Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

同性愛公表の尾辻議員 がんばれ!

2013年05月29日 23時09分21秒 | Weblog













(2013年5月30日10時22分 読売新聞)

性奴隷問題について、あまりにも勉強不足のHIROKO Tabuchi Mari Yamaguchi 記者ら

2013年05月29日 22時11分13秒 | Weblog
Anguish from Japan's sex slave legacy unsettled
Story user rating:




True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women



This book was begun in March 1992, when members of the society began speaking to about 40 former comfort women who had given their addresses and had indicated a willingness to be contacted. In the process of recording testimonies, the number of women we decided to include here was
narrowed down to 19. We eliminated those who were reluctant to talk about the details of their experiences, those whose stories contained inconsistencies and those who contradicted themselves. The surviving comfort women are now quite old, and have lived through so much adversity that many can faintly remember the sufferings they endured. To help them remember their experiences more clearly, all the researchers compared the details of the accounts with what we know about the military history of Japan through documents . In an attempt to obtain accurate testimony, researchers had to interview each survivor more than ten times.They were forced restrain their emotion and to maintain objective attitude while talking about heart-breaking experiences.


Monday, June 26, 2006
Korea/How Korean comfrot women were recruited----testimonies


The dwarves of Auschwitz

Listening to the unimaginable horrors of Holocaust survivors, you shrink, stunned. But historians are reserved about oral testimonies.


2013年05月28日 22:25 その他




Tens of thousands of women had similar stories to tell,


Hashimoto provided no evidence but insisted that Tokyo has been unfairly singled out for its World War II behavior regarding women,


Hiroko Tabuchi togetter 人種差別的です、とちゃんと指摘してくださいで参考文献をあげておいたが、

Comfort women; Yuki Tanaka on sexual violence of military

Sex Among Allies: Military Prostitution in U.S.-Korea Relations

Against our will(Susan Brownmiller,Against Our Will)

Korean comfort women during Korea War


many women were in many cases "recruited against their own will through coaxing and coercion."

Nobuo Ishihara, who was then deputy Cabinet secretary, said in March 2006 that interviews with 16 South Korean women in Seoul led to the conclusion that there was coercion though there were no official documents showing so.


Monday, March 12, 2007
Comfort women. Japanese police regulated illegal Korean pimps

The government investigation also found that many of the Dutch victims were selected from concentration camps and forcibly sent to brothels, while those in the Philippines and Indonesia were raped at battlefronts, kidnapped and forced to provide sex under confinement.


Chuo University historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi, one of Japan's most respected experts on "comfort women," criticized the Japanese government for taking an extremely narrow interpretation of what constitutes coercion.

He said documents show "comfort women" recruited in Japan were mostly adult professionals, although many had been sold into the sex industry by their poor families. However, in Asian countries invaded by Japan, there was no consideration of the rights of minors or the right to quit, which he said should constitute coercion by international standards.


"The miserable conditions of war have forced our people to sell everything - their
wives, children, relatives and friends - for the American dollar," a woman educator was quoted. The Committee for the Defense of the Vietnamese Woman, overwhelmed by the reality of the Vietnam war, was never heard from again. The American military got into the prostitution business by degrees, an escalation process linked to the escalation of the war. Underlying the escalation was the assumption that men at war required the sexual use of women's bodies. Reporter Arnett saw the gradual acceptance of U.S. military-controlled and -regulated brothels as a natural outgrowth of what he called "the McNamara theory":
They were recruited by the province chief, who took his payoff, and were channeled into town by the mayor of Lai Khe, who also got his cut. The American military, which kept its hands partially clean by leaving the procurement and price
arrangement to Vietnamese civilians, controlled and regulated the health and
security features of the trade. "The girls were checked and swabbed every week
for VD by Army medics," my informed source told me approvingly.
Military brothels on Army base camps ("Sin Cities", "Disney-lands" or "boom-boom parlors") were built by decision of a division commander, a two-star general, and were under the direct operational control of a brigade commander with the rank of colonel. Clearly, Army brothels in Vietnam existed
by the grace of Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland, the United States
Embassy in Saigon, and the Pentagon.

Against our will


"Neither Prime Minister Abe nor Mayor Hashimoto has tried to look at how those girls and young women were abused. Their view is worlds apart from the international view," he said.






