Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年02月12日 15時39分09秒 | Weblog


Copeland said home owner associations tried to keep African-Americans out of their neighborhoods, in what he explained as "a plot to keep black people out."

A tactic Copeland said that people used during this time period was "block-busting." Copeland said real estate investors would enter an all-white neighborhood, buy a home from somebody and then sell it at a loss to an African-American.

This was done to feed fears of racist of neighbors, he said. Property values would lower and people would sell their houses off at a discount to move out of the neighborhood. This allowed real estate investors to profit.
thespartandaily Issue date: 2/10/09 Section



But I do know, from covering the real estate and mortgage industries for a decade, that the housing industry is still dogged by charges of racism. Much of it comes from the business’ shady past when it comes to dealing with non-white homebuyers. We’ve all read horror stories of real estate agents steering black buyers away from white neighborhoods. Those stories, unfortunately, aren’t myth・・・・・
Don’t believe me? Then take a trip to my old neighborhood. My parents sold their home in this same neighborhood about eight years ago. They happened to sell it to an African-American family. Our neighbor, who’d been living alongside my parents for decades, instantly stopped talking to them. They were livid that my parents had dared to sell to a non-white buyer. They didn’t care that to refuse to sell to someone because they were African-American is a crime. They only cared that their new neighbors weren’t going to be white. propertycrossroads.com/November 9th, 2007 魚拓 


A three-year undercover investigation by the National Fair Housing Alliance found that real estate agents steered whites away from integrated neighborhoods and steered blacks toward predominantly black neighborhoods.CNN魚拓



We are not allowed to refuse to show homes to people because they have committed the sin of having a skin that is a few shades darker than our own. Or lighter. Or whatever.

However, it seems that even today, we are still slipping in the filthy slime of racism.

What we, as real estate professionals and as fellow residents of the Planet Earth, need to do is stand up and say, “No. No, it is not okay for you to do/not do/say those things.”real-estate-articles・09-02-2009 魚拓




I have a client who is looking for a rental unit in a condo. So yesterday, I called up an agent marketing a particular unit in a particular condo. She wanted to know the profile of my client, so I said he's from the US and he's an Indian. The next thing she asked was "Black or White?".

I was stumped! So I asked her what do you mean by "Black or White?' So she went on to clarify herself by asking if the client is fair or dark. So, I asked her does it make a difference?Then she went on to say that the landlord is very particular about who he rents the unit out to. I wasn't sure how to react, so I thanked her for her time and hung up. housecom魚拓


The came the zinger: "And one last assumption," Ysselstein wrote. "Does the `stein' in my name automatically make me Jewish? Don't let the `stein' stop you from calling me for a free Home Value Estimate!"

・・・・Betty Wickett, a board member at a local synagogue, was quoted as saying she was shocked at the pamphlet and insulted at the implication that people in the community would use religion as criteria for selling their homes. B'nai B'rith Canada issued a press release denouncing the advertisement.
aaron.ca・August 10 2002


