Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

好感度 ほか

2012年05月11日 22時00分19秒 | Weblog
How the world fell out of love with Europe
With the eurozone crisis showing no signs of waning, people around the globe are looking to less traditional models, a new poll shows


Poll shows Americans' pessimism on economy growing
Associated Press

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/05/10/3605109/poll-shows-americans-pessimism.html#storylink=cpy

WASHINGTON -- Americans are growing more pessimistic about the economy and handling it remains President Barack Obama's weak spot and biggest challenge in his bid for a second term, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

And the gloomier outlook extends across party lines, including a steep decline in the share of Democrats who call the economy "good," down from 48 percent in February to just 31 percent now.

Almost two-thirds of Americans - 65 percent - disapprove of Obama's handling of gas prices, up from 58 percent in February. Nearly half, 44 percent, "strongly disapprove." And just 30 percent said they approve, down from 39 percent in February.


日経平均、終値も9000円割れ 3カ月ぶり

北朝鮮のGPS妨害で墜落か 無人偵察ヘリ、1人死亡 韓国軍が調査
2012.5.11 10:20





Prince Charles reads the weather forecast for Scotland

Stupid Journalism: Marie Claire Article About Anorexia in Japan

Georgia Hanias

Maeve McClenaghan




摂食障害 拒食症 偏向報道

America is fat - and getting fatter
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Published: 09 May, 2012

Is healthy weight impossible for many Americans?

By Sharon Begley

updated 5/8/2012 9:37:54 AM ET
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America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures -- from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax -- to fix it, the influential Institute of Medicine said on Tuesday.

In an ambitious 478-page report, the IOM refutes the idea that obesity is largely the result of a lack of willpower on the part of individuals. Instead, it embraces policy proposals that have met with stiff resistance from the food industry and lawmakers, arguing that multiple strategies will be needed to make the U.S. environment less "obesogenic."
The IOM, part of the National Academies, offers advice to the government and others on health issues. Its report was released at the Weight of the Nation conference, a three-day meeting hosted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cable channel HBO will air a documentary of the same name next week.
"People have heard the advice to eat less and move more for years, and during that time a large number of Americans have become obese," committee member Shiriki Kumanyika of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine told Reuters. "That advice will never be out of date. But when you see the increase in obesity you ask, what changed? And the answer is, the environment. The average person cannot maintain a healthy weight in this obesity-promoting environment."
A study funded by the CDC and released on Monday projected that by 2030, 42 percent of American adults will be obese, compared to 34 percent today and 11 percent will be severely obese, compared to 6 percent today.
Video: Lose weight and keep it off
Another one-third of American adults are overweight today, and one-third of children aged 2 to 19 are overweight or obese. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index - a measure of height to weight - of 30 or greater. Overweight means a BMI of 25 to 29.9.


Teenage girl who weighed just six stone wrongly diagnosed with eating disorder when she had a deadly brain tumour
Nichole Bain, 19, was suffering from severe headaches and sickness when she visited her GP in Blackburn, Lancashire
She actually had a malignant brain tumour the size of a 50p coin
PUBLISHED: 12:01 GMT, 11 May 2012 | UPDATED: 14:25 GMT, 11 May 2012
Comments (14)

A teenager weighing just six stone was wrongly diagnosed as an anorexic by doctors when she actually had a potentially deadly brain tumour.

Miss Bain was 15 and weighed 8.5-stone when in December 2008 she began suffering from severe headaches and constant sickness.
Her doctor first said she suffered from migraines, then celiac disease and even bizarrely said she was 'standing up too fast'.
She was finally diagnosed with anorexia in April 2009 after her weight dropped to just six stone.

節食障害 医療過誤

Moscow police disperse opposition’s peaceful promenade, over 200 arrests (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
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Published: 08 May, 2012

Police have dispersed the “popular promenade” in Central Moscow, a new form of peaceful demonstration led by Russia's opposition. Over 200 arrests have been made as anti-government rallies continue for a third day.
Police say some of the protesters have been arrested more than once, as they continued breaking law and order in the city’s streets after being released.

Moscow rally cop brutality: Victim mystery (VIDEO)
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Published: 11 May, 2012

Additional video and screenshots paint a different picture, showing footage from after the incident where the victim is more clearly visible.
Upon closer scrutiny the blogger suggests that it is not a pregnant woman in the video but an adolescent boy.
Investigation underway


偏向報道 ロシア

Arudou Debito (Randy Collinsさんより)
水曜日 3:48 ·

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell ties the ongoing abductions of American children to Japan to the North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens in the past.

