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”Trump's visa ban isn't as new as you think ”

2017年02月05日 13時40分36秒 | Weblog
Kazuto Suzuki ‏@KS_1013 34分34分前




Though Trump in his crude style proposes "extreme vetting," such a process has been in place since the George W. Bush administration, continued under Barack Obama, and is operating today.


America sets an annual ceiling on refugees; for FY 2016 it was 85,000. Refugee number 85,001, no matter how desperate, waits until next year.


Since 1980, the United States has accepted fewer than two million refugees overall, and 40 percent of those were children accompanying their refugee parent(s). By contrast, though not limited to refugees, the Obama administration alone deported 2.5 million people.

合衆国法典第8編第1152条(a)(1)(A)は「国籍、出生地又は常居所」を理由として移民(合法的永住者、グリーンカード保有者)を禁じることを違法としている。だがこの法律は、 観光客や留学生、そして難民など移民以外の渡航を同様の理由で禁止することについては何も触れていない。


8 U.S.C. 1152 Sec. 202(a)(1)(A) makes it unlawful to ban immigrants (Legal Permanent Residents, green card holders) because of "nationality, place of birth, or place of residence." The law however is silent on banning non-immigrants such as tourists or students, as well as refugees, for those same reasons.

And even though legal immigrants are not banned by nationality or place of birth per se, yearly limits on the number of immigrants from certain nations are near-virtual bans.


The United States also generally does not extend the protections of American law to foreigners outside the country. The Supreme Court acknowledges immigration law’s "plenary power” doctrine, leaving most discretionary decisions in the hands of the executive branch. Legal victories this weekend were only limited stays of actions inside American borders, and complied with by the Department of Homeland Security on an exceptional “national interest” basis, not a policy one. It is unclear a Constitutional crisis is afoot.



Keeping fear alive and maintaining the politically-driven myth that government is on the job protecting the Homeland is what matters. Trump knows this, as did Obama and Bush.

The ugly truth is despite the protests, a number of Americans remain afraid of foreigners and want what Trump is giving them. They always have. There is unfortunately little here unique at its core to the Trump era.



