

【論】Ideker,2000,Testing for Differentially-Express~

2007年06月19日 20時01分18秒 | 論文記録
Trey Ideker, Vesteinn Thorsson, Andrew F. Siegel and Leroy E. Hood
Testing for Differentially-Expressed Genes by Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of DNA Microarray Data.
Journal of Computational Biology 7: 805-817 (2000).
[PDF][Web Site]

・Maximum-likelihood analysis を応用した遺伝子抽出法の提案。

・方法「Here, we report a refined test for differentially expressed genes which does not rely on gene expression ratios but directly compares a series of repeated measurements of the two dye intensities for each gene.
・結果「However, due to the large number of genes involved in a typical experiment, we have demonstrated that a likelihood ratio test performed with only four samples per gene chooses differentially-expressed gene candidates that are in good agreement with other experimental evidence.


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