Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年09月01日 08時12分09秒 | Weblog

What's in a name? Coping with job rejections as a foreigner

Try submitting a job application in Germany if your name is Ali or Mehmet and the chances of it being rejected are pretty high, a recent study says, whatever grades you got at school.

Now try submitting that same application without a photograph, your age or marital status and you could be more successful in getting that first interview and your foot in the door.

In a study conducted by the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) researchers found evidence of statistical discrimination.

"Having a Turkish name can mean that that your chances of getting a job interview drop by up to 25 percent," said Ulf Rinne from the IZA. "In the study applicants with German names had, on average, around 14 percent higher chances of being invited for a job interview."



Rights groups sue US over kill list
Federal lawsuit says decision to put US-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki on a CIA "kill or capture" list is unconstitutional.
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2010

Two civil liberties groups are suing the US government for putting Anwar al-Awlaki, the US-born religious scholar accused of working with al-Qaeda, on a CIA "kill or capture list".

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the lawsuit on Monday.

The groups said it would be unconstitutional to kill al-Awlaki unless he presents an imminent threat.

"A programme that authorises killing US citizens, without judicial oversight, due process or disclosed standards is unconstitutional, unlawful and un-American," said Anthony Romero, the ACLU's executive director, in a statement.

 これはアルジャの記事で、アメリカ。以前、ロシアトゥデイ RTの記事でアメリカには、捕獲・殺人リストがあって、国内でも国外でも、リストに載った者は手続きを経ないで殺されちゃう、という記事を取り上げたが、人権団体が、リストにのったあるアメリカ人について、明白な脅威がないのに手続きも経ないでやっちゃうのは、違憲じゃね、と裁判をおこした、と。


Native women 'disappear' in Canada
On the International Day of the Displaced, activists say fate of hundreds of missing indigenous women must be examined.
Chris Arsenault Last Modified: 30 Aug 2010

As human rights activists around the world marked the International Day of the Disappeared by focusing on Peru, Iraq, Nepal and Mexico, Leslie Spillett sat in her office in Winnipeg, contemplating the fate of more than 500 indigenous women who have disappeared in Canada.


Most of the disappeared indigenous Canadians are thought to have been killed by sexual predators or serial killers like William Pickton, who was convicted of murdering six women and is thought to have killed dozens more.

But there have been isolated cases of security forces actively attacking indigenous people - hauling them to the outskirts of cities and leaving them to freeze in a process that has become known as the "starlight tour".

In 1990, 17-year-old Neil Stonechild was found frozen to death in a remote field outside Saskatoon. The temperature was -28C that night and Stonechild was found wearing only one shoe.

His mother and indigenous leaders believe police drove him out of the city and left him for dead, in what could be considered an extra-judicial killing.

After years of stalling and bad press, the government called an inquiry into the teenager's death.

Police admitted to bungling the investigation, and closing his case file without interviewing the proper witnesses.

The two officers blamed for driving him out of the city were fired from the force, but no one was charged over his death.

In 2000, two veteran police officers admitted to picking up Darrell Night, an indigenous man, and driving him to the outskirts of Saskatoon, leaving him alone in -22C weather.

A jury found the men guilty of unlawful confinement, not murder, and sentenced the pair to eight months in jail. They served half that sentence.


However, even if Canada was considered to have participated in enforced disappearances, it could not be held accountable under international law as it has not signed the 2006 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance - joining Algeria, Colombia, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a host of other countries.

International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
From Wikipedia


Presently, 19 countries have signed the agreement.

But it does not come into force until 20 states ratify, meaning that Canada's lack of participation plays a role in undermining the entire framework.


先住民族の権利に関する国際連合宣言Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples



31 August 2010
Spain breaks up male-sex trafficking ring

The victims were brought to Spain under false pretences
Spanish police say they have broken up a sex trafficking ring which brought mostly young Brazilian men to Spain to work as prostitutes.

They were reportedly told that they would get legitimate jobs in Europe as dancers or models, but were instead left with debts of around 4,000 euros (£3,300) - the cost of travelling to Spain.

Others knew they would be working in the sex industry but did not know that they would be expected to work 24 hours a day and would be moved from province to province.


I want to spend a penny, not go to the shop: nurses to be taught euphemisms
Norfolk hospital organises lessons for foreign nurses to avoid cultural misunderstandings with patients

Caroline Davies
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 31 August 2010









イルカを食べちゃダメですか? [著]関口雄祐