ここの引用がTepido で、話題にされている

7:29pm, EDT
Marine who criticized Obama on Facebook: I wish I could take it back





Frederick Gundlach I hear that this really pissed off the Japanese, but I'm not sure it's unfair; and, in certain matters, they need some pissing off.
水曜日 3:54 · 3

Mike DeJong Gents, journalism isn't dead. It just doesn't exist in Japan. I worked at NHK where the government line was strictly enforced. News copy is even sent to the Communications Ministry for vetting. It's a joke.
水曜日 5:49 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Can I quote you as a "former journalist at NHK" source in my article, Mike?
水曜日 6:02
Mike DeJong Can you quote me as an unnamed source? I'm not allowed to criticize them in print due to contractual reasons (I sued them and got a settlement).
水曜日 6:17 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong You could mention that when I asked a senior manager why foreign journalists were not allowed to write news copy (the merely rewrite) or gather stories I was told "you foreigners don't understand the Japanese mindset."
水曜日 6:26 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong From what I hear, foreign journalists are treated the same way at the Yomiuri. No writing - just re-writing.
水曜日 6:28 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Can you get me a source intro so I can also be a proper journalist and cross-check? Thanks!
水曜日 6:28
Mike DeJong Sure. Go ahead.
水曜日 6:29 (携帯より)
Christopher Savoie Just email me. Let's not kill this thread ;-)
水曜日 6:29
Mike DeJong When I was at NHK World, there were no foreign producers nor even any female producers! All middle-aged Japanese males. It was quite a shock from Western newsrooms.
水曜日 6:31 (携帯より)
Mike DeJong Like most everything else here, Japanese journalism - or what passes for it - is bound by cultural factors: a) a reluctance to stand out (hence the pack-journalism mentality of Press Clubs), and b) an extreme deference to authority. That's why many Japanese news stories begin with "government sources say..." etc.
水曜日 7:01 · 1
Mike DeJong I remember reading a story this spring that went something like "government officials in (so and so) Prefecture say cherry blossoms have been spotted for the first time this year..." So even sakura stories have to be sanctioned by officials before being reported.
水曜日 7:02 · 1
Mike DeJong One time at NHK, we were doing a mock earthquake drill (this was before 3/11) when a real earthquake hit. But instead of reporting it, we went ahead with our fake broadcast and didn't tell viewers about the real quake for two hours. We needed official confirmation from the Meteorological Agency first. It was asinine but typical of the way things are done at NHK.
水曜日 7:07 · 1
Steve van Dresser As noted in Wikipedia, “In 1944, the Japanese authorities extended the mobilization of Japanese civilians for labor to the Korean peninsula. Of the 5,400,000 Koreans conscripted, about 670,000 were taken to mainland Japan . . .”

And the Japanese have the audacity to complain about 20 or so Japanese abducted to North Korea? The Japanese government should apologize and compensate the 5 million Koreans conscripted 70 years ago before uttering a single word about the actions of North Korea 35 years ago.
水曜日 11:47 · 1
Christopher Savoie Let alone China and Unit 731, Steve...
水曜日 11:48

USG Asst Sec of State links post-divorce Japan child abductions with DPRK abductions of Japanese

Posted by debito on May 10th, 2012


Japan Abductees' Families Offended by U.S. Official's Remarks

Washington, May 7 (Jiji Press)--A group of families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea decades ago said Monday that they have protested a U.S. diplomat's remarks apparently likening the abductions to cases of Japanese women taking their children with them to Japan after divorces with American husbands.
The Japanese families made the comments at a press conference in Washington after they held talks with the U.S. diplomat, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, earlier in the day.
According to Teruaki Masumoto, secretary-general of the Japanese group, Campbell brought up the subject of child custody during the meeting, saying that it has been a serious issue in the United States.
Campbell was quoted by Masumoto as saying that when U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos visited the sites of North Korea's abductions, there were calls in the United States for Roos' dismissal, in apparent frustration with his failure to have Tokyo resolve the issue of parental child abductions.
Campbell asked the Japanese group to give consideration to the issue of child custody, while promising to continue cooperating to solve the issue of the North Korean abductions, Masumoto said.

U.S. to keep urging N. Korea to resolve Japanese abduction issue

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- The United States will continue asking Pyongyang to move toward resolution of the abductions of Japanese citizens by North Korean agents, a U.S. official said Tuesday.
"In support of Japanese efforts to resolve this issue, we continue to press North Korea to immediately address Japan's concerns and to follow through on its August 2008 agreement to conduct the full investigation of the abduction cases," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a daily briefing.
North Korea pledged to launch a reinvestigation on the abduction cases involving Japanese in working-level talks between Tokyo and Pyongyang in August 2008.
Her remarks came after Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, on Monday angered the families of some abduction victims and Japanese lawmakers by raising the issue of parental child abduction and noting the importance of resolving both issues.
Nuland said the purpose of the meeting with the group "was to discuss DPRK abductions of Japanese nationals," adding, "The U.S. certainly does not link these two issues. DPRK is the acronym for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
"Both are important, clearly, and we're going to continue to do our utmost to make progress on both," she added.
The United States and other countries are pressing Japan to sign an international treaty on dealing with cases of parental child abductions.
When Campbell, the top U.S. diplomat on East Asian policy, stressed the importance of the parental child abduction issue, Teruaki Masumoto, whose sister Rumiko was abducted by North Korean agents, protested the U.S. side that the two issues should not be treated in the same manner.
May 09, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

