive equality.
If we focus only on the results, we lose sight of the essence of things.
However, liberals are troublesome because they switch purposes and means and do whatever they think is right.
The family is destroyed. 
The liberals are putting a lot of effort into selective surnames.
The key to selective surname separation is the word "selective" rather than just "married couple."
In China and Korea, where married couples are allowed to use different surnames, they take their original surname, and the child usually takes the father's surname.
Therefore, there is no ambiguity or confusion in the family register.
However, if it is made "selective," each couple may or may not have a different surname. The children's surname may become a mess as to whether they take their father's or mother's name; the family register may become an individual unit. 
If this happens, it will diminish the family's sense of unity, and the family may even be broken up. 
In Sweden, where it adopted the selective surname system, the marriage rate decreased by more than 40%, the divorce rate more than doubled, and the number of children born out of wedlock to men and women who are not legally married increased 50%.
As a result, the number of single-mother families and single-father families has increased.
When one or both of these families remarry, they inevitably become "stepfamilies" where there is no blood relation in the family.
If the family ties are strong, the children will be aware of the trouble they will cause the family if they do something wrong, which will deter them from committing crimes.
However, I think that this deterrent does not work so well in stepfamilies.
In the first place, a man's "true intention" is not to raise a child who is not related to him as if he were his child.
The risk of child abuse is dozens of times higher in a stepfamily than in an average family.
If you look at the animal world, males do not raise children that are not blood-related.
For example, in the world of the Hanuman langur monkey, male A has a harem (a group of one male and many females) with several females. If a group of males led by another male B (although only B is willing, the rest are reluctant) attacks the harem and expels male A and his sons, male B kills all-male A's babies.
As I mentioned earlier, mammalian females do not come into estrus or ovulate and do not get pregnant when there are suckling children.
We don't kill females and even their children because we can make them our wives or future wives.
It is believed that the reason why only human males raise children without blood ties is that they have no choice but to do so in many cases because it would be bad for their appearance if rumors of abuse spread, the relatives on their wives' side would retaliate, or they want their wives to have their own children in a good mood.
Kiyomi Tsujimoto and Mizuho Fukushima have been arguing in the Diet to introduce selective surnames for married couples as if they were representing public opinion. Still, according to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 96% of people choose their husband's surname.
From the perspective of animal behavior, this result shows that women are trying to sell their "debt of gratitude" by abandoning their surnames and taking their husbands' surnames to take control after marriage.
Men live off of their unfounded pride, so they are reluctant to take on the gender of their wife's side.
Women don't have as much pride as men and are less resistant to taking their husband's names.
The feminists themselves are trying to destroy such a "much-valued strategy."
Please, feminists, stop it!

The feminists themselves are trying to destroy such a "much-valued strategy."

2021年05月01日 16時14分04秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read for the Japanese and people worldwide.
I have been letting people around the world know as much as I can through this column.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning along with the United States. Japan is a country that has to lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what makes today's world so unstable and extremely dangerous.
I did not know until August seven years ago that there are many leftist pedophiles with a masochistic view of history among those who graduated from Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
They are the most foolish people who have diminished Japan's national power and, as a result, have contributed to the evil of China.
Why are people like them being mass-produced? 
Most of them are children of middle to wealthy upper-middle-class families.
Both parents are well-educated, they are subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun, and they watch NHK news programs in their living rooms.
Since they were children, they have only taken courses to go on to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Most of them must have attended cram schools from a young age.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer. In other words, most of them did not play around with their childhood friends.
In this chapter, I would like to share with the Japanese people and the rest of the world the thesis of Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi, a real scholar (animal behavior researcher) who deserves to have studied at Kyoto University.
I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August seven years ago, and I had never even heard of her. It is a terrible story.
I have already mentioned that I have a great deal of respect for her.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The family is destroyed. 
The liberals are putting a lot of effort into selective surnames.
The key to selective surname separation is the word "selective" rather than just "married couple."
In China and Korea, where married couples are allowed to use different surnames, they take their original surname, and the child usually takes the father's surname.
Therefore, there is no ambiguity or confusion in the family register.
However, if it is made "selective," each couple may or may not have a different surname. The children's surname may become a mess as to whether they take their father's or mother's name; the family register may become an individual unit. 
If this happens, it will diminish the family's sense of unity, and the family may even be broken up. 
In Sweden, where it adopted the selective surname system, the marriage rate decreased by more than 40%, the divorce rate more than doubled, and the number of children born out of wedlock to men and women who are not legally married increased 50%.
As a result, the number of single-mother families and single-father families has increased.
When one or both of these families remarry, they inevitably become "stepfamilies" where there is no blood relation in the family.
If the family ties are strong, the children will be aware of the trouble they will cause the family if they do something wrong, which will deter them from committing crimes.
However, I think that this deterrent does not work so well in stepfamilies.
In the first place, a man's "true intention" is not to raise a child who is not related to him as if he were his child.
The risk of child abuse is dozens of times higher in a stepfamily than in an average family.
If you look at the animal world, males do not raise children that are not blood-related.
For example, in the world of the Hanuman langur monkey, male A has a harem (a group of one male and many females) with several females. If a group of males led by another male B (although only B is willing, the rest are reluctant) attacks the harem and expels male A and his sons, male B kills all-male A's babies.
As I mentioned earlier, mammalian females do not come into estrus or ovulate and do not get pregnant when there are suckling children.
We don't kill females and even their children because we can make them our wives or future wives.
It is believed that the reason why only human males raise children without blood ties is that they have no choice but to do so in many cases because it would be bad for their appearance if rumors of abuse spread, the relatives on their wives' side would retaliate, or they want their wives to have their own children in a good mood.
Kiyomi Tsujimoto and Mizuho Fukushima have been arguing in the Diet to introduce selective surnames for married couples as if they were representing public opinion. Still, according to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 96% of people choose their husband's surname.
From the perspective of animal behavior, this result shows that women are trying to sell their "debt of gratitude" by abandoning their surnames and taking their husbands' surnames to take control after marriage.
Men live off of their unfounded pride, so they are reluctant to take on the gender of their wife's side.
Women don't have as much pride as men and are less resistant to taking their husband's names.
The feminists themselves are trying to destroy such a "much-valued strategy."
Please, feminists, stop it!

they switch purposes and means and do whatever they think is right

2021年05月01日 15時56分51秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read for the Japanese and people worldwide.
I have been letting people around the world know as much as I can through this column.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning along with the United States. Japan is a country that has to lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what makes today's world so unstable and extremely dangerous.
I did not know until August seven years ago that there are many leftist pedophiles with a masochistic view of history among those who graduated from Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
They are the most foolish people who have diminished Japan's national power and, as a result, have contributed to the evil of China.
Why are people like them being mass-produced? 
Most of them are children of middle to wealthy upper-middle-class families.
Both parents are well-educated, they are subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun, and they watch NHK news programs in their living rooms.
Since they were children, they have only taken courses to go on to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Most of them must have attended cram schools from a young age.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer. In other words, most of them did not play around with their childhood friends.
In this chapter, I would like to share with the Japanese people and the rest of the world the thesis of Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi, a real scholar (animal behavior researcher) who deserves to have studied at Kyoto University.
I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August seven years ago, and I had never even heard of her. It is a terrible story.
I have already mentioned that I have a great deal of respect for her.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The intervening text after the annotation is mine.
"Living longer" is discrimination. 
The World Economic Forum has released its Gender Gap Index 2021, which quantifies the disparity between men and women by country, and Japan ranks 120th.
In response to the fact that Japan was ranked 120th out of 156 countries globally in terms of gender equality, the Asahi Shimbun (April 1) ran a major feature article on pages 1, 3, 7, and 33, criticizing the government.
*I wonder how stupid the Asahi Shimbun is. Those who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun for purposes other than checking it out and those who believe their editorials should be ashamed of themselves.*
The top five countries are, from top to bottom, Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden.
Except for New Zealand, these are all Scandinavian countries that claim to be "welfare states."
The rankings are determined in four areas: political participation, economic participation, education, and health and survival.
The last item that surprises me every time and makes me wonder if they are still doing it is the ratio of males to females at birth and the percentage of healthy life expectancy.
In biology, it is a given that males are born slightly more often than females at birth and that females have a longer healthy life expectancy than males, but even this is a gender disparity.
There are slightly more males than females at birth because biologically, males are more likely to die during their lifetime, meaning that they are born a little more than females so that when they reach reproductive age, the sex ratio is to one.
There are three main reasons why women live longer. 
The first is that testosterone, a typically male hormone, suppresses the immune system, making men more vulnerable to diseases in general and more prone to diseases such as cancer.
The second reason is that women have XX sex chromosomes, and men have XY sex chromosomes. There are many vital genes related to immunity on the X. Women with two Xs can compensate for mutations in the immunity gene on one X by using the corresponding gene on the other.
The third reason is that estrogen, a female hormone, softens blood vessels, making them less susceptible to myocardial infarction, and estrogen also suppresses the death of cells that are difficult to regenerate, such as nerve cells and heart muscle cells.
However, liberals are ignoring these biological facts and trying to correct the lifespan gap. It is insanity.
When it comes to the statistics of the gender gap, judging only by the numbers can lead to misunderstanding the true nature of the problem.
If we look at the example of Sweden, the percentage of women in the parliament is about 40‰. Still, it is not because the number of women members has naturally increased, but a quota system called "quota system" has been used to set quotas for women.
In this way, Sweden has promoted the advancement of women in society. In Sweden, however, the adverse effects of this system are occurring.
According to "The Struggle for the Welfare State: Lessons from Sweden" (Chuko Shinsho) by Tatsuo Takeda, an expert on Sweden's domestic situation, Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s was a safe country where wallets left behind in the evening would be returned to their destination in the morning. According to data from the end of the 1990s, the overall incidence of criminal crimes was 17 times higher than that of Japan during the same period, rape was more than 20 times higher, and robbery was seven times higher an unbelievable figure.
American scholars and others have pointed out that women are the cause of the increase in crime.
Today's Swedish women are struck by "egalitarianism" in addition to the "individualism" and "rationality" that the original Swedes have, and the desire for independence becomes more assertive and emotionally turbulent. Women's liberation and improving status are now more critical than "marital love."
Men instinctively seek tenderness and homely warmth, so the relationship between men and women does not work. They are caught in a whirlpool of human mistrust and loneliness, resulting in more crime.
In this way, we can see that the reality of a welfare state where men and women are equal is not a prosperous society at all, as the truth is dismal even though it claims equality in numerical terms.
Equality includes substantive equality (equality of results), formal equality (equality of opportunity), and equality under the law, but liberals seek substantive equality.
If we focus only on the results, we lose sight of the essence of things.
However, liberals are troublesome because they switch purposes and means and do whatever they think is right.
This article continues.

