Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Drop the Double Standard on Japanese Defense

2014年06月04日 20時42分33秒 | Weblog
Drop the Double Standard on Japanese Defense
Can Abe’s ambitions really be viewed as a return of prewar Japanese militarism?

By Aurelia George Mulgan
June 03, 2014

 やれ 右傾化だ、軍国主義化だといっている、英語圏の記者たちは必読

Inevitably, proposals for change elicit strong opposition from sections of the general public and media, and from political groups, including political parties, stemming from an entrenched “culture of antimilitarism.

The government must observe due political process and remains politically accountable to a population that is steadfastly cautious and anti-militarist, and would never countenance military action that was anything more than legitimate self-defense in the face of an increasingly dangerous regional environment.




