Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年12月27日 02時29分24秒 | Weblog





民族対立、ロシア揺らす サッカー乱闘が市民の不満に火(1/2ページ)




Panic as anti-Polish hate crime sweeps Scotland

Vicky Allan

26 Dec 2010
In early December Rafal Gorski returned to his home country, Poland, planning never to return to Scotland.

The racist insults and harassments, the taunts of “F***ing Polish – go back to Poland”, threats of violence and attacks on his family home were so bad he couldn’t deal with the stress of life here anymore. He feared that he’d suffer the same fate as a friend – killed in a stabbing in Glasgow by a man who afterwards boasted that he’d taken the life of a “daft Pole”.

The real name and identity of the Gorskis has been changed as a neighbour, who allegedly took part in the abuse of the Polish family, has just been charged with racially aggravated offences and is now on bail, forbidden from contacting the Gorskis or entering the street where they live. Gorski’s wife, Ilona, remains in Scotland, scared to go out on her own, but committed to staying as she wants her teenage son, Jakub, to complete his education in Scotland.

The neighbours who abused her called her a “Polish dog” and told her they would “send her family back to Poland in a box”. Jakub always checks to see if there is anyone in the street before he leaves the house.

The Gorskis are not alone. Poles and other Eastern Europeans are experiencing a rising tide of racist abuse and violence. The Federation of Poles in Great Britain says there has been an annual 20% rise in racist incidents.

The couple who attacked us said we were stealing local people’s jobs.
Anna Brudnowska
Two months ago, in Inverness, graffiti was found scrawled on a bridge: “Polish c**ts, get out of Scotland!” Police statistics show reports of hate crimes against “other white” people – the category Eastern Europeans fall into – have risen fivefold in Scotland in recent years. A 2008 study by Northern Constabulary found there was increased racial tensions in the Highlands and Eastern Europeans were among the most frequent targets. All in all, for families like the Gorskis, who live in a housing scheme in a tough area of Glasgow, Scotland has started to seem less like the welcoming place it first appeare


Europe's Anti-Islamization Movement Unites in Paris


Christmas is evil?
Xmas is Evil



Sat Dec 25 2010 6 0 Recommend
Students rally for classmate facing deportation to Mexico

TORONTO Daniel Garcia was supposed to spend Christmas with his girlfriend and her family, even staying overnight at their home so he wouldn’t be alone on the holidays.

Instead, the 18-year-old Toronto student has spent the past few days in an immigration detention centre after police arrested him Thursday night, according to his friends.

Many said they worry Garcia will be quietly deported during the holidays, before he has a chance to appeal the decision.

The government “has a nasty habit of enforcing deportation orders around Christmas time when they know people can’t access the courts,” said Karin Baqi, a lawyer who has spoken to Garcia since his arrest.

Garcia, a student at Parkdale Collegiate Institute, arrived from Mexico with his sister in 2007. Both filed for refugee status, saying they faced persecution and death in their homeland.

The refugee claim was rejected and Garcia submitted an application for a pre-removal risk assessment, which evaluates the danger the person will face if deported.

Garcia said in a statement he hadn’t received a decision on the application when he was stopped by police and turned over to immigration officers Thursday.