17 times higher than that of Japan during the same period, rape was more than 20 times higher

2021年05月01日 15時54分16秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read for the Japanese and people worldwide.
I have been letting people around the world know as much as I can through this column.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning along with the United States. Japan is a country that has to lead the world for the next 170 years, along with the United States.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what makes today's world so unstable and extremely dangerous.
I did not know until August seven years ago that there are many leftist pedophiles with a masochistic view of history among those who graduated from Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
They are the most foolish people who have diminished Japan's national power and, as a result, have contributed to the evil of China.
Why are people like them being mass-produced? 
Most of them are children of middle to wealthy upper-middle-class families.
Both parents are well-educated, they are subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun, and they watch NHK news programs in their living rooms.
Since they were children, they have only taken courses to go on to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Most of them must have attended cram schools from a young age.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer.
They are not the ones like me, who played all kinds of games and swam in rivers and oceans in the summer. In other words, most of them did not play around with their childhood friends.
In this chapter, I would like to share with the Japanese people and the rest of the world the thesis of Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi, a real scholar (animal behavior researcher) who deserves to have studied at Kyoto University.
I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August seven years ago, and I had never even heard of her. It is a terrible story.
I have already mentioned that I have a great deal of respect for her.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The intervening text after the annotation is mine.
"Living longer" is discrimination. 
The World Economic Forum has released its Gender Gap Index 2021, which quantifies the disparity between men and women by country, and Japan ranks 120th.
In response to the fact that Japan was ranked 120th out of 156 countries globally in terms of gender equality, the Asahi Shimbun (April 1) ran a major feature article on pages 1, 3, 7, and 33, criticizing the government.
*I wonder how stupid the Asahi Shimbun is. Those who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun for purposes other than checking it out and those who believe their editorials should be ashamed of themselves.*
The top five countries are, from top to bottom, Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden.
Except for New Zealand, these are all Scandinavian countries that claim to be "welfare states."
The rankings are determined in four areas: political participation, economic participation, education, and health and survival.
The last item that surprises me every time and makes me wonder if they are still doing it is the ratio of males to females at birth and the percentage of healthy life expectancy.
In biology, it is a given that males are born slightly more often than females at birth and that females have a longer healthy life expectancy than males, but even this is a gender disparity.
There are slightly more males than females at birth because biologically, males are more likely to die during their lifetime, meaning that they are born a little more than females so that when they reach reproductive age, the sex ratio is to one.
There are three main reasons why women live longer. 
The first is that testosterone, a typically male hormone, suppresses the immune system, making men more vulnerable to diseases in general and more prone to diseases such as cancer.
The second reason is that women have XX sex chromosomes, and men have XY sex chromosomes. There are many vital genes related to immunity on the X. Women with two Xs can compensate for mutations in the immunity gene on one X by using the corresponding gene on the other.
The third reason is that estrogen, a female hormone, softens blood vessels, making them less susceptible to myocardial infarction, and estrogen also suppresses the death of cells that are difficult to regenerate, such as nerve cells and heart muscle cells.
However, liberals are ignoring these biological facts and trying to correct the lifespan gap. It is insanity.
When it comes to the statistics of the gender gap, judging only by the numbers can lead to misunderstanding the true nature of the problem.
If we look at the example of Sweden, the percentage of women in the parliament is about 40‰. Still, it is not because the number of women members has naturally increased, but a quota system called "quota system" has been used to set quotas for women.
In this way, Sweden has promoted the advancement of women in society. In Sweden, however, the adverse effects of this system are occurring.
According to "The Struggle for the Welfare State: Lessons from Sweden" (Chuko Shinsho) by Tatsuo Takeda, an expert on Sweden's domestic situation, Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s was a safe country where wallets left behind in the evening would be returned to their destination in the morning. According to data from the end of the 1990s, the overall incidence of criminal crimes was 17 times higher than that of Japan during the same period, rape was more than 20 times higher, and robbery was seven times higher an unbelievable figure.
American scholars and others have pointed out that women are the cause of the increase in crime.
Today's Swedish women are struck by "egalitarianism" in addition to the "individualism" and "rationality" that the original Swedes have, and the desire for independence becomes more assertive and emotionally turbulent. Women's liberation and improving status are now more critical than "marital love."
Men instinctively seek tenderness and homely warmth, so the relationship between men and women does not work. They are caught in a whirlpool of human mistrust and loneliness, resulting in more crime.
In this way, we can see that the reality of a welfare state where men and women are equal is not a prosperous society at all, as the truth is dismal even though it claims equality in numerical terms.
Equality includes substantive equality (equality of results), formal equality (equality of opportunity), and equality under the law, but liberals seek substantive equality.
If we focus only on the results, we lose sight of the essence of things.
However, liberals are troublesome because they switch purposes and means and do whatever they think is right.
This article continues.


2021年05月01日 15時14分10秒 | 全般

在本章中,我想介紹一篇筑波大學系統信息系統副教授Hideki Kakeya發表在WiLL上的文章。
他是位真正的學者,對於那些不訂閱上述月刊雜誌或僅訂閱Asahi Shimbun並僅觀看電視新聞節目的人來說,這是完全不為人知的。
由Hideki Kakeya撰寫。



2021年05月01日 15時11分51秒 | 全般

在本章中,我想介绍一篇筑波大学系统信息系统副教授Hideki Kakeya发表在WiLL上的文章。
他是位真正的学者,对于那些不订阅上述月刊杂志或仅订阅Asahi Shimbun并仅观看电视新闻节目的人来说,这是完全不为人知的。
由Hideki Kakeya撰写。


В заявлении Китая есть вопиющее противоречие.

2021年05月01日 15時09分37秒 | 全般

Ежемесячные журналы WiLL и Hanada, которые сейчас продаются, наполнены подлинными статьями и редакционными статьями. И все же цена всего 950 иен (включая потребительский налог).
Один мой друг, заядлый читатель, любит говорить, что «нет ничего дешевле книги», и оба журнала демонстрируют, что это правда.
Каждый гражданин Японии должен прямо сейчас пойти в ближайший книжный магазин, чтобы оформить подписку.
Подлинные редакционные статьи и статьи в обоих журналах необходимо прочитать японцам и людям во всем мире.
Я постарался как можно больше рассказать о них людям во всем мире.
Япония - это страна, в которой вращается круговорот цивилизации, и где она вместе с Соединенными Штатами должна вести мир еще 170 лет.
Совершенно естественно, что лучшие мировые статьи издаются днем ​​и ночью в Японии.
До июля 2010 года, когда появилась эта колонка, она вообще не распространяла эти газеты по миру.
Это то, что сделало сегодняшний мир нестабильным и чрезвычайно опасным.
В этой главе я хотел бы представить статью Хидеки Какея, доцента системных информационных систем в Университете Цукуба, которая опубликована в WiLL.
Он настоящий ученый, совершенно неизвестный людям, которые не подписываются на вышеуказанный ежемесячный журнал или подписываются на Asahi Shimbun и смотрят только новостные телепрограммы.
Без преувеличения можно сказать, что они и весь остальной мир, как они, никогда не читали настоящую газету, подобную его.
Не прекращайте погоню за Китаем
пользователя Hideki Kakeya.
Ученые, которые хранят молчание по поводу противоречивых заявлений Китая, коррумпированы с точки зрения этики.
Независимое расследование ВОЗ
Четырнадцать стран выступили с совместным заявлением с критикой отчета следственной группы ВОЗ, опубликованного 30 марта.
Многие страны официально признали ошибочность заявлений Китая о происхождении нового коронавируса.
Группа исследователей, которые 4 марта опубликовали открытое письмо с запросом в ответ на отчет ВОЗ, 7 апреля опубликовала еще одно открытое письмо с запросом.
Он также был опубликован на официальном сайте New York Times и передан агентством Reuters и другими крупными СМИ.
Это открытое письмо-запрос было подписано мной и другим японским исследователем (информационная инженерия) из Японии.
В результате в новостной статье использовалась фраза «открытое письмо с запросом исследователей из Европы, США, Австралии и Японии.
Хотя я горжусь тем, что способствовал продвижению присутствия Японии здесь, я очень разочарован тем, что не было ни единой подписи от ученого-биолога из Японии.
В нашем открытом письме с запросом в апреле мы указали на несправедливость отчета следственной группы ВОЗ. Также мы внесли несколько предложений, как продолжить расследование в будущем.
Во-первых, пересмотреть пункт о передаче между ВОЗ и Китаем, который дает Китаю право вето и делает невозможным проведение исследований в Китае независимыми экспертами.
Предлагается, чтобы этот обзор был существенным.
Второй - решение Генеральной ассамблеи ВОЗ в мае 2021 года с призывом к полному расследованию происхождения нового коронавируса и новым правилам опасных исследований по увеличению функциональности.
В-третьих, предположим, что два упомянутых выше предложения не реализованы.
В этом случае ему следует провести прозрачное расследование происхождения новых коронавирусов в сотрудничестве с другими странами, независимо от ВОЗ.
В открытом письме также указывается на ряд несоответствий, содержащихся в материалах, представленных китайской стороной в отчете ВОЗ в качестве дополнения.
Например, как упоминалось ранее, Уханьский институт вирусологии закрыл базу данных института, которая ранее была доступна и использовалась сторонними исследователями.
Китай утверждает, что это сделано для защиты от хакерских атак, вызванных новой пандемией коронавируса.
Однако база данных не была закрыта до сентября 2019 года.
В заявлении Китая есть вопиющее противоречие.
Китайцы утверждают, что ни у кого из сотрудников Уханьского института вирусологии не было антител к новому коронавирусу, также весьма сомнительно.
При обследовании сотрудников Уханьского института виргинологии весьма сомнительно, что китайская сторона утверждает, что ни у кого из них не было антител к новому коронавирусу.
Коррумпированная этика
Некоторые люди утверждают, что Китай уничтожает доказательства и что будет сложно доказать утечку из лаборатории, даже если в будущем будет проведено расследование.
Однако можно проверить иммунитет (иммуноглобулины и Т-клетки) всех сотрудников Уханьского института вирусных исследований.
Если известна история заражения вирусом всех сотрудников, мы сможем определить путь утечки.

Он не может уничтожить это свидетельство, не убив посох.
Только научное сообщество, независимо от политики, может запретить участие в научных конференциях и журналах исследователей, принадлежащих китайским исследовательским институтам, которые не реагируют на это расследование.
Как мы можем вспомнить из «холодной войны», для диктатуры ненормально иметь свободный доступ к академической деятельности в свободном мире.
Страна, в которой оправдано сокрытие информации, не является подходящим местом для академических кругов.
Ни один настоящий ученый не согласится с этим.
Ожидается, что китайское правительство будет использовать слово «дискриминация», чтобы сыграть роль жертвы закрытия ученых, принадлежащих китайским исследовательским институтам.
Мы могли бы противостоять этому, приняв беженцев (убежище) от исследователей из Китая.
Это не проблема, которую могут решить одни только ученые, но требует политической силы.
Некоторые эксперты по инфекционным заболеваниям обеспокоены тем, что, если Китай будет неуклонно выполнять свои обязательства, они станут более скрытыми.
Однако такие рассуждения не оправдывают сокрытия причины 3 миллионов смертей.
Если Китай ужесточит свою позицию и усиливает сокрытие, он должен блокировать вход и выход всех людей из Китая.
Таким образом, он может предотвратить следующее инфекционное заболевание, возникшее в Китае.
«Аум Синрикё» смогла осуществить заринную газовую атаку, потому что мы не преследовали их для зариновой газовой атаки Мацумото.
Если Китай не будет выяснять происхождение нового коронавируса, следующий инцидент может быть более опасным.
Мы должны извлекать уроки из истории.
Некоторые люди говорят, что расследование происхождения нового коронавируса нам не поможет, потому что оно не сотрет ущерб от пандемии.
Однако, раскрывая правду о происхождении и точно понимая факторы риска, мы можем принять меры для предотвращения следующей пандемии, независимо от того, возник ли вирус в дикой природе или в лаборатории.
Первое, что нужно сделать, - это создать международную систему контроля лабораторий, работающих с опасными микроорганизмами.
Если такие лаборатории расположены в густонаселенных районах, следует как можно скорее переместить их в малонаселенные районы или отдаленные острова.
Ядерная энергетика подлежит инспекционной системе МАГАТЭ, а объекты расположены в отдаленных районах.
Он должен принять такие же меры безопасности и в области медико-биологических наук.
Однако этика современных ученых настолько коррумпирована, что такое обсуждение вообще невозможно.

