Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

いろいろ 2

2010年01月07日 04時43分27秒 | Weblog

 で この女性もかっちょいい。宝塚の男役みたいな感じもするが、ドイツのルター派州教会の牧師さん。4人の娘の母 マルゴート・ケースマンさん。

Defense minister to meet Protestant leader over morality of Afghan mission



Indian man's burnt remains found on rural Australian road
Find follows killing of Indian student in Melbourne, prompting Delhi to issue warning over increase in violent attacks

Toni O'Loughlin
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 6 January 2010

The partially burnt remains of an Indian national have been discovered on a rural road in Australia, escalating a row between Delhi and Canberra over the treatment of Indian students in the country.

News of the death of Ranjodh Singh, 25, whose body was found south-west of Sydney, follows Saturday's killing of Nitin Garg, which Indian leaders condemned.

The deaths follow a spate of attacks last year on Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney that culminated in street protests and riots.

In the advisory, India's government said: "The ministry of external affairs cautions Indian students who are planning to study in Australia that there have been several incidents of robbery and assault on Indians in Australia, particularly in Melbourne, which has seen an increase in violence on its streets in recent years, with the offenders suspected to be mainly young people in their teens and early 20s."

The incidents were "often accompanied by verbal abuse, fuelled by alcohol and drugs", the statement said.


L.A. leads New York, Chicago in abuse of low-wage workers, survey says
UCLA study finds widespread violation of minimum wage and overtime laws.

The authors described the study as a ground-breaking effort to quantify the plight of a vulnerable, largely immigrant population that is often missed in standard surveys.

Los Angeles employees also reported working off the clock, not receiving proper meal and rest breaks, being forced to work despite injuries and facing retaliation from employers for complaining or trying to start a union. Almost one in five Los Angeles restaurant employees and others receiving tips reported that employers or supervisors illegally pocketed all or part of their tips.


 日本でも研修制度などでいろんな問題がいくつかの報道機関により報道されており、また、弁護士さんなんかやNPO団体なんかも頑張っているわけですけど、日本の場合特異なのは、この問題に関してサワーストロベリー SOUR STRAWBERRIESなどという映画がドイツ人などによって、制作宣伝される、ということではないでしょうか? それとも、米国の移民の奴隷同様な処遇などをドイツ人が制作した映画などあるのでしょうか?あったら教えてほしい。



The year to fear for Taiwan: 2006
By Patrick J. McDonnell
January 6, 2010(Asia Times)

If China ever makes the decision to invade Taiwan it is unlikely to be a large-scale Normandy-style amphibious assault. The reality is that China is more likely to use a decapitation strategy. Decapitation strategies short circuit command and control systems, wipe out nationwide nerve centers, and leave the opponent hopelessly lost. As the old saying goes, "Kill the head and the body dies." All China needs to do is seize the center of power, the capital and its leaders.



Why is Taiwan worth fighting for?

To anyone who looks at a map of the region, the reasons are obvious. Taiwan's strategic location makes it extremely valuable. The Taiwan Strait is a critical sea lane, and taking Taiwan would allow China to choke off international commercial shipping, especially oil, to Japan and South Korea, should it ever decide to do so. In addition, Taiwan serves as a vital window for US intelligence collection.






Japan is another element in the equation, and it could intervene. Many argue that if China takes Taiwan, both Japan and South Korea would quickly develop and deploy nuclear weapons - probably in a few months. Losing the Taiwan Strait to China and facing a militarily adventuresome Beijing would send shock waves throughout the region. If Japan chose to intervene, it has nine squadrons of F-15 fighters to throw into the fight. Japan's naval arm could engage Chinese naval forces with close to 50 destroyers, 10 frigates, and 16 submarines.



山崎拓氏「私を早く公認して」 谷垣総裁に切々直訴






