Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年03月18日 11時55分31秒 | Weblog
Children left behind by deported parents have become the new face of the campaign. Borrowing a page from the civil rights movement, supporters have taken their cause to churches.
By Dahleen Glanton
March 10, 2009


Following the Panorama programme on BBC 1 (Monday, 9-03-2009), a campaign in support for amnesty for so called ' illegal immigrants' in the UK has began.

Already 19 British MPs and the Mayor of London have thrown their big weights behind this charitable move.

Over 750,000 precious lives are suffering in the UK due to harsh immigration laws. Most of these people are very hard working and law abiding fellow human beings who are being made to live like second class citizens.


Immigrant amnesty would be wrong, says Kent MP
"The experience of other countries like Spain and Italy is that the long term impact is for it to encourage even more illegal immigrants."


No ‘green card’ for long-term OFWs in CNMI
03/11/2009 | 08:16 PM

GARAPAN, Saipan – No “green card" or US permanent residency status will be granted to overseas Filipino workers and other foreign laborers by virtue of their years of legal employment in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) when the transition to federal immigration begins on June 1, 2009.

This is according to Michael Aytes, acting deputy director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, who is currently in the CNMI capital of Saipan.

“Temporary workers will not getpermanent residence simply because they worked here for a period of years," he told GMANews.TV.

Doca, who is also the president of the Pilipino Contract Workers Association (Pilcowa), said workers are still hoping they will be granted a better immigration status once the transition period begins.

He said this is especially true among those who have US citizen children and who may be asked to leave the CNMI if they don’t have a legal employment in the CNMI once the transition begins.

Chinese meatworkers investigated in immigration crackdown
Mar 12, 2009 11:22pm

The department says the raids were sparked by information about a labour hire intermediary allegedly bringing Chinese people to Australia and giving them fake identities so they could work unlawfully at meatworks.

It says more than 30 people have already been caught working without a valid visa or in breach of visa conditions


, March 12, 2009
Nigerian woman loses 'family unity' deportation case
A YOUNG Nigerian woman, whose two sisters were born here and are Irish citizens and whose mother has been permitted to stay here until 2012, has lost her High Court attempt to halt her deportation on grounds of the principle of family unity.

It was regrettable the decision meant the woman would now have to be removed from the country and that deportation will bar her from any return here, the judge added.

He said emotional ties between her and her siblings will have to be expressed by visits by them to her in Nigeria.

In her High Court proceedings, the woman argued she was entitled to remain here in light of Article 41 of the Constitution on protection of the family, and Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), providing for respect for family life and the home.

Mr Justice Charleton said he could not see how having an Irish sister gives a foreign citizen any constitutional or statutory right to come and live in Ireland.

He also found no substantial reasons to support the woman’s entitlement to assert family life rights under the ECHR.


Most Europeans, Americans want jobless immigrants to leave: Poll
Kate Kelland , Reuters
Published: Monday, March 16, 2009

Attitudes to immigration harden in Finland -HS/TNS poll
17.3.2009 at 11:18

The Finnish public´s attitudes to immigration have hardened over the past two years, national daily Helsingin Sanomat quoted a poll as indicating on Tuesday.

According to the poll carried out for the paper by Taylor Nelson Sofres, about 45 per cent of the public would welcome an increase in immigration, compared with some 56 per cent returned by a similar poll conducted in January 2007.

About 44 per cent of the respondents said they were against an increase in immigration, up from some 36 per cent two years ago.

TNS interviewed 1,000 people in early March. The market research company puts the margin of error at three percentage points either way.(魚拓)


New immigration rules leave Christians confused

by Anne Thomas
Posted: Monday, March 16, 2009, 8:42 (GMT)
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New immigration rules mean that foreign Christian musicians and missionaries to the UK could be deported if they are not sponsored by a licensed organisation and obtain the necessary visas.

So essentially you can stay [in the UK] as a tourist for six months, but if you want to volunteer some of your time working in a soup kitchen, you have to have a work visa.