Há uma contradição flagrante na afirmação chinesa.

2021年05月01日 15時06分36秒 | 全般

As revistas mensais WiLL e Hanada, que agora estão à venda, estão repletas de artigos e editoriais genuínos. Mesmo assim, o preço é de apenas 950 ienes (incluindo imposto sobre o consumo).
Um amigo meu que é leitor ávido gosta de dizer que "nada é tão barato quanto um livro", e as duas revistas demonstram que isso é verdade.
Todo cidadão japonês deve ir à livraria mais próxima agora para assinar.
Os editoriais e artigos genuínos em ambas as revistas são de leitura obrigatória para os japoneses e pessoas em todo o mundo.
Tentei torná-los conhecidos tanto quanto possível para as pessoas do mundo.
O Japão é um país onde a mesa giratória da civilização está girando e onde, junto com os Estados Unidos, deve liderar o mundo por mais 170 anos.
É natural que os melhores artigos do mundo sejam publicados dia e noite no Japão.
Até julho de 2010, quando esta coluna apareceu, ela não havia divulgado esses jornais para o mundo.
É o que tornou o mundo de hoje instável e extremamente perigoso.
Neste capítulo, gostaria de apresentar um artigo de Hideki Kakeya, Professor Associado de Sistemas de Informação de Sistemas da Universidade de Tsukuba, que aparece em WiLL.
Ele é um verdadeiro estudioso totalmente desconhecido para as pessoas que não assinam a revista mensal acima ou que assinam o Asahi Shimbun e assistem apenas aos programas de notícias da TV.
Não é exagero dizer que eles e o resto do mundo como eles nunca leram um jornal genuíno como o dele.
Não desista na perseguição da China
por Hideki Kakeya.
Os cientistas que permanecem em silêncio sobre as afirmações chinesas contraditórias são corruptos em seu senso de ética.
Investigação independente da OMS
Quatorze países emitiram uma declaração conjunta crítica ao relatório da equipe de investigação da OMS divulgado em 30 de março.
Muitos países reconheceram oficialmente que a afirmação da China sobre a origem do novo coronavírus está errada.
Um grupo de pesquisadores que emitiu uma carta aberta de inquérito em 4 de março em resposta ao relatório da OMS emitiu outra carta aberta de inquérito em 7 de abril.
Também foi publicado no site oficial do New York Times e relatado pela Reuters e outros meios de comunicação importantes.
Esta carta aberta de investigação foi assinada por mim e outro pesquisador japonês (engenharia da informação) do Japão.
Como resultado, a reportagem usou a frase "carta aberta de inquérito por pesquisadores da Europa, Estados Unidos, Austrália e Japão.
Embora eu esteja orgulhoso de ter contribuído para promover a presença do Japão aqui, estou muito desapontado por não haver uma única assinatura de um cientista da vida do Japão.
Em nossa carta aberta de inquérito em abril, apontamos a injustiça do relatório da equipe de investigação da OMS. Além disso, fizemos algumas sugestões sobre como prosseguir com a investigação no futuro.
A primeira é revisar a cláusula de referência entre a OMS e a China, que dá à China poder de veto e torna impossível para especialistas independentes conduzir pesquisas na China.
Propõe-se que esta revisão seja essencial.
O segundo é resolver a Assembleia Geral da OMS em maio de 2021, pedindo uma investigação completa sobre a origem do novo coronavírus e novas regulamentações sobre pesquisas perigosas de ganho de função.
Terceiro, suponha que as duas propostas mencionadas acima não sejam realizadas.
Nesse caso, deve prosseguir uma investigação transparente da origem de novos coronavírus em cooperação com outros países, independentemente da OMS.
A carta aberta também aponta uma série de inconsistências contidas nos materiais apresentados pelo lado chinês no relatório da OMS como suplemento.
Por exemplo, conforme mencionado anteriormente, o Instituto de Virologia de Wuhan fechou o banco de dados do instituto, que anteriormente estava acessível e referenciado por pesquisadores externos.
A China argumenta que isso é para protegê-lo de ataques de hackers desencadeados pela nova pandemia de coronavírus.
No entanto, o banco de dados não foi fechado até setembro de 2019.
Há uma contradição flagrante na afirmação chinesa.
Os chineses afirmam que nenhum dos funcionários do Instituto de Virologia de Wuhan tinha anticorpos para o novo coronavírus também é altamente questionável.
Ao examinar a equipe do Instituto de Virginologia de Wuhan, é altamente duvidoso que o lado chinês afirme que nenhum deles tinha anticorpos para o novo coronavírus.
Ética corrupta
Algumas pessoas argumentam que a China está destruindo evidências e que será difícil provar um vazamento do laboratório, mesmo que uma investigação seja conduzida no futuro.
No entanto, é possível examinar a imunidade (imunoglobulinas e células T) de todos os funcionários do Wuhan Institute for Virus Research.
Se o histórico de infecção de todos os membros da equipe com o vírus for conhecido, poderemos identificar a rota do vazamento.

Não pode destruir esta evidência sem matar o pessoal.
É possível para a comunidade científica sozinha, independente da política, barrar em conferências acadêmicas e periódicos pesquisadores pertencentes a instituições de pesquisa chinesas que não respondem a esta investigação.
Como podemos lembrar da Guerra Fria, é anormal para uma ditadura ter livre acesso às atividades acadêmicas no mundo livre.
Um país onde a ocultação de informações é justificada não é um local apropriado para a academia.
Nenhum verdadeiro cientista discordaria disso.
Espera-se que o governo chinês use a palavra "discriminação" para fazer o papel de vítima na paralisação de acadêmicos pertencentes a instituições de pesquisa chinesas.
Poderíamos contra-atacar aceitando refugiados (asilo) de pesquisadores da China.
Não é um problema que possa ser percebido apenas por cientistas, mas requer o poder da política.
Alguns especialistas em doenças infecciosas temem que, se a responsabilidade da China for vigorosamente perseguida, ela se tornará mais oculta.
No entanto, tal raciocínio não justifica encobrir a causa de 3 milhões de mortes.
Se a China endurecer sua posição e intensificar seu encobrimento, isso deve impedir que todas as pessoas da China entrem e saiam.
Dessa forma, pode prevenir a seguinte doença infecciosa originária da China.
Aum Shinrikyo foi capaz de realizar o ataque com gás sarin porque não os perseguimos para o ataque com gás sarin de Matsumoto.
Se a China não perseguir a origem do novo coronavírus, o seguinte incidente pode ser mais perigoso.
Devemos aprender com as lições da história.
Algumas pessoas dizem que investigar a origem do novo coronavírus não nos ajudará porque não apagará os danos da pandemia.
No entanto, ao desvendar a verdade sobre a origem e compreender com precisão os fatores de risco, podemos tomar medidas para prevenir a próxima pandemia, seja o vírus originado na natureza ou em laboratório.
A primeira coisa a fazer é estabelecer um sistema internacional de inspeção para laboratórios que manuseiam microrganismos perigosos.
Se esses laboratórios estiverem localizados em áreas densamente povoadas, ele deve movê-los para áreas despovoadas ou ilhas remotas o mais rápido possível.
A energia nuclear está sujeita ao sistema de inspeção da AIEA e as instalações estão localizadas em áreas remotas.
Deve tomar as mesmas medidas de segurança no campo das ciências da vida também.
No entanto, a ética dos cientistas de hoje é tão corrupta que tal discussão não é possível.

Il y a une contradiction flagrante dans l'affirmation chinoise.

