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2018年12月28日 09時22分49秒 | Weblog
Medical marvels? Woman 'aged 65 gives birth to her second child in India' – as her 80-year-old husband thanks Allah for a 'precious gift'
Mother, who was not named, gave birth at hospital in Poonch, in Indian Kashmir
She was taken in with labour pains on Boxing Day, before giving birth to a girl
Father Hakim Din, 80, thanked Allah but said he will need funds to help raise her
The couple already have one child, who is aged between eight and 10 years old

PUBLISHED: 16:11 GMT, 26 December 2018 | UPDATED: 05:07 GMT, 27 December 2018

Dr Shabir Sidiqui, a maternity specialist from Kashmir, told local reporters that the case is the 'rarest of the rare'.

'Usually menopause sets in on an average at the age of 47 years in India. Once it sets in, there is no possibility (of giving birth). But this is a rare one,' he said.

If Kaur's claims are true, then it would make her the oldest mother in the world to have conceived the baby naturally.

Most women giving birth after the age of 50 rely on IVF treatment, having already gone through the menopause.

The world's current oldest verified mother is Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara, from Spain, who gave birth aged 66 to twins via IVF in 2006.

However, many have claimed to have children at much more advanced ages, including another Indian woman named Daljinder Kaur.

Kaur claimed in April 2016 that she had given birth to a son aged 72 via IVF after two previous treatments had failed.

閉経後にも、体外受精で、72歳で出産したという人は以前いたけど、今回は65歳で自然出産、極めてまれだ、と インドカシミール州