産むなら手遅れにならないうちに 女性手帳

2013年05月29日 10時40分39秒 | Weblog
女性手帳の配布撤回 内閣府、「生き方介入」批判相次ぎ




「家族手帳」など適切 「女性手帳」で知事提案



British Ad Campaign Uses Image Of Old Pregnant Woman To Scare Women Into Having Babies Younger
By Aviva Shen on May 25, 2013 at 9:00 am

A recent Singaporean ad campaign took a similar approach with a series of patronizing leaflets using fairy tales to depict women’s waning fertility. Jezebel compiled the lengthy laundry list of things pregnant women are often told they must or must not do in order to successfully bear a healthy child.
First Response’s and other fertility campaigns will probably have little impact on the birth rate. But they will perpetuate the insidious notion that women, and women alone, are to blame for any reproductive troubles they may have.

It’s Not Patronizing to Publicize Biological Clock Statistics
By Jessica Grose | Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at 2:45 PM




2013年05月29日 07時09分10秒 | Weblog
George Takei · 4,120,143人が「いいね!」と言っています

Many on this page have commented that they are "sick" of people talking about gay issues, or simply "don't care" if someone is gay and would rather they would kept it to themselves. I find this disheartening.

There may come a day when we need not come out of the closet, and need not remind others of the terrible violence, inequity, and ostracism that LGBT people face daily simply because of who we are and who we love. But that day is not here, and more importantly will never get here, unless people continue to step forward and offer themselves as examples, often at great personal cost. I am called "faggot," "degenerate," "queer" and "homo" by misguided people every day of my life, even on my own page, but this does not discourage me. It only reminds me of how far we have to go.

Once upon a time I was called a "Jap" and put into a prison for four years with my entire family, for no reason other than who we were and who we looked like. It is my life's mission to fight against the dark forces of fear and intolerance that could ever lead again to such an injustice.

Thank you for taking the time to listen. The next time you feel fatigue from hearing about LGBT issues, ask yourself this: Do we live yet in the kind of society where violence, hate and prejudice is not an issue? Until we do, be part of the solution, and stand always for justice and equality for all people.







I'm not good-looking so I play a Japanese soldier

2013年05月29日 06時52分58秒 | Weblog
Special Report: Why China's film makers love to hate Japan

The tensions and the propaganda go far beyond the current spat. Underneath it all lies a struggle for power and influence in Asia between China and Japan - and political struggles within China itself

struggle for power and influence

 慰安婦問題でもそうであって、国際的には、日韓の勢力争い、戦勝国無罪 vs 敗戦国無罪のナラティブの勢力争い、国内的には、一部保守と左翼との勢力争いの具になっているだけで、女性問題としての意味はほとんどなくなっている。

"Only anti-Japanese themes aren't limited," says Zhu Dake, an outspoken culture critic and professor at Shanghai's Tongji University. "The people who make TV think that only through anti-Japanese themes will they be applauded by the narrow-minded patriots who like it.



2013年05月29日 05時10分34秒 | Weblog
Declared 'fit to work'... dead nine days later: Double lung and heart transplant patient passed away a week after her benefits were stopped
Linda Wootton, 49, was on 10 prescription medications a day
The former council worker suffered from regular blackouts
But healthcare assessor Atos ruled that she was 'fit to work'
She was told her benefits were being stopped as she lay dying in hospital
Husband Peter now wants to expose the ordeal his wife went through
PUBLISHED: 10:26 GMT, 28 May 2013 | UPDATED: 12:23 GMT, 28 May 2013

A double lung and heart transplant patient told she was 'fit to work' by Government assessors died nine days after her benefits were stopped.
Linda Wootton, 49, was on 10 different prescription medications a day following complications with a major operation 28 years ago.
The former council worker suffered with high blood pressure and regular blackouts, but Atos, the Government-contracted healthcare assessors ruled that she was 'fit to work'.
Her husband Peter, 50, said: 'I sat there and listened to my wife drown in her own body fluids. It took half an hour for her to die; a woman who is apparently fit for work.'

He described the last few months of his wife’s life as 'a misery', saying that she worried constantly about her benefit payments and worried that she would be seen as 'a scrounger'.
She was formerly granted less than £110 a week in employment and support allowance, but following the ruling, was told that it was being stopped as she lay dying in hospital.






2013年05月29日 04時55分19秒 | Weblog

I'm being called a whore and a cunt by four men. One of them lit a cigarette and said he'd put it on my pussy.

I told him that I would take a picture of him. He accepted that. I also said that I would publish it. He accepted that.

He's taken out his cock. I scream at him. The S Bahn is full. Nobody intervenes.

He opened his pants and came up to me. His friends hold him back. I get out at the next stop and cry.

4 women come up and comfort me and ask if I want to go to the police. My response: "they can't do anything."