2021年05月01日 15時02分52秒 | 全般

Les magazines mensuels WiLL et Hanada, désormais en vente, regorgent d'articles et d'éditoriaux authentiques. Et pourtant, le prix n'est que de 950 yens (taxe à la consommation comprise).
Un de mes amis qui est un lecteur assidu aime à dire que «rien n'est aussi bon marché qu'un livre», et les deux magazines démontrent que c'est vrai.
Chaque citoyen japonais doit se rendre à la librairie la plus proche dès maintenant pour s'abonner.
Les véritables éditoriaux et articles des deux revues sont incontournables pour les Japonais et les gens du monde entier.
J'ai essayé de les faire connaître autant que possible aux peuples du monde.
Le Japon est un pays où tourne la plaque tournante de la civilisation et où, avec les États-Unis, il doit diriger le monde pendant encore 170 ans.
Il est naturel que les meilleurs articles du monde soient publiés jour et nuit au Japon.
Jusqu'en juillet 2010, lorsque cette chronique parut, elle n'avait pas du tout diffusé ces articles dans le monde.
C'est ce qui a rendu le monde d'aujourd'hui instable et extrêmement dangereux.
Dans ce chapitre, je voudrais présenter un article de Hideki Kakeya, professeur agrégé de systèmes d'information sur les systèmes à l'Université de Tsukuba, qui apparaît dans WiLL.
C'est un vrai savant qui est totalement inconnu des personnes qui ne sont pas abonnées au magazine mensuel ci-dessus ou qui s'abonnent à Asahi Shimbun et ne regardent que les programmes d'information télévisés.
Il n'est pas exagéré de dire qu'eux-mêmes et le reste du monde comme eux n'ont jamais lu un article authentique comme le sien.
Ne laissez pas tomber la poursuite de la Chine
par Hideki Kakeya.
Les scientifiques qui gardent le silence sur les affirmations chinoises contradictoires sont corrompus dans leur sens de l'éthique.
Enquête indépendante de l'OMS
Quatorze pays ont publié une déclaration conjointe critiquant le rapport de l'équipe d'enquête de l'OMS publié le 30 mars.
De nombreux pays ont officiellement reconnu que l'affirmation de la Chine sur l'origine du nouveau coronavirus est fausse.
Un groupe de chercheurs qui a publié une lettre d'enquête ouverte le 4 mars en réponse au rapport de l'OMS a publié une autre lettre d'enquête ouverte le 7 avril.
Il a également été publié sur le site officiel du New York Times et rapporté par Reuters et d'autres grands médias.
Cette lettre ouverte d'enquête a été signée par moi-même et par un autre chercheur japonais (ingénierie de l'information) du Japon.
En conséquence, l'article de presse a utilisé l'expression «lettre ouverte d'enquête par des chercheurs d'Europe, des États-Unis, d'Australie et du Japon.
Bien que je sois fier d'avoir contribué à promouvoir la présence du Japon ici, je suis très déçu qu'il n'y ait pas eu de signature unique d'un scientifique de la vie du Japon.
Dans notre lettre d’enquête ouverte d’avril, nous avons souligné l’iniquité du rapport de l’équipe d’enquête de l’OMS. De plus, nous avons fait des suggestions sur la façon de procéder à l’enquête à l’avenir.
La première consiste à revoir la clause de renvoi entre l'OMS et la Chine, qui donne à la Chine un droit de veto et empêche les experts indépendants de mener des recherches en Chine.
Il est proposé que cet examen soit essentiel.
Le second est de résoudre l'Assemblée générale de l'OMS en mai 2021, appelant à une enquête complète sur l'origine du nouveau coronavirus et à de nouvelles réglementations sur la recherche dangereuse de gain de fonction.
Troisièmement, supposons que les deux propositions mentionnées ci-dessus ne se réalisent pas.
Dans ce cas, il devrait mener une enquête transparente sur l'origine des nouveaux coronavirus en coopération avec d'autres pays, indépendants de l'OMS.
La lettre ouverte souligne également un certain nombre d'incohérences contenues dans les documents soumis par la partie chinoise dans le rapport de l'OMS en supplément.
Par exemple, comme mentionné précédemment, l'Institut de virologie de Wuhan a fermé la base de données de l'institut, qui était auparavant accessible et référencée par des chercheurs extérieurs.
La Chine fait valoir qu'il s'agit de la protéger des attaques de pirates informatiques déclenchées par la nouvelle pandémie de coronavirus.
Cependant, la base de données n'a été fermée qu'en septembre 2019.
Il y a une contradiction flagrante dans l'affirmation chinoise.
L'affirmation chinoise selon laquelle aucun des employés de l'Institut de virologie de Wuhan ne possédait d'anticorps contre le nouveau coronavirus est également très discutable.
Lors de l'examen du personnel de l'Institut de Virginologie de Wuhan, il est hautement douteux que la partie chinoise affirme qu'aucun d'entre eux ne possédait d'anticorps contre le nouveau coronavirus.
Éthique corrompue
Certaines personnes soutiennent que la Chine détruit des preuves et qu'il sera difficile de prouver une fuite du laboratoire même si une enquête est menée à l'avenir.
Cependant, il est possible d'examiner l'immunité (immunoglobulines et cellules T) de tous les employés de l'Institut de Wuhan pour la recherche sur les virus.
Si les antécédents d'infection de tous les membres du personnel infectés par le virus sont connus, nous pourrions identifier la voie de fuite.

Il ne peut pas détruire ces preuves sans tuer le personnel.
Il est possible pour la seule communauté scientifique, indépendante de la politique, d'interdire aux conférences académiques et aux revues des chercheurs appartenant à des institutions de recherche chinoises qui ne répondent pas à cette enquête.
Comme nous pouvons le rappeler lors de la guerre froide, il est anormal pour une dictature d’avoir libre accès aux activités universitaires dans le monde libre.
Un pays où la dissimulation d'informations est justifiée n'est pas un endroit approprié pour le monde universitaire.
Aucun vrai scientifique ne serait en désaccord avec cela.
On s'attend à ce que le gouvernement chinois utilise le mot «discrimination» pour jouer le rôle de victime dans la fermeture des universitaires appartenant aux instituts de recherche chinois.
Nous pourrions le contrer en acceptant des réfugiés (asile) de chercheurs chinois.
Ce n'est pas un problème qui peut être réalisé par les seuls scientifiques, mais qui requiert le pouvoir de la politique.
Certains experts en maladies infectieuses craignent que si la responsabilité de la Chine est vigoureusement poursuivie, elle deviendra plus dissimulée.
Cependant, un tel raisonnement ne justifie pas du tout de dissimuler la cause de 3 millions de décès.
Si la Chine durcit sa position et intensifie sa dissimulation, elle devrait empêcher tous les Chinois d'entrer et de sortir.
De cette façon, il peut prévenir les maladies infectieuses suivantes originaires de Chine.
Aum Shinrikyo a pu mener l'attaque au gaz sarin parce que nous ne les avons pas poursuivis pour l'attaque au gaz sarin de Matsumoto.
Si la Chine ne poursuit pas l'origine du nouveau coronavirus, l'incident suivant pourrait être plus dangereux.
Nous devons tirer les leçons de l’histoire.
Certaines personnes disent que rechercher l'origine du nouveau coronavirus ne nous aidera pas car cela n'effacera pas les dégâts de la pandémie.
Cependant, en révélant la vérité sur l'origine et en comprenant précisément les facteurs de risque, nous pouvons prendre des mesures pour prévenir la prochaine pandémie, que le virus soit originaire de la nature ou du laboratoire.
La première chose à faire est de mettre en place un système d'inspection international pour les laboratoires qui manipulent des micro-organismes dangereux.
Si ces laboratoires sont situés dans des zones densément peuplées, il devrait les déplacer dès que possible vers des zones dépeuplées ou des îles éloignées.
L'énergie nucléaire est soumise au système d'inspection de l'AIEA et les installations sont situées dans des zones reculées.
Il devrait également prendre les mêmes mesures de sécurité dans le domaine des sciences de la vie.
Cependant, l'éthique des scientifiques d'aujourd'hui est si corrompue qu'une telle discussion n'est pas du tout possible.

Es gibt einen krassen Widerspruch in der chinesischen Behauptung.

2021年05月01日 14時56分08秒 | 全般

Die monatlichen Magazine WiLL und Hanada, die jetzt zum Verkauf stehen, sind mit echten Artikeln und Leitartikeln gefüllt. Und doch beträgt der Preis nur 950 Yen (inklusive Verbrauchssteuer).
Ein Freund von mir, der ein begeisterter Leser ist, sagt gern, dass "nichts so billig ist wie ein Buch", und beide Magazine zeigen, dass dies wahr ist.
Jeder japanische Bürger sollte sich jetzt zum nächsten Buchladen begeben, um sich anzumelden.
Die echten Leitartikel und Artikel in beiden Zeitschriften sind ein Muss für Japaner und Menschen weltweit.
Ich habe versucht, sie den Menschen auf der Welt so gut wie möglich bekannt zu machen.
Japan ist ein Land, in dem sich der Plattenteller der Zivilisation dreht und in dem es zusammen mit den Vereinigten Staaten die Welt für weitere 170 Jahre führen muss.
Es ist nur natürlich, dass die besten Zeitungen der Welt Tag und Nacht in Japan veröffentlicht werden.
Bis Juli 2010, als diese Kolumne erschien, hatte sie diese Papiere überhaupt nicht in der Welt verbreitet.
Es ist das, was die heutige Welt instabil und extrem gefährlich gemacht hat.
In diesem Kapitel möchte ich einen Artikel von Hideki Kakeya, Associate Professor für Systeminformationssysteme an der Universität von Tsukuba, vorstellen, der in WiLL erscheint.
Er ist ein echter Gelehrter, der Menschen, die das oben genannte Monatsmagazin nicht abonnieren oder Asahi Shimbun abonnieren und nur TV-Nachrichtensendungen sehen, völlig unbekannt ist.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass sie und der Rest der Welt wie sie noch nie eine echte Zeitung wie seine gelesen haben.
Lassen Sie das Streben nach China nicht locker
von Hideki Kakeya.
Wissenschaftler, die über widersprüchliche chinesische Behauptungen schweigen, sind in ihrem ethischen Sinn korrupt.
Unabhängige Untersuchung der WHO
Vierzehn Länder haben eine gemeinsame Erklärung abgegeben, in der sie den am 30. März veröffentlichten Bericht des WHO-Untersuchungsteams kritisieren.
Viele Länder haben offiziell anerkannt, dass Chinas Behauptung über die Entstehung des neuen Coronavirus falsch ist.
Eine Gruppe von Forschern, die am 4. März ein offenes Untersuchungsschreiben als Antwort auf den WHO-Bericht herausgab, gab am 7. April ein weiteres offenes Untersuchungsschreiben heraus.
Es wurde auch auf der offiziellen Website der New York Times veröffentlicht und von Reuters und anderen großen Medien berichtet.
Dieses offene Untersuchungsschreiben wurde von mir und einem anderen japanischen Forscher (Informationstechnik) aus Japan unterzeichnet.
Infolgedessen wurde in dem Nachrichtenartikel der Ausdruck "offenes Untersuchungsschreiben von Forschern aus Europa, den USA, Australien und Japan" verwendet.
Obwohl ich stolz bin, zur Förderung der Präsenz Japans hier beigetragen zu haben, bin ich sehr enttäuscht, dass es keine einzige Unterschrift eines japanischen Lebenswissenschaftlers gab.
In unserem offenen Untersuchungsschreiben im April haben wir auf die Ungerechtigkeit des Berichts durch das Untersuchungsteam der WHO hingewiesen. Außerdem haben wir einige Vorschläge gemacht, wie die Untersuchung in Zukunft fortgesetzt werden soll.
Die erste besteht darin, die Überweisungsklausel zwischen der WHO und China zu überprüfen, die China ein Vetorecht einräumt und es unabhängigen Experten unmöglich macht, in China zu forschen.
Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass diese Überprüfung wesentlich ist.
Die zweite besteht darin, die Generalversammlung der WHO im Mai 2021 zu beschließen und eine vollständige Untersuchung der Entstehung des neuen Coronavirus sowie neue Vorschriften für die Erforschung gefährlicher Funktionszuwächse zu fordern.
Drittens wird angenommen, dass die beiden oben genannten Vorschläge nicht umgesetzt werden.
In diesem Fall sollte in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen von der WHO unabhängigen Ländern eine transparente Untersuchung der Herkunft neuartiger Coronaviren durchgeführt werden.
Der offene Brief weist auch auf eine Reihe von Unstimmigkeiten hin, die in den von der chinesischen Seite im WHO-Bericht als Ergänzung eingereichten Materialien enthalten sind.
Wie bereits erwähnt, hat das Wuhan Institute of Virology beispielsweise die Datenbank des Instituts geschlossen, auf die zuvor von externen Forschern zugegriffen und verwiesen wurde.
China argumentiert, dass dies dazu dienen soll, es vor Hackerangriffen zu schützen, die durch die neue Coronavirus-Pandemie ausgelöst werden.
Die Datenbank wurde jedoch erst im September 2019 geschlossen.
Es gibt einen krassen Widerspruch in der chinesischen Behauptung.
Die chinesische Behauptung, dass keiner der Mitarbeiter des Wuhan Institute of Virology Antikörper gegen das neue Coronavirus hatte, ist ebenfalls höchst fraglich.
Bei der Untersuchung der Mitarbeiter des Wuhan Institute of Virginology ist es höchst zweifelhaft, dass die chinesische Seite behauptet, keiner von ihnen habe Antikörper gegen das neue Coronavirus.
Korrupte Ethik
Einige Leute argumentieren, dass China Beweise zerstört und dass es schwierig sein wird, ein Leck aus dem Labor zu beweisen, selbst wenn in Zukunft eine Untersuchung durchgeführt wird.
Es ist jedoch möglich, die Immunität (Immunglobuline und T-Zellen) aller Mitarbeiter des Wuhan Institute for Virus Research zu untersuchen.
Wenn die Infektionsgeschichte aller Mitarbeiter mit dem Virus bekannt ist, können wir den Leckageweg identifizieren.

