Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”Britain should not try to import 'cafe drinking culture' from the continent ”

2013年01月30日 22時48分54秒 | Weblog

Polish is the second language of Britain and nearly 140,000 people living here can't speak English at all
Polish is the main language of 546,000 people in England and Wales
One in five people in London have a main language which is not English
Just 22,000 people use sign language, according to the 2011 Census
Half of people drive to work and 80% say they are in good health
PUBLISHED: 12:45 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 13:16 GMT, 30 January 2013

The 2011 Census was the first to ask how well people could speak English when this was not their main form of communication.
Figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed 138,000 residents could not speak the language at all. Some 726,000 had a weak grasp of English.

Around 1.6 million could speak the language 'well' while around 1.7 million could speak it 'very well'.
The national tongue is not the main language for about four million residents - around eight per cent of the population.




Doctors DO feel your pain, brain scans reveal - and they feel better when the treatment works
Doctors' brains were scanned while seeing patients they thought were in pain
Scans revealed that in doctors' brains, the areas activated when experiencing pain also lit up
When doctors thought they had relieved patients' pain, activity in this brain region subsided
PUBLISHED: 10:17 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 13:35 GMT, 30 January 2013

They then asked the doctors to give face-to-face interviews with two 'patients' before observing them undergoing apparently the same heat treatment. They were then asked either to treat the patient with a pain-relieving device or to take no action.・・・

When the doctors saw that the patients seemed to be in pain, there was more activation in a region of their brain that usually activates when feeling actual direct pain.



Traditional way to a better love life: Couples who stick to old-fashioned gender roles in the home have sex 20 times more per year
Couples have sex five times a month on average, U.S. researchers found
But when wife does all housework they have sex 1.6 times more a month
PUBLISHED: 05:00 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 08:21 GMT, 30 January 2013

‘Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently,’ said the study’s lead author Dr Sabino Kornrich, of the Juan March Institute in Madrid.

Men who refuse to help around the house could increase conflict in their marriage and lower their wives’ marital satisfaction,’ said Dr Kornrich.


Asda Christmas advert which showed mother doing all the work 'was NOT sexist, just accurate', rules watchdog
TV ad showed a mother doing all the work to prepare for a family Christmas
Asda commercial subject of 620 complaints to Advertising Standards Agency
Despite complaints ASA ruled the ad not sexist and 'simply reflecting real life'
PUBLISHED: 00:25 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 08:08 GMT, 30 January 2013


As a result, it said the ad ‘was not likely to be seen as condoning or encouraging harmful discriminatory behaviour, or reinforcing negative stereotypes of men or women’.
The watchdog said: ‘We acknowledged that single fathers and men with primary domestic responsibilities might find the presentation of the mother playing the central role in the Christmas preparations distasteful.’ However, it said this was unlikely to cause serious offence.
Similarly, it rejected the idea that children without mothers would suffer any serious hurt.


Prostitutes openly using Facebook and Twitter to sell sex 'are putting children at risk'
Sex workers advertise in publicly accessible posts
Twitter refuses to remove adverts as Facebook admits it can only act if users complain themselves
PUBLISHED: 08:31 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 09:06 GMT, 30 January 2013


Police have previously been advised to monitor online advertising in order to crack down on sex trafficking, but they rarely take any action against individual sex workers or their clients.


Morbid gallery reveals how Victorians took photos of their DEAD relatives posing on couches, beds and even in coffins
Post-mortem photography was popular among the middle class in the late 19th century
Some subjects had their eyes propped open to give the effect that they were still alive
PUBLISHED: 16:51 GMT, 29 January 2013 | UPDATED: 08:40 GMT, 30 January 2013



Sometimes the subject's eyes were propped open


Why we should not try to drink like the French: Cafe culture 'can be worse than bingeing'
Overall individual alcohol consumption higher in France, Spain and Portugal
Daily drinking of small amounts 'is not going to help at all,' expert say
PUBLISHED: 00:37 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 09:46 GMT, 30 January 2013

Continental cafe culture is often held up as a model of responsible drinking.
But adopting it in Britain would have a detrimental effect on the nation’s health, an expert warned yesterday.
While the UK has some of the highest levels of binge drinking in Europe, the overall amount of alcohol consumed by the average Briton is lower than that drunk by people in many continental countries.

As a result, the number of alcohol-related deaths in Britain is lower than in countries such as France, Portugal and Spain.





Loneliness of power is a myth:
Holding a lofty position 'brings people happiness by making them feel more like their true selves'
Powerful people can make more decisions based on their own beliefs
They therefore feel like they are being true to themselves, research found
Powerful employees were 26 per cent more satisfied with their jobs
Tel Aviv University found power plays less role in friendships and romance
PUBLISHED: 18:07 GMT, 29 January 2013 | UPDATED: 01:37 GMT, 30 January 2013



The happiness discrepancy was less pronounced for friendships and relationships because, said the researchers, friendships are associated with a sense of community rather than hierarchy, and having power in such situations is less important.

友情で大事なのは上下関係というより仲間意識なので、権力をもっていても、友情や親交については、幸福度がとくに強い、ということはなかった、。・・・・という意味ではないのか? とすれば、やっぱ、他の人より、孤独なんじゃないの?


