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Trump is America

2016年11月10日 04時12分53秒 | Weblog


Allen believes that Trump’s anti-political correctness rhetoric makes far more sense in the context of TV, where there’s often criticism of elites and professional sectors.
Television also tends to have a greater focus on the potential dangers of crime and terrorism than print media. “TV news spends a lot more time on chasing bad guys and reporting on bad guys than print media does,” says Allen. Indeed, studies have shown that those who watch a large amount of TV are more likely to feel a greater threat from crime, and that the crime shown on TV is more violent and dangerous than real-world crime.
Not only does Trump better fit the narratives that often shape TV news, he also suits the language of television. Allen believes that the linguistic complexity of TV news is several grades below that of print news. And so Trump, whose speeches are at a fourth-grade level, is quite literally speaking the language of television.


A reality shaped by television

という言い方が面白いと思いましたね。reality というと物理的な世界を考えちゃうんだけど、物理的世界以上の、本や雑誌によって形成される”現実”テレビやラジオによって形づくられる”世界”というのが存在し、そうした、情報世界は、人間によって作られ、消費され、また、共有され、消費する人間にとっては、実在の表象というより、そのまま、”現実”のように認識されるんでしょうね。

As a wise comedian says, we must own Trump — he didn't fall from the sky and, yes, he is a reflection our nation


Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist.

Research by Marc Hetherington and Jonathan Weiler has shown that authoritarian values have been increasing among the American people for at least the last 10 years.

Trump is unapologetically ignorant.

In 2015, 28 percent of Americans reported not having read a book in the last year. According to the 2013 Pew Research Journalism Project, two-thirds of the American public watches almost no TV news.

Trump is a celebrity and reality TV show star.

Reality television is a lie and part of a culture of illusion. It is immensely popular among the American people because it serves as a distraction from their anxieties and worries as well as a way for them to live vicariously through the fictions they see on the screen. Reality television also offers the promise that a “regular” person can become famous even though he or she lacks talent.

Trump is a violence-inciting bully

As NPR has reported, “America is a world leader in gun deaths.” The United States also leads the world in mass shootings. America’s police kill more people on a daily or weekly basis than many countries’s police do in years. The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world.

Trump is a gangster capitalist.

The United States has one of the worst levels of wealth and income inequality in the world.

Trump is a racist and a bigot.

As political scientists Michael Tesler and others have documented “old-fashioned” racism is resurgent in the United States」