Es kann diese Beweise nicht zerstören, ohne das Personal zu töten.
Es ist allein der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft möglich, unabhängig von der Politik akademische Konferenzen und Zeitschriften von Forschern chinesischer Forschungseinrichtungen auszuschließen, die nicht auf diese Untersuchung reagieren.
Wie wir uns aus dem Kalten Krieg erinnern können, ist es ungewöhnlich, dass eine Diktatur freien Zugang zu akademischen Aktivitäten in der freien Welt hat.
Ein Land, in dem die Verschleierung von Informationen gerechtfertigt ist, ist kein geeigneter Ort für die Wissenschaft.
Kein wahrer Wissenschaftler würde dem widersprechen.
Es wird erwartet, dass die chinesische Regierung das Wort "Diskriminierung" verwenden wird, um das Opfer bei der Schließung von Wissenschaftlern chinesischer Forschungseinrichtungen zu spielen.
Wir könnten dem entgegenwirken, indem wir Flüchtlinge (Asyl) von Forschern aus China aufnehmen.
Es ist kein Problem, das nur von Wissenschaftlern erkannt werden kann, sondern die Macht der Politik erfordert.
Einige Experten für Infektionskrankheiten befürchten, dass Chinas Verantwortung, wenn sie energisch verfolgt wird, verborgener wird.
Eine solche Argumentation rechtfertigt jedoch nicht, die Ursache von 3 Millionen Todesfällen zu vertuschen.
Wenn China seine Haltung verschärft und seine Vertuschung verstärkt, sollte es alle Menschen aus China daran hindern, ein- und auszusteigen.
Auf diese Weise kann die folgende Infektionskrankheit mit Ursprung in China verhindert werden.
Aum Shinrikyo konnte den Saringasangriff durchführen, da wir sie nicht für den Saringasangriff von Matsumoto verfolgten.
Wenn China den Ursprung des neuen Coronavirus nicht verfolgt, könnte der folgende Vorfall gefährlicher sein.
Wir sollten aus den Lehren der Geschichte lernen.
Einige Leute sagen, dass die Untersuchung des Ursprungs des neuen Coronavirus uns nicht helfen wird, da es den Schaden der Pandemie nicht auslöschen wird.
Indem wir jedoch die Wahrheit über den Ursprung herausfinden und die Risikofaktoren genau verstehen, können wir Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die nächste Pandemie zu verhindern, unabhängig davon, ob das Virus in freier Wildbahn oder im Labor entstanden ist.
Als erstes muss ein internationales Inspektionssystem für Laboratorien eingerichtet werden, die mit gefährlichen Mikroorganismen umgehen.
Wenn sich solche Labors in dicht besiedelten Gebieten befinden, sollten sie so schnell wie möglich in entvölkerte Gebiete oder abgelegene Inseln gebracht werden.
Die Kernenergie unterliegt dem IAEO-Inspektionssystem, und die Einrichtungen befinden sich in abgelegenen Gebieten.
Die gleichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sollten auch im Bereich der Biowissenschaften getroffen werden.
Die Ethik der heutigen Wissenschaftler ist jedoch so korrupt, dass eine solche Diskussion überhaupt nicht möglich ist.

Existe una evidente contradicción en la afirmación china.

2021年05月01日 14時55分04秒 | 全般

Las revistas mensuales WiLL y Hanada, que ahora están a la venta, están llenas de artículos y editoriales genuinos. Y, sin embargo, el precio es de solo 950 yenes (incluido el impuesto al consumo).
A un amigo mío que es un ávido lector le gusta decir que "nada es tan barato como un libro", y ambas revistas demuestran que esto es cierto.
Todo ciudadano japonés debería ir a la librería más cercana ahora mismo para suscribirse.
Los artículos y editoriales genuinos de ambas revistas son una lectura obligada para los japoneses y la gente de todo el mundo.
He tratado de darlos a conocer lo más posible a la gente del mundo.
Japón es un país donde el plato giratorio de la civilización está girando y donde, junto con Estados Unidos, debe liderar el mundo durante otros 170 años.
Es natural que los mejores artículos del mundo se publiquen día y noche en Japón.
Hasta julio de 2010, cuando apareció esta columna, no había difundido estos artículos en el mundo en absoluto.
Es lo que ha hecho que el mundo de hoy sea inestable y extremadamente peligroso.
En este capítulo, me gustaría presentar un artículo de Hideki Kakeya, profesor asociado de sistemas de información de la Universidad de Tsukuba, que aparece en WiLL.
Es un verdadero erudito que es completamente desconocido para las personas que no se suscriben a la revista mensual anterior o que se suscriben a Asahi Shimbun y solo ven programas de noticias de televisión.
No es exagerado decir que ellos y el resto del mundo como ellos nunca han leído un periódico genuino como el suyo.
No dejes de perseguir a China
por Hideki Kakeya.
Los científicos que guardan silencio sobre las afirmaciones chinas contradictorias son corruptos en su sentido de la ética.
Investigación independiente de la OMS
Catorce países han emitido una declaración conjunta crítica del informe del equipo de investigación de la OMS publicado el 30 de marzo.
Muchos países han reconocido oficialmente que la afirmación de China sobre el origen del nuevo coronavirus es incorrecta.
Un grupo de investigadores que emitió una carta de consulta abierta el 4 de marzo en respuesta al informe de la OMS emitió otra carta de consulta abierta el 7 de abril.
También fue publicado en el sitio web oficial del New York Times y reportado por Reuters y otros medios importantes.
Esta carta de consulta abierta fue firmada por mí y otro investigador japonés (ingeniería de la información) de Japón.
Como resultado, el artículo de noticias utilizó la frase "carta abierta de consulta de investigadores de Europa, Estados Unidos, Australia y Japón".
Si bien estoy orgulloso de haber contribuido a promover la presencia de Japón aquí, estoy muy decepcionado de que no haya una sola firma de un científico de la vida de Japón.
En nuestra carta de investigación abierta en abril, señalamos la injusticia del informe del equipo de investigación de la OMS. Además, hicimos algunas sugerencias sobre cómo proceder con la investigación en el futuro.
La primera es revisar la cláusula de remisión entre la OMS y China, que le da a China poder de veto y hace imposible que los expertos independientes realicen investigaciones en China.
Se propone que esta revisión es fundamental.
El segundo es resolver la Asamblea General de la OMS en mayo de 2021, pidiendo una investigación completa sobre el origen del nuevo coronavirus y nuevas regulaciones sobre la investigación peligrosa de ganancia de función.
En tercer lugar, suponga que las dos propuestas mencionadas anteriormente no se realizan.
En ese caso, debería realizar una investigación transparente del origen de los nuevos coronavirus en cooperación con otros países, independientes de la OMS.
La carta abierta también señala una serie de inconsistencias contenidas en los materiales presentados por la parte china en el informe de la OMS como suplemento.
Por ejemplo, como se mencionó anteriormente, el Instituto de Virología de Wuhan ha cerrado la base de datos del instituto, que anteriormente había sido accesible y referenciada por investigadores externos.
China argumenta que esto es para protegerla de los ataques de piratas informáticos provocados por la nueva pandemia de coronavirus.
Sin embargo, la base de datos no se cerró hasta septiembre de 2019.
Existe una evidente contradicción en la afirmación china.
La afirmación china de que ninguno de los empleados del Instituto de Virología de Wuhan tenía anticuerpos contra el nuevo coronavirus también es muy cuestionable.
Al examinar al personal del Instituto de Virginología de Wuhan, es muy dudoso que la parte china afirme que ninguno de ellos tenía anticuerpos contra el nuevo coronavirus.
Ética corrupta
Algunas personas argumentan que China está destruyendo pruebas y que será difícil probar una fuga del laboratorio incluso si se lleva a cabo una investigación en el futuro.
Sin embargo, es posible examinar la inmunidad (inmunoglobulinas y células T) de todos los empleados del Instituto de Investigación de Virus de Wuhan.
Si se conoce el historial de infección de todos los miembros del personal con el virus, podríamos identificar la ruta de fuga.

No puede destruir esta evidencia sin matar al personal.
Es posible que la comunidad científica por sí sola, independientemente de la política, excluya de las conferencias y revistas académicas a los investigadores pertenecientes a instituciones de investigación chinas que no respondan a esta investigación.
Como podemos recordar de la Guerra Fría, es anormal que una dictadura tenga libre acceso a las actividades académicas en el mundo libre.
Un país donde el ocultamiento de información está justificado no es un lugar apropiado para la academia.
Ningún verdadero científico estaría en desacuerdo con esto.
Se espera que el gobierno chino utilice la palabra "discriminación" para jugar a ser la víctima en el cierre de académicos pertenecientes a instituciones de investigación chinas.
Podríamos contrarrestarlo aceptando refugiados (asilo) de investigadores de China.
No es un problema que los científicos puedan resolver por sí solos, sino que requiere el poder de la política.
A algunos expertos en enfermedades infecciosas les preocupa que si se sigue enérgicamente la responsabilidad de China, se ocultará más.
Sin embargo, tal razonamiento no justifica en absoluto encubrir la causa de 3 millones de muertes.
Si China endurece su postura e intensifica su encubrimiento, debería impedir que todas las personas de China entren y salgan.
De esa forma, puede prevenir la siguiente enfermedad infecciosa originada en China.
Aum Shinrikyo pudo llevar a cabo el ataque con gas sarín porque no los perseguimos por el ataque con gas sarín de Matsumoto.
Si no se persigue a China el origen del nuevo coronavirus, el siguiente incidente podría ser más peligroso.
Deberíamos aprender de las lecciones de la historia.
Algunas personas dicen que investigar el origen del nuevo coronavirus no nos ayudará porque no borrará el daño de la pandemia.
Sin embargo, al desentrañar la verdad sobre el origen y comprender con precisión los factores de riesgo, podemos tomar medidas para prevenir la próxima pandemia, ya sea que el virus se haya originado en la naturaleza o en el laboratorio.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es establecer un sistema de inspección internacional para los laboratorios que manejan microorganismos peligrosos.
Si dichos laboratorios están ubicados en áreas densamente pobladas, debe trasladarlos a áreas despobladas o islas remotas lo antes posible.
La energía nucleoeléctrica está sujeta al sistema de inspección del OIEA y las instalaciones están ubicadas en zonas remotas.
También debería tomar las mismas medidas de seguridad en el campo de las ciencias de la vida.
Sin embargo, la ética de los científicos de hoy es tan corrupta que tal discusión no es posible en absoluto.

Det finns en uppenbar motsägelse i det kinesiska påståendet.