U.S. Not Linking Parental Abductions, N. Korea Kidnap: Spokesman

Washington, May 8 (Jiji Press)--The United States "certainly does not link" the issues of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals and cases of Japanese women taking their children with them to Japan after divorces with their American husbands, Department of State spokesman Mark Toner said Tuesday.
The comment came after an association of families of Japanese citizens kidnapped to North Korea decades ago criticized U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell's remarks understood to liken the parental abductions to the crime by the reclusive Asian nation.
Campbell, who is in charge of East Asian and Pacific affairs, made the remarks at a meeting with members of the families' group and some Japanese lawmakers here on Monday.
Noting that the two issues are clearly important, Toner said at a daily press briefing, "We are going to continue to do our utmost to make progress on both."
In support of Japan's efforts to resolve the North Korean abduction issue, the United States is continuing to press the country to "immediately address Japan's concerns and to follow through on its August 2008 agreement to conduct a full reinvestigation of the abduction cases," he said.

拉致と子の連れ去り「結びつけていない」 家族会抗議に米国務省が釈明
2012.5.9 13:51 [米国]





Kin of Japanese abductees disheartened by scarce U.S. support

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- A member of a group of families of Japanese victims of abduction by North Korea on Thursday expressed disappointment at what they see as the lack of substantive support from the United States for resolving the issue despite repeated pledges by both governments to cooperate closely on the matter.

Shigeo Iizuka, head of the Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea, told reporters in Washington, "The United States has always said Japan is an ally and it never forgets the abduction issue...but I don't see anything on which the two countries have worked together (to help resolve the abduction issue)."

"The Japanese government has also said it would work closely with the United States, but I'm not sure what working closely means," Iizuka said.

His remarks came as the families and supporting lawmakers wrapped up their visit to the United States from Sunday.

"While there are few Japanese people who are not aware of this problem, most people in the United States are not interested in the matter," Iizuka said, adding that the families of the abductees cannot give up their effort to resolve the issue.

According to the members, they met with Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives and a Republican from Florida, on Wednesday and she agreed with the Japanese delegation on the need to press North Korea to resolve the problem.

With regard to David Sneddon, a native of Utah who the group alleges was kidnapped by North Korea while vacationing in southwestern China in 2004, Ros-Lehtinen noted congressmen from Utah are now looking into the case and that, based on the result of their investigation, she will discuss the matter at Congress and with the State Department, the members said.

May 11, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

「まったくおかしい」 米下院委員長が米高官を批判 子供連れ去りと拉致同一発言で
2012.5.11 10:41 [米国]





David Cole
David Cole is Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center and author of several books including "The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable" (2009).
No accountability for torture
A US appeals court dismissed a case brought by Jose Padilla, a terrorism suspect detained without charges and tortured.
Last Modified: 10 May 2012 09:07

Washington, DC - Sometimes I think being American means never having to say you're sorry. On Wednesday, May 2, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a federal appeals court in San Francisco, unanimously dismissed a lawsuit against former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo by José Padilla, the US citizen picked up at O'Hare Airport and held in military custody as an "enemy combatant" for three and a half years, during which he says he was subject to physical and psychological abuse.

As an official in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003, Yoo wrote multiple memos designed to deny "enemy combatants" legal protections that might get in the way of our holding them incommunicado, depriving them of sleep, slamming them into walls, forcing them into painful stress positions, and waterboarding them. Padilla alleged that Yoo's memos provided the basis for his years in detention, of which 21 months were in incommunicado isolation, and authorised his captors to subject him to abuse. As a result, he claims, he was threatened with death and serious physical abuse; shackled in painful stress positions for hours at a time; administered psychotropic drugs; denied medical care; and exposed to extreme temperatures.

International criminal lawyer discusses Guantanamo trial
The court dismissed the case before the truth of these allegations could be tested. It reasoned that even if Padilla's allegations were true, it was not "clearly established" that his treatment violated the Constitution, and therefore the suit must be dismissed. John Yoo could not even be sued for the nominal damages of one dollar that Padilla and his mother sought as a way of emphasising that their desire was for vindication of their rights, not remuneration.



