Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

South Koreans are ashamed of being South Koreans・・・for the first time?

2016年10月30日 02時39分49秒 | Weblog

South Korea is no stranger to political corruption scandals — almost every president has been tainted by one — but this time feels different to some analysts.

“There’s been corruption around the center of power throughout South Korean political history, but they have involved family members or people close to the president, but not the actual president,” said Shin of Myongji University.

“I can only think of two ways for Park Geun-hye to get out of this situation: She can propose a grand-coalition government or promise to step down after a constitutional amendment [allowing her to cede power] is passed,” he said.

Park’s five-year term runs until the end of next year.

The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper and an influential conservative voice, was similarly damning.

“This is no ordinary lame-duck phenomenon. This is a complete collapse of a president's ability to run a government,” it said in an editorial this week, calling on her to dissolve her government secretariat and appoint a caretaker prime minister.

“The only way open to her is to pull out of government and put the public good first,” it wrote. “Many people are ashamed for her. It is time she was, too.”