2021年05月01日 14時52分25秒 | 全般

Månadstidningarna WiLL och Hanada, som nu säljs, är fyllda med äkta artiklar och ledare. Och ändå är priset bara 950 yen (inklusive konsumtionsskatt).
En vän till mig som är en ivrig läsare tycker om att säga att "ingenting är lika billigt som en bok", och båda tidningarna visar att detta är sant.
Varje japansk medborgare bör gå till närmaste bokhandel just nu för att prenumerera.
De äkta redaktionerna och artiklarna i båda tidskrifterna är ett måste för japaner och människor världen över.
Jag har försökt göra dem kända så mycket som möjligt för världens människor.
Japan är ett land där civilisationens skivspelare vänder och där, tillsammans med USA, måste leda världen i ytterligare 170 år.
Det är helt naturligt att världens bästa tidningar publiceras dag och natt i Japan.
Fram till juli 2010, då den här kolumnen dök upp, hade den inte spridit dessa artiklar till världen alls.
Det är det som har gjort dagens värld instabil och extremt farlig.
I detta kapitel vill jag presentera en artikel av Hideki Kakeya, docent i systeminformationssystem vid University of Tsukuba, som visas i WiLL.
Han är en riktig forskare som är helt okänd för människor som inte prenumererar på ovanstående månadstidning eller som prenumererar på Asahi Shimbun och bara tittar på TV-nyhetsprogram.
Det är ingen överdrift att säga att de och resten av världen som dem aldrig har läst ett äkta papper som hans.
Släpp inte upp jakten på Kina
av Hideki Kakeya.
Forskare som är tysta om motsägelsefulla kinesiska påståenden är korrupta i sin känsla av etik.
Oberoende utredning från WHO
Fjorton länder har utfärdat ett gemensamt uttalande med kritik mot rapporten från WHO: s utredningsgrupp som släpptes den 30 mars.
Många länder har officiellt erkänt att Kinas påstående om ursprunget till det nya koronaviruset är felaktigt.
En grupp forskare som utfärdade ett öppet undersökningsbrev den 4 mars som svar på WHO-rapporten utfärdade ytterligare ett öppet utredningsbrev den 7 april.
Det publicerades också på den officiella webbplatsen för New York Times och rapporterades av Reuters och andra stora medier.
Detta öppna undersökningsbrev undertecknades av mig själv och en annan japansk forskare (informationsteknik) från Japan.
Som ett resultat använde nyhetsartikeln frasen "öppen undersökningsbrev från forskare från Europa, USA, Australien och Japan.
Även om jag är stolt över att ha bidragit till att främja Japans närvaro här, är jag mycket besviken över att det inte fanns någon enda signatur från en livsvetenskapsman från Japan.
I vårt öppna undersökningsbrev i april påpekade vi orättvisan i rapporten från WHO: s utredningsgrupp. Vi gjorde också några förslag på hur man kan gå vidare med utredningen i framtiden.
Den första är att granska hänvisningsklausulen mellan WHO och Kina, vilket ger Kina vetorätt och gör det omöjligt för oberoende experter att bedriva forskning i Kina.
Det föreslås att denna översyn är väsentlig.
Den andra är att lösa WHO: s generalförsamling i maj 2021, där man kräver en fullständig utredning av ursprunget till det nya koronaviruset och nya föreskrifter om farlig forskningsresultat.
För det tredje, antar att de två ovan nämnda förslagen inte realiseras.
I så fall bör den bedriva en transparent undersökning av ursprunget till nya koronavirus i samarbete med andra länder, oberoende av WHO.
Det öppna brevet pekar också på ett antal inkonsekvenser i det material som lämnats in av den kinesiska sidan i WHO-rapporten som ett komplement.
Till exempel, som tidigare nämnts, har Wuhan Institute of Virology stängt institutets databas, som tidigare varit tillgänglig och refererad av externa forskare.
Kina hävdar att detta är för att skydda det mot hackares attacker utlöst av den nya koronaviruspandemin.
Databasen stängdes dock inte förrän i september 2019.
Det finns en uppenbar motsägelse i det kinesiska påståendet.
Kineserna hävdar att ingen av Wuhan Institute of Virology-anställda hade antikroppar mot det nya koronaviruset är också mycket tveksamt.
När man undersöker personalen vid Wuhan Institute of Virginology är det mycket tveksamt om den kinesiska sidan hävdar att ingen av dem hade antikroppar mot det nya koronaviruset.
Korrupt etik
Vissa människor hävdar att Kina förstör bevis och att det kommer att bli svårt att bevisa en läcka från laboratoriet även om en utredning genomförs i framtiden.
Det är dock möjligt att undersöka immuniteten (immunoglobuliner och T-celler) för alla anställda vid Wuhan Institute for Virus Research.
Om infektionshistoriken för alla anställda med viruset är känd kan vi identifiera läckagevägen.

Det kan inte förstöra detta bevis utan att döda personalen.
Det är möjligt för det vetenskapliga samfundet ensamt, oberoende av politik, att hindra akademiska konferenser och tidskrifter som tillhör kinesiska forskningsinstitutioner som inte svarar på denna undersökning.
Som vi kan komma ihåg från det kalla kriget är det onormalt för en diktatur att ha fri tillgång till akademiska aktiviteter i den fria världen.
Ett land där det är berättigat att dölja information är inte en lämplig plats för akademin.
Ingen sann vetenskapsman skulle hålla med om detta.
Det förväntas att den kinesiska regeringen kommer att använda ordet "diskriminering" för att spela offret i avstängningen av forskare som tillhör kinesiska forskningsinstitutioner.
Vi kan motverka det genom att ta emot flyktingar (asyl) från forskare från Kina.
Det är inte ett problem som kan förverkligas av forskare ensamma, men som kräver kraft från politiken.
Vissa experter på infektionssjukdomar är oroliga för att om Kinas ansvar drivs kraftigt kommer det att bli mer dolt.
Ett sådant resonemang motiverar dock inte att täcka över orsaken till 3 miljoner dödsfall alls.
Om Kina hårdnar sin hållning och intensifierar täckningen, bör det hindra alla människor från Kina från att komma in och ut.
På det sättet kan det förhindra följande infektionssjukdom med ursprung i Kina.
Aum Shinrikyo kunde utföra saringasattacken eftersom vi inte förföljde dem för Matsumotos saringasattack.
Om Kina inte eftersträvas ursprunget för det nya koronaviruset kan följande händelse vara farligare.
Vi bör lära av historiens lärdomar.
Vissa människor säger att det inte hjälper oss att undersöka ursprunget till det nya koronaviruset eftersom det inte raderar pandemin.
Men genom att avslöja sanningen om ursprunget och förstå riskfaktorerna korrekt kan vi vidta åtgärder för att förhindra nästa pandemi, oavsett om viruset har sitt ursprung i naturen eller laboratoriet.
Det första du ska göra är att inrätta ett internationellt inspektionssystem för laboratorier som hanterar farliga mikroorganismer.
Om sådana laboratorier finns i tätbefolkade områden bör det flytta dem till avfolkade områden eller avlägsna öar så snart som möjligt.
Kärnkraft omfattas av IAEA: s inspektionssystem och anläggningar finns i avlägsna områden.
Det bör vidta samma säkerhetsåtgärder även inom det biovetenskapliga området.
Men dagens forskares etik är så korrupt att en sådan diskussion inte alls är möjlig.

C'è un'evidente contraddizione nell'affermazione cinese.

2021年05月01日 14時50分03秒 | 全般

Le riviste mensili WiLL e Hanada, ora in vendita, sono piene di articoli ed editoriali autentici. Eppure, il prezzo è di soli 950 yen (inclusa l'imposta sui consumi).
Un mio amico che è un avido lettore ama dire che "niente è economico come un libro", ed entrambe le riviste dimostrano che questo è vero.
Ogni cittadino giapponese dovrebbe andare subito alla libreria più vicina per iscriversi.
Gli editoriali e gli articoli originali in entrambe le riviste sono una lettura obbligata per i giapponesi e per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Ho cercato di farli conoscere il più possibile alle persone del mondo.
Il Giappone è un paese in cui sta girando il giradischi della civiltà e dove, insieme agli Stati Uniti, deve guidare il mondo per altri 170 anni.
È naturale che i migliori giornali del mondo vengano pubblicati giorno e notte in Giappone.
Fino a luglio 2010, quando è apparsa questa colonna, non aveva affatto diffuso questi documenti al mondo.
È ciò che ha reso il mondo di oggi instabile ed estremamente pericoloso.
In questo capitolo, vorrei introdurre un articolo di Hideki Kakeya, Professore Associato di Sistemi Informativi all'Università di Tsukuba, che appare su WiLL.
È un vero studioso che è completamente sconosciuto alle persone che non si abbonano alla rivista mensile di cui sopra o che si abbonano ad Asahi Shimbun e guardano solo i programmi di notizie in TV.
Non è esagerato dire che loro e il resto del mondo come loro non hanno mai letto un giornale autentico come il suo.
Non mollare la ricerca della Cina
di Hideki Kakeya.
Gli scienziati che tacciono sulle affermazioni cinesi contraddittorie sono corrotti nel loro senso etico.
Indagine indipendente dall'OMS
Quattordici paesi hanno rilasciato una dichiarazione congiunta critica nei confronti del rapporto del team investigativo dell'OMS pubblicato il 30 marzo.
Molti paesi hanno ufficialmente riconosciuto che l'affermazione della Cina sull'origine del nuovo coronavirus è sbagliata.
Un gruppo di ricercatori che ha pubblicato una lettera di inchiesta aperta il 4 marzo in risposta al rapporto dell'OMS ha emesso un'altra lettera di inchiesta aperta il 7 aprile.
È stato anche pubblicato sul sito ufficiale del New York Times e riportato da Reuters e altri importanti media.
Questa lettera aperta di inchiesta è stata firmata da me e da un altro ricercatore giapponese (ingegneria dell'informazione) dal Giappone.
Di conseguenza, l'articolo di notizie ha utilizzato la frase "lettera aperta di inchiesta da parte di ricercatori provenienti da Europa, Stati Uniti, Australia e Giappone.
Anche se sono orgoglioso di aver contribuito a promuovere la presenza del Giappone qui, sono molto deluso dal fatto che non ci fosse una sola firma di uno scienziato della vita dal Giappone.
Nella nostra lettera di inchiesta aperta ad aprile, abbiamo sottolineato l'iniquità del rapporto del team investigativo dell'OMS. Inoltre, abbiamo fornito alcuni suggerimenti su come procedere con le indagini in futuro.
Il primo è rivedere la clausola di rinvio tra l'OMS e la Cina, che conferisce alla Cina il potere di veto e rende impossibile per esperti indipendenti condurre ricerche in Cina.
Si propone che questa revisione sia essenziale.
Il secondo è quello di risolvere l'Assemblea generale dell'OMS nel maggio 2021, chiedendo un'indagine completa sull'origine del nuovo coronavirus e nuovi regolamenti sulla ricerca pericolosa per il guadagno di funzione.
Terzo, supponiamo che le due proposte sopra menzionate non siano realizzate.
In tal caso, dovrebbe perseguire un'indagine trasparente sull'origine dei nuovi coronavirus in collaborazione con altri paesi, indipendentemente dall'OMS.
La lettera aperta sottolinea anche una serie di incongruenze contenute nei materiali presentati dalla parte cinese nel rapporto dell'OMS come supplemento.
Ad esempio, come accennato in precedenza, il Wuhan Institute of Virology ha chiuso il database dell'istituto, che in precedenza era stato accessibile e referenziato da ricercatori esterni.
La Cina sostiene che questo sia per proteggerla dagli attacchi degli hacker innescati dalla nuova pandemia di coronavirus.
Tuttavia, il database non è stato chiuso fino a settembre 2019.
C'è un'evidente contraddizione nell'affermazione cinese.
Anche l'affermazione cinese che nessuno dei dipendenti dell'Istituto di virologia di Wuhan avesse anticorpi contro il nuovo coronavirus è altamente discutibile.
Durante l'esame del personale dell'Istituto di verginologia di Wuhan, è altamente dubbio che la parte cinese affermi che nessuno di loro aveva anticorpi contro il nuovo coronavirus.
Etica corrotta
Alcune persone sostengono che la Cina stia distruggendo le prove e che sarà difficile dimostrare una fuga di notizie dal laboratorio anche se in futuro verrà condotta un'indagine.
Tuttavia, è possibile esaminare l'immunità (immunoglobuline e cellule T) di tutti i dipendenti del Wuhan Institute for Virus Research.
Se la storia dell'infezione di tutti i membri del personale con il virus è nota, potremmo identificare il percorso di perdita.

