Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

金で買えないもの 他

2012年05月16日 03時15分05秒 | Weblog
What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets [ペーパーバック]
Michael Sandel (著)


Justice でもそうであったが、リベラルのロールズ、リバタリアンのノチックの著作に比べてかなりわかりやすい、というのが一番注目に値する。






page 114
 面白いのは、スイスのある地方で、放射性廃棄物を処理の必要性を説いたら、その道義に感銘して、引き受けるという人が多かったが、、受け入れてくれたら、金を出す、と おまけをつけたら、受け入れ支持が減ったのだそうな。 金を出されたからやる、というのと、大義のためにやる、というのでは意味が違うし、金を出されてしまっては、やる価値が低減してしまう場合もあるわけである。 


page 203

At the time of rising inequality、the marketization of everything means that people of affluence and people of modest means lead increasingly separate lives. We live and work and shop and play in different places....
Democracy does not require perfect equality but it does require that citizens share in a common life. What matters is that people of different backgrounds and social positions encounter one another, and bump up against one another in the course of every day life. For this is how we learn to negotiate and abide our differences and how we come to care for the common good.



page 13
Disillusion with politics has deepened as citizen grow frustrated with a political system unable to act for the public good, or to address the questions that matter most.




Wall Street Journal


: review



Independent は経済学者による反論を含んだ書評。

We might agree that the new markets in financial indices of agricultural commodity prices, created by Goldman Sachs and others, are intolerable. For me, the reason is the utilitarian one that they are making very poor people go hungry.



Time to Admit Defeat: Greece Can No Longer Delay Euro Zone Exit http://j.mp/LMhyYj @SPIEGELONLINEさんから
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2012年5月15日 - 16:25 Tweet Buttonから · このツイートをサイ


Time to Admit Defeat
Greece Can No Longer Delay Euro Zone Exit

Part 4: Scenarios for a Greek Exit

If the drachma returns, it will drastically lose value against the euro, with experts expecting a devaluation of at least 50 percent. Insiders say that a loss of up to 80 percent is even possible. Banks and companies with foreign debts denominated in euros could no longer service them and would have to file for bankruptcy.

As a result, Greece would plunge into an even deeper recession. The IMF estimates a decline in economic output of more than 10 percent for the first year following the return of the drachma. This would set the country back by years in economic terms.

But after that, according to the IMF, the Greek economy will grow even faster than it would without the devaluation. "The turbulence could last one or two years," says Hans-Werner Sinn, president of the influential Munich-based Ifo Institute for Economic Research. But after that, he adds, things will improve again.

The professor's prognosis is based on two assumptions. First, because imports will become more expensive, the Greeks will buy more domestic products, eating Greek instead of Dutch tomatoes, for example. At the same time, the country's exports will become cheaper, making it more competitive. The result: Greek olive oil will displace Spanish oil in German supermarkets.

Tourist Attraction

Many countries have successfully exported their way out of their plights in the past through currency devaluation: Sweden in the wake of the banking crash in the early 1990s, South Korea following the 1997 Asian financial crisis and Argentina after the end of the dollar regime in 2001. In all of these countries, the economy crashed initially, only to recover all the more vigorously in the end.

Greece can reduce its foreign trade deficit by exporting more and importing less. In the last decade, its trade deficit was at a near-record 10 percent. Even in 2010, when the crisis hit with full force, the country imported €32 billion more in goods than it sold abroad. As a result, Greece, supposedly an agricultural country, is still a net importer of food products.

Another economic sector on which many are pinning their hopes is also likely to benefit from the return of the drachma: tourism. A vacation in Greece has become too expensive for many foreigners. But with the new currency, the country could compete once again with its toughest rivals, Turkey and North Africa.

The Fitch rating agency estimates that public-sector claims against Greece will grow to more than €300 billion this year. If the majority of these claims became worthless, the German finance minister alone would face a loss of tens of billions of euros.

This is a large amount, and yet most economists believe it is manageable. It would roughly correspond to the German government's net borrowing for this year. In other words, the economic damage of a Greek withdrawal from the euro for Germany would remain within limits. "The Greek economy is simply too insignificant for that," says the Oxford-based German economist Clemens Fuest


ギリシャ再選挙へ 「緊縮か、ユーロ離脱か」 欧州債務危機深刻化の恐れも



性暴力被害、24時間支援 6月から東京で電話相談開始








mozu ‏ @mozumozumozu
China and Japan Fall Out Over Uighurs http://j.mp/KqboiR @WSJさんから ともあれ筋は通ったな
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Updated May 15, 2012, 10:39 a.m. ET
China and Japan Fall Out Over Uighurs


VK May 16, 2012 at 12:56 am

@Ken Y-N (aka Tepido Naruhodo):
Actually, I’m not too happy with the idea of labelling a single ethnic grouping as a “community” just because of their ethnicity.
You’re right not to be happy. I don’t know how better to put it than that there’s a lot of crap thinking about ethnicity and what it means for individuals. People have multiple ethnicities: you yourself (afaik from that profile about WJT) are a Scot, a Briton, a European, white, a Westerner – and that’s quite aside from the issue of whether that matters more to you than the company you work for, being a biker, a blogger, or an immigrant to Japan or that part of Japan you call home.
“Community” is a tedious modern media invention that justifies pigeon-holing under the guise of empathy. What matters, in the jargon, is salience. Which categories are politically and emotionally important? For me for example, that’s prinarily being a parent (and the partner of a working mother) and an education worker. It’s purely emotional after that that I’m a foreigner – and to be honest, that’s as more a European in a foreign-means-American environment than a westerner. My Japanese needs to be better (that I’m a language learner is another identity) but as the kind of foreigner I am, I don’t have a salient “NJ” identity. I have more in common with a Japanese university teacher than with a 22-year-old Australian on a gap year.
There used to be a time where people dreamt that race would matter less and economics would matter more. (Level3 – this is genuine left-wingery). But for Arudou I think it has always been about being a White Guy In Japan. I’m really not sure he misinterpreted that comment about Koreans and Chinese.



