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Has capitalism failed the world?

2013年07月01日 01時06分55秒 | Weblog
Has capitalism failed the world?
Former financial regulator Lord Adair Turner discusses the role of banks, the politics behind austerity, and capitalism.
Head to Head Last Modified: 29 Jun 2013 10:16


Adair Turner: The Clearest Explanation of the Cause of Financial Crisis
Written by Mira Tekelova on . Posted in Options for Banking Reform

But extreme though it is, there are modern economists who believe that the Chicago Plan is a feasible model for real world policy. Indeed in an IMF working paper published in august this year, entitled ‘The Chicago Plan Revisited’ Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof have argued that a transition to a 100% money banking system is both desirable and possible, and that it could and should be accompanied by a dramatic write-down of existing household debts, removing in one fell swoop the vulnerability to financial and macroeconomic instability created by high levels of household leverage.

お金ができる仕組み。銀行の詐欺システム money as debt

1Our Crazy Money System

What is Full Reserve Banking?


 Adair Turner氏は、国の経済規模に比較して、金融システムが肥大化しすぎたという認識はもちつつも、、ナローバンク論に与しない(35:00 及び、PDF )。もっとも、そのその趣旨を活かした規制をすべきである、と。