Non può distruggere queste prove senza uccidere il personale.
È possibile per la sola comunità scientifica, indipendente dalla politica, escludere dalle conferenze accademiche e dalle riviste i ricercatori appartenenti agli istituti di ricerca cinesi che non rispondono a questa indagine.
Come possiamo ricordare dalla Guerra Fredda, è anormale per una dittatura avere libero accesso alle attività accademiche nel mondo libero.
Un paese in cui l'occultamento delle informazioni è giustificato non è un luogo appropriato per il mondo accademico.
Nessun vero scienziato sarebbe in disaccordo con questo.
Si prevede che il governo cinese utilizzerà la parola "discriminazione" per interpretare la vittima della chiusura di studiosi appartenenti a istituti di ricerca cinesi.
Potremmo contrastarlo accettando rifugiati (asilo) di ricercatori dalla Cina.
Non è un problema che può essere realizzato dai soli scienziati, ma richiede il potere della politica.
Alcuni esperti di malattie infettive temono che, se la responsabilità della Cina viene perseguita con vigore, diventerà più nascosta.
Tuttavia, tale ragionamento non giustifica affatto l'occultamento della causa di 3 milioni di morti.
Se la Cina rafforza la sua posizione e intensifica il suo insabbiamento, dovrebbe impedire a tutte le persone provenienti dalla Cina di entrare e uscire.
In questo modo, può prevenire la seguente malattia infettiva originaria della Cina.
Aum Shinrikyo è stato in grado di portare a termine l'attacco con il gas sarin perché non li abbiamo inseguiti per l'attacco con il gas sarin di Matsumoto.
Se la Cina non viene perseguita sull'origine del nuovo coronavirus, il seguente incidente potrebbe essere più pericoloso.
Dovremmo imparare dalle lezioni della storia.
Alcune persone dicono che indagare sull'origine del nuovo coronavirus non ci aiuterà perché non cancellerà i danni della pandemia.
Tuttavia, svelando la verità sull'origine e comprendendo accuratamente i fattori di rischio, possiamo adottare misure per prevenire la prossima pandemia, sia che il virus abbia avuto origine in natura o in laboratorio.
La prima cosa da fare è stabilire un sistema di ispezione internazionale per i laboratori che gestiscono microrganismi pericolosi.
Se tali laboratori sono situati in aree densamente popolate, dovrebbe spostarli il prima possibile in aree spopolate o isole remote.
L'energia nucleare è soggetta al sistema di ispezione dell'AIEA e le strutture sono situate in aree remote.
Dovrebbe adottare le stesse misure di sicurezza anche nel campo delle scienze della vita.
Tuttavia, l'etica degli scienziati di oggi è così corrotta che una tale discussione non è affatto possibile.

هناك تناقض صارخ في الادعاء الصيني.

2021年05月01日 14時46分04秒 | 全般

تمتلئ المجلات الشهرية WiLL و Hanada ، اللتان تعرضان للبيع الآن ، بالمقالات والافتتاحيات الأصلية. ومع ذلك ، فإن السعر هو 950 يناً فقط (بما في ذلك ضريبة الاستهلاك).
صديق لي وهو قارئ متعطش مغرم بالقول "لا شيء رخيص مثل الكتاب" وتثبت كلتا المجلتين أن هذا صحيح.
يجب على كل مواطن ياباني الذهاب إلى أقرب محل لبيع الكتب الآن للاشتراك.
المقالات والافتتاحيات الحقيقية في كلتا المجلات يجب قراءتها لليابانيين ولشعب العالم.
لقد حاولت أن أجعلهم معروفين قدر الإمكان لشعوب العالم.
اليابان بلد يتحول فيه القرص الدوار للحضارة ويتعين عليه ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع الولايات المتحدة ، قيادة العالم لمدة 170 عامًا أخرى.
من الطبيعي أن يتم نشر أفضل الصحف في العالم ليلًا ونهارًا في اليابان.
حتى يوليو 2010 ، عندما ظهر هذا العمود ، لم يكن قد نشر هذه الأوراق للعالم على الإطلاق.
إنه ما جعل عالم اليوم غير مستقر وخطير للغاية.
في هذا الفصل ، أود أن أقدم مقالًا بقلم Hideki Kakeya ، الأستاذ المشارك في نظم معلومات الأنظمة بجامعة Tsukuba ، والذي يظهر في WiLL.
إنه عالم حقيقي غير معروف تمامًا للأشخاص الذين لا يشتركون في المجلة الشهرية المذكورة أعلاه أو الذين يشتركون في Asahi Shimbun ويشاهدون البرامج الإخبارية التلفزيونية فقط.
ليس من قبيل المبالغة القول إنهم وبقية العالم مثلهم لم يقرأوا جريدة أصلية مثله.
لا تتخلى عن مطاردة الصين
بواسطة Hideki Kakeya.
العلماء الذين يلتزمون الصمت بشأن الادعاءات الصينية المتناقضة فاسدون في إحساسهم الأخلاقي.
تحقيق مستقل من منظمة الصحة العالمية
أصدرت 14 دولة بيانًا مشتركًا ينتقد تقرير فريق تحقيق منظمة الصحة العالمية الصادر في 30 مارس / آذار.
أقرت العديد من الدول رسميًا أن ادعاء الصين بشأن أصل فيروس كورونا الجديد خاطئ.
أصدرت مجموعة من الباحثين الذين أصدروا رسالة استفسار مفتوحة في 4 مارس / آذار ردًا على تقرير منظمة الصحة العالمية ، رسالة استفسار مفتوحة أخرى في 7 أبريل / نيسان.
كما نُشر على الموقع الرسمي لصحيفة نيويورك تايمز وأوردته رويترز ووسائل إعلام رئيسية أخرى.
تم التوقيع على خطاب الاستفسار المفتوح هذا بواسطتي وباحث ياباني آخر (هندسة المعلومات) من اليابان.
ونتيجة لذلك ، استخدم المقال الإخباري عبارة "خطاب استفسار مفتوح من قبل باحثين من أوروبا والولايات المتحدة وأستراليا واليابان.
بينما أنا فخور بالمساهمة في تعزيز وجود اليابان هنا ، أشعر بخيبة أمل كبيرة لعدم وجود توقيع واحد من عالم الحياة من اليابان.
في رسالة الاستفسار المفتوحة التي أرسلناها في أبريل ، أشرنا إلى عدم عدالة تقرير فريق التحقيق التابع لمنظمة الصحة العالمية. أيضًا ، قدمنا ​​بعض الاقتراحات حول كيفية المضي قدمًا في التحقيق في المستقبل.
الأول هو مراجعة بند الإحالة بين منظمة الصحة العالمية والصين ، والذي يمنح الصين حق النقض ويجعل من المستحيل على الخبراء المستقلين إجراء البحوث في الصين.
يقترح أن هذه المراجعة ضرورية.
والثاني هو حل الجمعية العامة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية في مايو 2021 ، والدعوة إلى إجراء تحقيق كامل في أصل فيروس كورونا الجديد واللوائح الجديدة المتعلقة بأبحاث اكتساب الوظيفة الخطيرة.
ثالثًا ، افترض أن الاقتراحين المذكورين أعلاه لم يتم تحقيقهما.
في هذه الحالة ، يجب أن تتابع تحقيقًا شفافًا في أصل فيروسات كورونا الجديدة بالتعاون مع دول أخرى ، مستقلة عن منظمة الصحة العالمية.
يشير الخطاب المفتوح أيضًا إلى عدد من التناقضات الواردة في المواد المقدمة من الجانب الصيني في تقرير منظمة الصحة العالمية كملحق.
على سبيل المثال ، كما ذكرنا سابقًا ، قام معهد ووهان لعلم الفيروسات بإغلاق قاعدة بيانات المعهد ، والتي كان يمكن الوصول إليها سابقًا والرجوع إليها من قبل باحثين خارجيين.
تجادل الصين بأن هذا لحمايتها من هجمات المتسللين الناجمة عن جائحة فيروس كورونا الجديد.
ومع ذلك ، لم يتم إغلاق قاعدة البيانات حتى سبتمبر 2019.
هناك تناقض صارخ في الادعاء الصيني.
كما أن الادعاء الصيني بأن أياً من موظفي معهد ووهان لعلم الفيروسات لم يكن لديه أجسام مضادة لفيروس كورونا الجديد أمر مشكوك فيه للغاية.
عند فحص موظفي معهد ووهان لعلم العذراء ، من المشكوك فيه بشدة أن يزعم الجانب الصيني أنه لا يوجد أي منهم لديه أجسام مضادة لفيروس كورونا الجديد
الأخلاق الفاسدة
يجادل بعض الناس بأن الصين تدمر الأدلة وأنه سيكون من الصعب إثبات وجود تسرب من المختبر حتى لو تم إجراء تحقيق في المستقبل.
ومع ذلك ، من الممكن فحص المناعة (الغلوبولين المناعي والخلايا التائية) لجميع موظفي معهد ووهان لأبحاث الفيروسات.
إذا كان تاريخ إصابة جميع الموظفين بالفيروس معروفًا ، فيمكننا تحديد مسار التسرب.

