Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

英 市民虐殺に同意 歴史の忘却

2013年08月05日 00時09分11秒 | Weblog
英、原爆使用に同意 広島投下の1カ月前 公文書で裏付け
2013.8.4 17:38 [歴史・考古学]





U.S. documents show Britain supported atomic bombing of Japan

Britain expressed support for the use of atomic bombs by the United States against Japan in World War II about a month before the first one was dropped on Hiroshima, documents recently declassified by the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration showed.

The documents illustrate Britain's involvement as a close ally in the United States' decision to carry out the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, something not widely known in Japan.

The British government officially expressed its support for the atomic bombing of Japan in a meeting of the Combined Policy Committee held in Washington on July 4, 1945, on the development and control of nuclear energy, referring to atomic bombs as Tube Alloys, a codename used for British wartime research on nuclear weapons also used to refer to plutonium.

According to the declassified minutes, British Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson told the meeting chaired by U.S. Secretary of War Henry Stimson that the British government "concurred in the use of the T.A. weapon against Japan."

"The Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States had agreed that T.A. weapons should be used by the United States against Japan, the agreement of the British Government having been communicated" by Wilson, the minutes said.

The committee was established based on the Quebec Agreement in August 1943 by the United States, Britain and Canada on coordinated development of atomic weapons.

Britain's official agreement to the use of atomic bombs came after U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed in their meeting in New York in September 1944 that an atomic bomb might be used against Japan when it was developed.

Shortly after the July 1945 committee meeting, the United States conducted the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico.