Boo! Real-Life Ghost Stories

Concerns of racism in the Green Mountain State


Thursday December 23, 2010

My eyes burn with shame as I read of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission firing and excoriation of Curtiss Reed, Jr., as a member of their Vermont State Advisory Commission.
I have known and worked with Curtiss Reed off and on for nearly two decades. He has the highest personal integrity. He is in every way qualified to represent our state in the crucial federally focused work of civil rights and anti-racism. He brings to the job the very highest standards and sensibilities for professionalism and knowledge of the subject. He has been carrying high the banner of civil and human rights against racism for as long as I have known him.
In his Oct. 18 op-ed in the Brattleboro Reformer, Curtiss was merely taking the care to present logically and accurately the case for anti-racism in our state, portraying it as the issue of life and death importance that it is.
Curtiss was accurate, in my opinion, when he said the Republican slogan "Pure Vermont" was racist. Moreover, as a member of a persecuted minority in our state, he has the perfect right to relate his own narrative interpretation of current events to the public. As a campaign slogan, it is most inappropriate. It is a tacit and hidden appeal to racism, even if it is not consciously meant as such.
Curtiss was right to refer to the State's early 20th century "eugenics" campaigns, codified under law as "voluntary sterilization," to wipe out Abenaki bloodlines. Because of the systematic and structural crimes committed in our state against people of color and other religions and ethnic backgrounds, Curtiss was correct in making the references he did. He did not compare the scope of these crimes to the Holocaust or to the Khmer Rouge "killing fields," but averred that the notion of "purity" raises the specter behind such occurrences.


Integrating students with disabilities in German schools still a battle

Marcel's mother fought for him to attend an integrated school
For German children with disabilities it's always been difficult to get regular schools to allow them to attend. Now, however, things must change because of a UN convention requiring schools to accept all children.

When Marcel was old enough to start school, his mother picked out one of the public elementary schools in their neighborhood for him. The school, however, said he couldn't attend. Why? They said they weren't set up to deal with a kid in a wheelchair.

For decades that's the way it was in Germany. Children with disabilities were sent to separate schools, each one specialized for a different disability. That is all set to change now that Germany has ratified a United Nations resolution that says that all children with disabilities have a right to be educated at a regular school.

Marcel's teacher says he's totally integrated in his class
It's set to be a long process. Currently the majority of German children with disabilities don't go to regular schools. So far the city-state of Bremen is the only German state to open all its schools to everyone. In North Rhine-Westphalia, where Marcel lives, that could be a long way off, although he did eventually find a spot in what is called an integrated or inclusive school.

 ドイツ 身障者が普通学校にいくのは施設などの関係でいまだに難しい、と。これは日本でも似た事情がある。

Military sexual abuse 'staggering'
In part two of our series, Al Jazeera examines the often hidden world of rape and abuse in the US military.
Dahr Jamail Last Modified: 23 Dec 2010

Compared with a 40 per cent arrest rate for sex crimes among civilians, only eight per cent of investigated cases in the military lead to prosecution.

After Congress mandated it do so in 2006, the Pentagon started a comprehensive programme to track incidents. That year, there were 2,974 reported cases of rape and sexual assault in the military. Of these, only 292 cases resulted in trials, and those netted only 181 prosecutions of perpetrators.

Faced with the threat of possible persecution and losing their jobs and professional credibility, most soldiers prefer to remain silent about their traumas. Not that silence helps, because records reveal that less than one-third of the women have been able to maintain their careers in the military after having been assaulted.

"The people I work with go all the way back to WWII. The stories are almost exactly the same. It has always been covered up. Still the drill sergeants, chaplains, and doctors appear to be the worst perpetrators. So when these guys are convicted, rather than punishing to the fullest extent, they can give them a letter of reprimand which means Tommy was bad, signed The Commander. That letter comes out of his personnel file before he moves on to the next unit, so it’s like nothing happened."



米麻薬取締局が情報機関化 各国で盗聴要請もと米紙
2010.12.26 1

26 December 2010 Last updated at 04:57 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Wikileaks reveals pressure on US drug wiretappin


48 Hours Mystery: The Whole Truth
October 16, 2010 7:45 PM

October 14, 2010 3:50 PM
Will Bruce Lisker Return to Prison Because of a Technicality? The Calif. AG is Betting On It

LOS ANGELES (CBS) We are outraged when a legal "technicality" frees a guilty person from prosecution and prison, but what about when a "technicality" is used as an excuse to put a person IN prison? As crazy as that sounds, the California Attorney General hopes to do just that to a 45-year-old man by the name of Bruce Lisker.
Last year, Lisker was released after spending 26 years in prison for the murder of his mother. Lisker's release came after a federal judge ruled that the evidence used to convict him was either questionable or utterly false.