لا يمكن تدمير هذا الدليل دون قتل الموظفين.
يمكن للمجتمع العلمي وحده ، بغض النظر عن السياسة ، أن يمنع من حضور المؤتمرات الأكاديمية والباحثين في المجلات الذين ينتمون إلى مؤسسات البحث الصينية التي لا تستجيب لهذا التحقيق.
كما يمكننا أن نتذكر من الحرب الباردة ، من غير الطبيعي أن تتمتع الديكتاتورية بحرية الوصول إلى الأنشطة الأكاديمية في العالم الحر.
البلد الذي يكون فيه إخفاء المعلومات مبررًا ليس مكانًا مناسبًا للأوساط الأكاديمية.
لن يختلف أي عالم حقيقي مع هذا.
ومن المتوقع أن تستخدم الحكومة الصينية كلمة "تمييز" للعب دور الضحية في إغلاق العلماء الذين ينتمون إلى مؤسسات بحثية صينية.
يمكننا مواجهته بقبول (لجوء) باحثين من الصين.
إنها ليست مشكلة يمكن أن يدركها العلماء وحدهم ولكنها تتطلب قوة السياسة.
يشعر بعض خبراء الأمراض المعدية بالقلق من أنه إذا تم متابعة مسؤولية الصين بقوة ، فسوف تصبح أكثر إخفاءً.
ومع ذلك ، فإن مثل هذا التفكير لا يبرر التستر على سبب 3 ملايين حالة وفاة على الإطلاق.
إذا شددت الصين موقفها وكثفت التستر عليها ، فعليها أن تمنع دخول الصين وخروجها منها.
بهذه الطريقة ، يمكن أن تمنع الأمراض المعدية التالية التي تنشأ في الصين.
كان أوم شينريكيو قادرًا على تنفيذ هجوم بغاز السارين لأننا لم نلاحقهم بسبب هجوم ماتسوموتو بغاز السارين.
إذا لم تلاحق الصين أصل الفيروس التاجي الجديد ، فقد يكون الحادث التالي أكثر خطورة.
يجب أن نتعلم من دروس التاريخ.
يقول بعض الناس إن التحقيق في أصل الفيروس التاجي الجديد لن يساعدنا لأنه لن يمحو أضرار الوباء.
ومع ذلك ، من خلال كشف الحقيقة حول الأصل وفهم عوامل الخطر بدقة ، يمكننا اتخاذ تدابير لمنع الوباء التالي ، سواء نشأ الفيروس في البرية أو في المختبر.
أول شيء يجب القيام به هو إنشاء نظام تفتيش دولي للمختبرات التي تتعامل مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الخطرة.
إذا كانت هذه المختبرات موجودة في مناطق مكتظة بالسكان ، فيجب نقلها إلى مناطق خالية من السكان أو جزر نائية في أسرع وقت ممكن.
تخضع الطاقة النووية لنظام التفتيش التابع للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية ، وتقع المرافق في مناطق نائية.
يجب أن تتخذ نفس إجراءات السلامة في مجال علوم الحياة أيضًا.
ومع ذلك ، فإن أخلاقيات علماء اليوم فاسدة للغاية لدرجة أن مثل هذه المناقشة غير ممكنة على الإطلاق.

Daar is 'n skreiende teenstrydigheid in die Chinese eis.

2021年05月01日 14時44分24秒 | 全般

Die maandblaaie, WiLL en Hanada, wat nou te koop aangebied word, is gevul met ware artikels en hoofartikels. En tog is die prys slegs 950 jen (verbruiksbelasting ingesluit).
'N Vriend van my wat 'n ywerige leser is, sê graag: "niks is so goedkoop soos 'n boek nie", en albei tydskrifte toon aan dat dit waar is.
Elke Japannese burger moet nou na die naaste boekwinkel gaan om in te teken.
Die regte hoofartikels en artikels in albei tydskrifte is 'n moet vir Japannese en mense wêreldwyd.
Ek het probeer om hulle soveel as moontlik aan die mense van die wêreld bekend te maak.
Japan is 'n land waarheen die draaitafel van die beskawing draai, en waar dit saam met die Verenigde State nog 170 jaar lank die wêreld moet lei.
Dit is natuurlik dat die wêreld se beste artikels dag en nag in Japan gepubliseer word.
Tot Julie 2010, toe hierdie rubriek verskyn het, het dit hierdie referate glad nie aan die wêreld versprei nie.
Dit is wat die wêreld van vandag onstabiel en uiters gevaarlik gemaak het.
In hierdie hoofstuk wil ek 'n artikel van Hideki Kakeya, medeprofessor in stelsels-inligtingstelsels aan die Universiteit van Tsukuba, bekendstel, wat in WiLL verskyn.
Hy is 'n ware geleerde wat heeltemal onbekend is vir mense wat nie op die bogenoemde maandblad inteken of wat Asahi Shimbun inteken en slegs TV-nuusprogramme kyk nie.
Dit is geen oordrywing om te sê dat hulle en die res van die wêreld soos hulle nog nooit 'n ware koerant soos hy gelees het nie.
Moenie die strewe na China laat vaar nie
deur Hideki Kakeya.
Wetenskaplikes wat swyg oor teenstrydige Chinese eise, is korrup in hul sin vir etiek.
Onafhanklike ondersoek van die WGO
Veertien lande het 'n gesamentlike verklaring uitgereik wat krities is oor die verslag van die WHO-ondersoekspan wat op 30 Maart bekend gemaak is.
Baie lande het amptelik erken dat die bewering van China oor die oorsprong van die nuwe koronavirus verkeerd is.
'N Groep navorsers wat op 4 Maart 'n ope ondersoekbrief uitgereik het in reaksie op die WHO-verslag, het op 7 April weer 'n ope ondersoekbrief uitgereik.
Dit is ook op die amptelike webwerf van die New York Times gepubliseer en deur Reuters en ander groot media berig.
Hierdie ope ondersoekbrief is onderteken deur myself en 'n ander Japannese navorser (inligtingsingenieurswese) uit Japan.
As gevolg hiervan het die nuusartikel die frase 'ope brief van ondersoek deur navorsers uit Europa, die Verenigde State, Australië en Japan' gebruik.
Alhoewel ek trots is dat ek 'n bydrae gelewer het om Japan se teenwoordigheid hier te bevorder, is ek baie teleurgesteld dat daar geen enkele handtekening van 'n lewenswetenskaplike uit Japan was nie.
In ons ope brief van ondersoek in April het ons gewys op die onbillikheid van die verslag van die WHO se ondersoekspan. Ons het ook voorstelle gemaak oor hoe om voort te gaan met die ondersoek.
Die eerste is om die verwysingsklousule tussen WHO en China te hersien, wat China vetoreg gee en dit onmoontlik maak vir onafhanklike kundiges om navorsing in China te doen.
Daar word voorgestel dat hierdie oorsig noodsaaklik is.
Die tweede is die oplossing van die WHO se Algemene Vergadering in Mei 2021, waarin gevra word vir 'n volledige ondersoek na die oorsprong van die nuwe koronavirus en nuwe regulasies oor gevaarlike navorsing oor winsgewende funksies.
Dink daaraan dat die twee bogenoemde voorstelle nie gerealiseer word nie.
In daardie geval moet dit deursigtig ondersoek word na die oorsprong van nuwe koronavirusse in samewerking met ander lande, onafhanklik van die WGO.
Die ope brief wys ook op 'n aantal teenstrydighede in die materiaal wat deur die Chinese party in die WHO-verslag as aanvulling voorgelê is.
Soos vroeër genoem, het die Wuhan Instituut vir Virologie byvoorbeeld die databasis van die instituut gesluit, wat voorheen toeganklik en na verwys is deur navorsers van buite.
China voer aan dat dit is om dit te beskerm teen aanvalle van hackers wat veroorsaak word deur die nuwe koronavirus-pandemie.
Die databasis is egter eers in September 2019 gesluit.
Daar is 'n skreiende teenstrydigheid in die Chinese eis.
Die Chinese beweer dat geen van die werknemers van Wuhan Institute of Virology teenliggaampies teen die nuwe koronavirus gehad het nie, is ook baie betwyfelbaar.
Wanneer die personeel van die Wuhan Institute of Virginology ondersoek word, is dit baie betwyfelbaar dat die Chinese kant beweer dat nie een van hulle teenliggaampies teen die nuwe koronavirus gehad het nie.
Korrupte etiek
Sommige mense voer aan dat China bewyse vernietig en dat dit moeilik sal wees om 'n lekkasie uit die laboratorium te bewys, selfs al word 'n ondersoek in die toekoms gedoen.
Dit is egter moontlik om die immuniteit (immunoglobuliene en T-selle) van al die werknemers van Wuhan Institute for Virus Research te ondersoek.
As die besmettingsgeskiedenis van al die personeellede met die virus bekend is, kan ons die lekkasieroete identifiseer.

Dit kan nie hierdie bewyse vernietig sonder om die personeel dood te maak nie.
Dit is slegs moontlik vir die wetenskaplike gemeenskap, onafhanklik van die politiek, om navorsers van Chinese navorsingsinstellings wat nie op hierdie ondersoek reageer nie, van akademiese konferensies en tydskrifte te verhoed.
Soos ons kan onthou uit die Koue Oorlog, is dit abnormaal dat 'n diktatuur vrye toegang het tot akademiese aktiwiteite in die vrye wêreld.
'N Land waar die verberging van inligting geregverdig is, is nie 'n gepaste plek vir die akademie nie.
Geen ware wetenskaplike sal hiermee saamstem nie.
Daar word verwag dat die Chinese regering die woord "diskriminasie" sal gebruik om die slagoffer te speel in die sluiting van wetenskaplikes wat aan Chinese navorsingsinstellings behoort.
Ons kan dit teëwerk deur vlugtelinge (asiel) van navorsers uit China te aanvaar.
Dit is nie 'n probleem wat wetenskaplikes alleen kan besef nie, maar wat die krag van die politiek vereis.
Sommige kenners van aansteeklike siektes is bekommerd dat dit meer verswyg sal word as China se verantwoordelikheid sterk nagestreef word.
Sulke redenasies regverdig egter glad nie die oorsaak van 3 miljoen sterftes nie.
As China sy houding verhard en sy toesmeerdery verskerp, moet dit alle mense uit China verhinder om in en uit te kom.
Op hierdie manier kan dit voorkom dat die volgende aansteeklike siektes van China afkomstig is.
Aum Shinrikyo kon die saringasaanval uitvoer omdat ons hulle nie vir die Matsumoto-saringasaanval agtervolg het nie.
As China nie die oorsprong van die nuwe koronavirus najaag nie, kan die volgende voorval gevaarliker wees.
Ons moet leer uit die lesse uit die geskiedenis.
Sommige mense sê dat die ondersoek na die oorsprong van die nuwe koronavirus ons nie sal help nie, want dit sal nie die skade aan die pandemie uitwis nie.
Deur egter die waarheid oor die oorsprong te ontrafel en die risikofaktore akkuraat te verstaan, kan ons maatreëls tref om die volgende pandemie te voorkom, hetsy die virus in die natuur of in die laboratorium ontstaan ​​het.
Die eerste ding om te doen is om 'n internasionale inspeksiestelsel op te stel vir laboratoriums wat gevaarlike mikro-organismes hanteer.
As sulke laboratoriums in digbevolkte gebiede geleë is, moet dit so spoedig moontlik na ontvolke gebiede of afgeleë eilande geskuif word.
Kernkrag is onderhewig aan die IAEA-inspeksiestelsel en fasiliteite is in afgeleë gebiede geleë.
Dit moet ook dieselfde veiligheidsmaatreëls in die lewenswetenskaplike veld tref.
Die etiek van hedendaagse wetenskaplikes is egter so korrup dat so 'n bespreking glad nie moontlik is nie.